Chapter 31: Elena

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~ Caroline's Pov ~

Everything feels cold and grey as we step off the jet in Virginia, the sky is painted with black clouds; not a single ray of sunshine breaks through. The compelled airport workers carry the chained up coffin containing a hibernating Elena from the undercarriage of the jet and load it onto a waiting truck bound for Mystic Falls. My mom stayed back with Ada and Mia in New Orleans, leaving us to deal with Elena. Damon hasn't spoken since we boarded the jet in Louisiana, I don't think he knows what to do with himself; I know he blames himself for everything Elena's done, as if he was the one compelling her. Klaus squeezes my shoulder and lets me know it's time to go, we all pile into separate cars and make our way towards Mystic Falls.

I can't help but think back to the first time I met Elena, we were both so happy, so innocent; before life had the chance to change us; back when everything was Barbies and sleep overs. Our friendship was the one strong, constant thing in my life; with my parents constantly fighting and being left on the back burner, Elena really was all I had. When Stefan came to town, everything changed. I lost my best friend, but gained so much more. I look over at Klaus, his hand in mine and attention focused somewhere out the window. I may have lost Elena, maybe Bonnie too, but I found Klaus, I found my family.

~ Stefan's Pov ~

Damon still hasn't said anything to me since we took off, we're not far from town now. "What's going through your head?" I ask, he stares ahead. "Talk to me Damon." He stares ahead.

"I just want to get through this Stefan, let me get through this." He whispers, still staring ahead. Rebekah takes hold of my hand and runs her thumb across my knuckles, I send her a reassuring smile and turn my attention back to the road as we approach the welcome to Mystic Falls sign.

~ No Pov ~

The truck containing Elena comes to a halt nearby old Fell's church, the approaching SUVs follow suit. One by one they exit and remove the heavy casket from its chamber. A handful of compelled men exit the truck and carry the casket to the cellar as everyone solemnly greets Matt and Bonnie. Matt, despite being explained the situation more than once, doesn't understand how Elena, his Elena, could ever do something as horrible as what she did. "Matt." Caroline's voice is barely above a whisper as she pulls her friend into an embrace.

"Caroline." He says back, his voice raw. He had spent the last two days crying and cursing god, the girl he loved, the girl he was meant to end up with, tried to kill one of his best friends and her unborn baby; out of revenge. Matt hadn't heard from Caroline or Elena for a while, the last thing he expected to hear when they did speak was that. They pull apart, both of their eyes red and wet with unshed tears. "I'm so sorry."

"So am I." Bonnie appears at Caroline's side, her face emotionless.

"Hi Caroline."

"Bonnie." Caroline embraces Bonnie tightly, after a moment Bonnie begins to shake; the strong, unfeeling exterior she had tried to put on came crumbling down around her. She wraps her arms tightly around Caroline as she sobs into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Caroline."

"It's okay Bonnie."

"I can't believe it, how could she?" They separate.

"There's no asking why, there is no why that we'll understand." Klaus' hand comes to rest on Caroline's lower back as the humans reappear.

"It's time, love." Caroline nods and looks over to Damon and Stefan, Stefan nods and motions to Damon to start moving. Caroline takes Klaus and Bonnie's hands and starts to walk to the church. Everything feels like it's happening in slow motion as the group moves towards the ruins. Damon stares blankly ahead, ignoring everything and everyone around him, his whole world is going black; everything is numb and empty. And soon the only light in his dark, lonely world would be out, and he would be alone again. Destiny pushes ahead of the group and descends the steps to the cellar where Elena's casket lies. As they gather in the cellar Destiny pulls Elena from her hibernation and removes the bindings from the casket. She turns and nods at Stefan who lifts Elena's still motionless body from the casket and lays her inside the entrance of the tomb. As Stefan steps back into the cellar Elena's eyes peel open, she shakily stands and supports herself against the stone wall.

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