Chapter 13: Mundane Beauty

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~Caroline's Pov~

I wake to an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I untangle Klaus from me and stand up, a wave of nausea hits me and I run to the bathroom before throwing up last nights dinner. A hand rubs my back gently and shushes me. When I'm done I sit on the edge of the bathtub and take a deep breath. "Are you alright love?" Klaus asks.

"Morning sickness, it'll go away." I say and get up to brush my teeth. Klaus leaves the bathroom as I begin to brush my teeth.

"Caroline can you come here a moment?" Klaus calls as I rinse out my mouth with mouthwash.

"Yeah." I say and walk into the bedroom to see Klaus down on one knee with a velvet box in his hands. "Oh my god." I giggle and he laughs.

"Caroline, since I met you I've been completely fascinated by you. Your the light in my darkness, my heart, my soul, the mother of my child. I love you." He says and a tear slips down my face. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He asks and I kneel down in front of him so we're face to face.

"Do you even have to ask?" I ask and kiss his lips. "Yes. Yes Klaus." I whisper breathlessly as we pull apart. He smiles widely and places the ring on my finger. I admire the beautiful stone and look back at Klaus. "I love you." I say.

"I love you."

~ Destiny's Pov ~

I've thrown up twice this morning. Ugh morning sickness is a bitch. Kol gently rubs my back as I empty my stomach once again. "How can I make this better love?" He asks softly.

"A bottle of wine, some cheese and a non stop marathon of sex and the city." I say and flush the toilet. He laughs. I close the lid and sit on it. I look at Kol who has a concerned look in his eyes. "I'll be okay." I say, reassuring him. He smiles softly at me before kissing my forehead. I clean myself up and walk out of the bathroom. Kol's sitting on the bed reading a book, I sit next to him and he looks at me. "You know we're still married." I say and Kol smiles.

"Our vows were, till death do us part. Death has already parted us love." He says and I frown.

"Well I guess we'll have to do them again." I say and he smiles widely.

"Well then. Destiny Xenopheria Mikaelson will you marry me..again."

"You promised you wouldn't say my middle name ever again." I say and laugh as does he.

"Okay I'm sorry." He says and I peck his lips quickly.

"Yes." I say and we laugh. "We should go downstairs, I'm hungry." I say and Kol laughs. "What?"

"Let's go, I'll make you breakfast." He says and I narrow my eyes at him. "What?" He asks raising his hands up in defence.

"Okay, but only because I'm hungry." I say and we walk downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Hmm. How about pancakes and waffles and bacon and eggs and-"

"Stop, we're getting hungrier." I cut him off and pout my lip.

"Okay sorry, I'll make everything and I won't tell you what it is." I smile at him.

"Okay, I'm going to go wait in the sunroom." I say and kiss his cheek before leaving the kitchen. I walk towards the sunroom but stop when I see Klaus and Caroline coming down the stairs. "Caroline! Join me in the sunroom won't you?" I ask in my poshest voice and she smiles and nods. She kisses Klaus' cheek and joins me on our way to the sunroom. "How are you feeling?" I ask.

"A little nauseous but other than that alright." She says with one arm linked in mine and the other holding her growing bump protectively.

"Me too. And my bump is growing already. I guess it's a given since we're immortal and all." I say and she chuckles lightly.

"What do you think it's going to be like?" She asks thoughtfully.

"We'll just have to wait and see." I say as we enter the sunroom. I lie down on a love seat and stretch out my legs. Caroline does the same on the other one. We lie in the sun for what feels like a few minutes until Klaus comes into the room.

"Um...breakfast won't be a moment" I open my eyes and see Klaus with flour all over his shirt and in his hair.


"Don't worry everything's fine." He says.

"Klaus!" Kol calls from the kitchen and Klaus runs off. Caroline and I look at each other quizzically then get up. We walk towards the kitchen where the sound of pots and pans clashing and falling echoes out of the room. I push open the double doors and see Klaus and Kol throwing flour at each other and banging pots together.

"What are, you, doing?" Caroline and I ask at the same time. They start laughing and we look at each other.

"Breakfast is in the dining room." Kol laughs and falls on the floor causing Klaus to burst into laughter.

"Idiots." I say to Caroline. And we walk into the dining room to see a large breakfast spread. We sit down and tuck into our food, not bothering to wait for the boys.

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