Chapter 1- Broken

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Klaus stands on the front porch of the Gilbert house, tears welling in his eyes as they focus on his brother's burning body. Kol wasn't supposed to die...daggered maybe but never death, only long enough for Klaus to obtain the cure so he could destroy it only to be reunited with his youngest brother in time. His eyes leave his brother's body and land on the fear stricken Gilbert siblings. "What did you do!?" Klaus demands, rage prevalent in his voice.

"We had no other choice Klaus." The doppelgänger replies anxiously. The overwhelming urge to rip their heads from their shoulders surges through him, just so he'd be done with them and all the destruction that came with them and this godforsaken town. 

"I will burn this house to the ground and when you try to flee, I will kill you without a second thought." Klaus' voice is dangerously low, his eyes burning with a fire neither of the siblings had seen before.

"If you kill us, you'll never get the cure." The hunter steps in front of his sister.

Smirking at their stupidity and futile attempt at saving their meaningless lives Klaus says, "I was never going to use the cure. I was going to destroy it. LET ME IN!" He bangs threateningly on the magic barrier that protects the Gilbert's from his rampage, they jump back in fear stumbling towards the kitchen. In a moment Klaus is doubled over in pain clutching his head, Bonnie emerges behind him.

"Let him in Jeremy." She instructs as she enters the house, the siblings look at each other in confusion; but trusting Bonnie Elena nods.

"Come in." The pain in Klaus' head subsides and he speeds into the house, rage coursing through his veins. He would make them suffer, not just for Kol but for everything and everyone they ever hurt. Elena would not have it easy...First Klaus would kill Jeremy, forcing Elena to watch as the life fades from her precious little brother's eyes. Followed by the overdue death of the Salvatore brothers, stringing those out as unpleasantly as possible; ironically the way she's treated them both. Klaus would make her beg for death, but would not give it to her.

"Go into the living room!" Bonnie yells at Elena and Jeremy, they run; turning to see Klaus following closely behind. He was mere millimetres from wrapping his hands around the doppelgänger's throat to snap her neck, just to feel an ounce of satisfaction, when suddenly a barrier separated them. He bangs against it with all his strength but it doesn't budge, Bonnie stands nearby with satisfaction spread across her face.

"Witch! Let me out! You can't do this!" He demands, tiring from his relentless efforts to escape.

"You don't know what I can do Klaus." Bonnie turns and leads the Gilbert siblings from the house, leaving Klaus alone. He paces vigorously across the living room, fuming; this is not what he had expected his night would entail, rather that he'd have Hunter for dinner. Out of the corner of his eye Klaus notices a reflective object lying under the coffee table. He turns his attention to see his brother's phone, the earbuds still wrapped lazily around its middle and a lone crack down the centre of the screen. He sits with his back against the couch and picks up the phone, he unlocks it; a picture of his brother and his siblings smiling, a genuinely happy moment Klaus only remembers too well. He slides down lower so his head is resting against the couch cushions, opening the photo gallery he swipes through thousands of photos; Klaus blinks restlessly to avoid the tears that threaten to fall. The majority of the photos comprised of Kol with numerous women, Klaus can't help but smirk at Kol's antics. Kol was the sibling who saw and seemed the fun side of eternal life, he got into horribly atrocious situations but always brought a smile to his brothers' faces, even Elijah. Klaus stops at a photo of himself and Kol at the night of the ball; arms draped around each other, smiles from ear to ear, and tucked away in the background the Rebekkah who appears to be pulling an incredulous face for what she believes is comedic affect, she is accompanied by Elijah who's face screams I wish I was adopted. Klaus stares at the picture, the tears brim his eyes but he blinks them away; refusing to allow this to get the better of him he locks the phone and looks around the room. His eyes land on his brother's body and he can no longer hold the tears back. They fall freely and this time, he just lets them go. 

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