Chapter 32: Destiny

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~ Stefan's Pov ~

Rebekah and I lie on a picnic blanket in the field behind the house looking up at the sky laughing and talking while Mia runs around us trying to catch butterflies with a little net and jar Elijah got her. I feel at peace, a peace I haven't felt since I was human; I feel alive. I take Rebekah's hand in mine and squeeze it gently. 

"What's on your mind?" She asks leaning on her elbow and looking down at me, a sweet smile on her face. It's nice seeing her so calm, almost odd to see her happy; I like it. 

"I feel like I shouldn't be as happy as I am right now. It's too, perfect." She leans over me, her hands on either side of my face. 

"We deserve to be happy Stefan, we're allowed to have little perfect things." I tuck a strand of her hand behind her ear.

"How about big perfect things? That can't possibly be allowed." She rolls her eyes and smiles. 

"Oh certainly not, but what are rules if not for breaking?" I smile at her and lean up to connect our lips. Suddenly we're interrupted by a joyful screech, we look over to see Mia with a happy grin on her face and a bright orange butterfly in her net. 

"I got one! I got one! Look, look, look!" She runs over to show us. 

"Wow, look at that! Great job." I say and sit her on my lap. 

"What are we going to do with it sweetheart?" Rebekah asks.

"Let it go back to its family." Mia says and opens up the net and the butterfly flies out and lands on her little nose. "Hello missus butterfly." She says to the butterfly, I smile at her and I hear a clicking noise; I look over to Rebekah with her phone in hand and a sweet smile on her lips.

"I want this moment forever." She smiles at Mia and I, the butterfly flies away and we watch as it disappears into the field. 

"Bekah!" Caroline calls from the house. She stands up so she can see her. "Destiny's water broke! The babies are coming!" She shouts and Bekah gasps, she looks back down at us with a big smile on her face. 

"Aunty Destiny's going to have the babies now darling." She says to Mia who squeals happily. 

"Go, we'll see you inside." I say and she kisses my cheek, in a second she's gone and Mia and I are left to pack up.

~ Kol's Pov ~

I'm hyperventilating, am I hyperventilating? Can vampires hyperventilate? Oh my god, I'm going to be a dad, again, but ours, really ours, oh my god.  Elijah places his hands on my shoulders to stop me pacing around the room. 

"Deep breath Nikolai, relax you're not the one having the babies." 

"Have a drink and relax brother." Klaus hands me a glass of amber liquid while he rocks Ada in his other arm. 

"I'm going to be a father."

"It's a bit late to panic brother." Elijah says as he ushers me to an armchair. 

"Mhm." I say then down the contents of my glass. Destiny shrieks in pain from the other room. I stand up quickly my glass falling from my hand and shattering on the floor. "Oh god." 

"This family has a horrendous habit for shattering perfectly good glasses." Elijah moans as per usual. I speed out of the room and bang on our bedroom door where Destiny is currently groaning in agony. 

"Darling please, let me in." Her magic prevents me from opening the door, she groans again. "Destiny!" The door swings open, I see her on her knees holding on to the bed post, Caroline and Rebekah are beside her with a basin of hot water and towels ready. 

"Kol if you're going to be here you're going to make yourself useful!" Rebekah demands. "Hold her hand you bastard." I rush over to her and sit on the edge of the bed so she can lean on my lap. 

"You're doing wonderfully sweetheart." I whisper to her and kiss her forehead. She grits her teeth together and squeezes my hands tightly as she pushes hard. 

"His head is out! You're almost there, one more!" Caroline says and she pushes again, suddenly a shrill cry fills the room and my heart drops to my stomach. My son. Destiny turns around quickly so she's sitting on the floor, Caroline cuts the cord then places the baby on Destiny's chest. I slide off the bed and wrap my arms around her and our son as we both cry. 

"Hello darling." She whispers and kisses his forehead. "Aunty Bekah's going to get you all nice and clean my darling." She kisses him again and passes him off to Bekah, Destiny groans in pain again. 

"Oh wow I can already see his head, you ready?" Destiny nods and turns to face me, we hold on to each other as she pushes and cries through the pain. Another push and she's done, I look into her eyes; swimming with emotion, this woman is my past present and future, I love her above all else. His cry brings us back to reality, she turns again and Caroline cuts his cord and once again places him on Destiny's chest. I kiss her forehead again and hug them tightly against me. Bekah takes him as Caroline helps Destiny onto the bed. I rush off after Bekah into the nursery where the boys are now clean and wrapped up in blankets. I look down at my sons in the crib. 

"They're beautiful Kol." Bekah says a sweet smile on her face. I wrap an arm around her and hug her, we pull apart and pick up a baby each to bring back to Destiny. I stare down at the tiny bundle in my arms, who knew I could feel so much love so suddenly. I sit against the headboard next to Destiny, still staring at our son, as Bekah hands our son to her. I kiss her forehead and look between the boys. "Do you have names?" 

"Sebastian and Finn." Destiny smiles up at Bekah. 

"It suits them." Caroline says from her place at the foot of the bed. Elijah, Klaus and Stefan enter the room and gather around the bed. 

"Thank god, they look like Destiny." Klaus jokes and I shoot him a bored look. 

"You're so funny." I mockingly say back then smile back at Destiny who nudges me. 

"We're parents." She says leaning her head against my shoulder. 

"At last." I say and kiss her head. 

~ Destiny's Pov ~

Three weeks have passed since we arrived back in New Orleans and three days since Sebastian and Finn came into the world, Caroline has been a little less herself; she's worried about Damon, I think everyone is a bit, no one knows where he is or why he left. No one but me...

- Three Weeks Earlier -

"Can I uh, can I ask you a favour?" Damon's hand grasps Destiny's arm lightly as the others walk towards the church.

"Of course, although I feel as though I know what you're going to ask already." He releases her arm and runs a hand through his hair. "They won't let you do it Damon."

"Which is why you can't say anything, when we get back to New Orleans I'm leaving; they won't see me again. I've said my goodbyes, please I can't..." Tears fill his eyes, he looks away. "I can't live without her...Please." She stares into his eyes, the eyes of a man who's heart hasn't been his for a long time, who's heart is about to be crushed before his very eyes and locked in a tomb to die. She sees in his eyes the pain she saw in Kol's when she left, the pain she saw in her own when she saw his desiccating corpse in Mystic Falls at their reunion.

"Twenty years." She says. "The barrier will stand for twenty years you can't get in until it's down, as soon as twenty years to the minute is over, she dies." She smiles sadly. "And so will you." 

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