Chapter 23: Compulsion

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~ Damon's POV ~

"I mean how could she do this Damon? He must be compelling her!" Elena demands as she paces back and forth practically tearing her hair out. She ran off after Caroline announced her relationship with Klaus and she's only just come back apparently still in complete disbelief. 

"Elena, listen." I walk over and grab onto her arms to stop her spiral. "Blondie's a big girl, she can make her own decisions, she can take care of herself." She looks at me like I'm crazy. 

"It's Klaus!"

"And it's her life. They're gone Elena, out of Mystic Falls and your life for good."

"God Damon how can you be so stupid?!" She pushes me back. 

"Excuse me?" She resumes her pacing. 

"About five minutes ago Klaus was willing to end our lives to get to the cure, there's no way he's just suddenly stopped caring about it!" 

"I think you're a little blinded by your ever consuming hatred of the big bad wolf, yes he wanted to kill us buuuuuut, we wanted to kill him. And you were perfectly willing to, to uncover the rest of Jeremy's mark. Honestly it's a miracle we're not all dead right now." She ceases her pacing to scream at me. 

"How could you say that?!" 

"Elena, you let Jeremy kill his brother. Last time I checked the only person that's allowed to kill Klaus' family is Klaus. And even then it's temporary."

"They're evil Damon!"

"Elena, they left. They are out of your life for good, I can't imagine a scenario where Klaus would want to come anywhere near you ever again." 

"He'll come back to get revenge Damon! To kill me!"

"God Elena not everything is about you! They left so they could start again, just because you're not the centre of Klaus' murderous attention doesn't give you the right to shit on Caroline. Jesus Elena she's happy, she's pregnant which is im-fucking-possible! Why can't you be happy for her? She has been there for you through every single goddamn crisis, and all you do is fight for the spotlight. Get your shit together Elena." I storm out of the room. 

~ Elena's POV ~

I scream and fall backwards onto the bed. How can he not see what's happening? Caroline would never be with Klaus willingly, there's no way. I take my phone out of my pocket and open instagram to see a video of Caroline. I turn on my volume and let it play.

"New Orleans is amazing! Say hi guys!" Klaus, Kol, Elijah, Stefan, Liz and some girl I don't know come up on the screen. They all say their hi's and the video ends with Klaus kissing Caroline's cheek.

This is ridiculous. I go onto her page and scroll through her recent posts, photos of the streets, videos of street performers, and suddenly a sight that makes me literally gag. A post with three pictures, the first of Caroline and Klaus kissing with her holding her left hand up to the camera to show off an over the top engagement ring, the second one of Caroline sitting on Klaus' lap while his hand rests on her now obvious baby bump, and finally a photo of them painting a nursery with three basinets. DISGUSTING! He must be compelling her, that's the only explanation. She doesn't really want him, she doesn't want his baby. I need to help her, I need to save her from Klaus.

Bit of a short one this time, sorry for the delay but posting will pick up again shortly.

Thank you so much to those of you who are still here and reading my story, you have no idea how much it means to me


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