Chapter 18: You're Having My Baby

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~ Caroline's Pov ~

"That's pretty much all that's been happening." I say to my mom over the phone. I've been talking to her for an hour, I told her about Mia and the baby and the engagement.

"Wow. That's a lot." My mom replies through the phone. "And you have no idea who the girl's parents are?"

"No. She doesn't even know. Do you think you could-"

"I'll run a security check on the last name and let you know what comes up." I smile.

"Thanks Mom." I say as I grab a jar of penutbutter from the cabinet.

"Anyway, how's my grandbaby doing?" My mom asks.

"She's good."

"She? It's a girl?" My mom practically squeals.

"I think so. Klaus wants it to be a girl, I don't mind really."

"Wow, Caroline. I thought that I'd never get to do this with you." She says happily.

"Me too. This is supposed to be impossible you know, but somehow it happened. I'm actually really excited." I say and she laughs softly.

"You sound so happy Caroline. I'm glad. Look I have to go sweetheart but keep me updated, I wanna know about every ultrasound and every little kick, everything."

"You got it." I say as I shovel a spoonful of penutbutter into my mouth.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too Mom." I say and hang up. I look down at my stomach and gasp. Holy shit. What happened?!

"What's wrong?! What happened?!" Klaus demands as he speeds into the kitchen. My stomach is covered by the counter so I step around to a clear view and his eyes widen. "How far along are you again?" He asks while staring at my newly enlarged belly.

"Barely a month." I say. "Destiny?" I call out and she speeds down to us, her stomach grew too. "What's happening?" I ask mentioning to our stomachs.

"The pregnancy is accelerated, I thought that much would be obvious?" She says with a raised eyebrow.

"I knew conception was accelerated but I thought we had nine months."

"Nope. Five and the baby's full term." She explains and I look down at my now five month sized stomach. "I can tell you the sex if you want?" She asks and I look to Klaus.

"Do you want to know?" I ask and he nods. I smile. "Me too."

"Let's to this. Go into the living room, I'll show you on the TV. It's like a witchy sonogram." She says making me giggle. Klaus and I walk hand in hand to the living room while Destiny goes to get Kol and Elijah. I lie on the couch with my head resting on Klaus' lap, he plays mindlessly with my hair and smiles down at me with one hand resting on my stomach.

"What're you thinking about?" I ask.

"The baby. You. Us. Life." He says with an amused sigh at the end. "I never thought I could have this, especially not with you...yet here we are." He says sweetly.

"I know, it's so surreal. And now we're going to find out the sex." I say excited, Klaus smiles and laughs softly. He presses his lips to my forehead then sits back up. Just as we pull apart Destiny, Kol and Elijah enter the room.

"Ah brother, Ms Forbes." Elijah greets.

"It's Caroline Lijah." Klaus corrects.

"Until she becomes my sister-in-law, then she shall remain; Ms Forbes." He says very gentlemanly.

"Okay let's get this baby show on the road." Destiny says and moves over to me. She kneels down beside me and pulls my t-shirt up to reveal my swollen abdomen. She places her hands over the bump, the tv screen turns on and displays the inside of my womb. It looks just like a regular sonogram; black and white and showing the outline of a baby...that's my Klaus' hand takes hold of mine and my heart picks up speed.

"Oh my god." I whisper.

"It's a girl."Destiny says and I look at her.

"A girl?" Klaus asks before I can. She nods.

"A girl." She smiles at us. A tear falls from my eye, I'm going to have a daughter. I feel something wet fall on my forehead, I look up at Klaus...a tear trickles down his cheek, his eyes filled to the brim. I sit up and press my lips to his.

"We're going to have a daughter." I say as we pull away and rest our foreheads against each other's. Klaus lowers his head to my stomach, he kisses our daughter and lets a tear fall onto my stomach. She kicks me hard. "Ooh, take it down a notch sweetie." I say and she kicks me softer.

"My Princess, I promise I will protect you. I'll never let anyone hurt you." He says and she kicks again. "I love you." He whispers. Suddenly there's a print of a tiny hand on my stomach. Klaus pulls back and stares. "Is that?" He asks and looks at Destiny who appears just as shocked as he is. He presses his hand against my stomach. I smile at him and watch him move his hand and kiss the print of our daughter's hand. It moves away when he pulls back and kisses my forehead.

"Okay, my turn." Destiny says and I move off the couch. She lies down where I was and Kol sits where Klaus was, she does what I did and rests her head on his lap. "Um Caroline, I'm gonna need your help." She says and I kneel next to her. "Okay give me your hands." I put my hands out, she takes them in hers and closes her eyes. Suddenly a river of gold light flows through her veins and transfers to mine. I stare wide eyed at the our glowing hands, then she pulls away and a wave of warmth washes over me. "Okay, go nuts." She says and I stare confused. "I gave you magic." She smiles and I look at Klaus.

"I'm a witch now?" I ask.

"No, no. It's only temporary so you can do the spell. I want to see my baby please." She says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Um, how?" I ask.

"Right, so you put your hands on my stomach and you try to picture the baby." She instructs while lifting her shirt so her large stomach is revealed, its larger than mine despite us being as far along as each other. "Then move your hands around to feel the baby. Trust me, you'll feel it." She says and I nod. I move my hands over the top of her stomach and close my eyes, I can feel heartbeats under my palms. I can see the baby...oh my god.

~ Destiny's  Pov ~

Caroline's eyes open suddenly before the image has a chance to come up and she removes her hands quickly. "What is it? What's wrong? Is it the baby?" Kol demands and Caroline looks to Klaus for help then back to us.

"Um...Not baby." She says and I raise my eyebrow.

"What do you mean; not baby?" I ask and she takes in a breath.

"Babies." She says and my eyes widen.

"As in, twins?" I ask and she nods. My heartbeat quickens and I look up at Kol. He has a proud smirk spread across his face, what's this about?

"Niklaus, I believe I am entitled to my compensation." Kol says, Klaus groans and tosses him a wad of cash.

"You bet on our babies?" I inquire sternly.

"Darling it was only because I knew I was going to win. I could hear three heartbeats, yours and the babies', it was just a tossup between you and Caroline." He says and kisses my forehead.

"Did you see the sex?" I ask Caroline who has a smile on her face.

"Oh um no I didn't, I'll do that now." She says and places her hands back on my stomach. This time the image of two babies huddled in close proximity appears on the tv screen.

"There they are." I whisper.

"Two boys." She says and my heart stops.

"Boys?" I ask, my heart now swelling with excitement.

"Two perfectly healthy boys." She says and a tear falls from my eye. Kol stares at the tv screen, his face in awe of the image before him. Our babies. 

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