Chapter 1

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"I can't believe you pulled this off, Harry. I have never seen Jeff spending money on a holiday for his new stars. It's impressive what you can make the man do." Olivia says to Harry when they are together on the plane.

"What can I say? The UK-leg was sold out and I reached number one in several countries. It's the least he could do after what he has done to me. Also, I write better when I'm in Spain. My muse is over there." Harry says while he is looking at a picture on his phone.

"Louis?" Olivia asks.

Harry nods. "Yes, yes Louis. I'm so nervous. Do you think he will be happy to see me?" Harry is really nervous about seeing the boy that hasn't left his mind and heart for a second.

"I don't know, Harry. I mean he probably thinks you moved on. I can't imagine he is happy when he sees his ex entering the place he works together with his girlfriend. I know I wouldn't. I'd freak out. " Olivia explains.

"You are not my girlfriend, Liv. You are pretending to be. That's different. I love you, but like an older sister."

Right after Louis left videos from Harry and Louis were circulating around the internet. They aren't clear but you can see Harry pressing his lips against Louis'. Of course Jeff had only one option to stop the gay rumours and that was a beard. And that's how Olivia made her way in Harry's life.

At first Harry refused to talk to the older blond girl. She wasn't Louis. But when Harry found out that she really didn't want anything from him, he started to open up to her. She also wasn't over her ex and took this job to make him jealous but get over him at the same time.

Olivia joined Harry on his tour. Of course Harry protested at first but in the end he was happy to have her there. She was his shoulder to cry on when he thought about Louis. This was every single day. Niall couldn't come with him so at least he had someone to cry with. She didn't push Harry. She gave him space and let him talk about his real love. She doesn't judge Harry for being gay. She just holds his hand and kisses him when they are in public. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I know that, Haz. But Louis doesn't. If I understand well what happened between the two of you, stunts like I am is exactly the reason why he left. I don't think it will be easy. I don't want to give you false hope and see you broken again. I still remember when I first met you. You looked horrible. I never want to see you again like this. I care about you like my little brother, don't forget that."

"I don't need protection from Louis. I can't wait to see him. He has to forgive me. I need him." A tear escapes Harry's eye when he thinks about the boy. He loves him so much. Every day without him is hell.

"I don't say you need protection. I say you have to take care. It has been a month. You don't know what Louis is feeling. Maybe he even has someone else." Olivia tries to make her friend realise that Louis probably won't be jumping right in Harry's arms when he arrives. Harry has this thought stuck in his mind but Olivia knows this won't happen. She has heard a lot of stories about the boy and it doesn't sound like something he would do.

"Don't say that. He is not with anyone else. Louis is mine." Harry's voice is as cold as ice when he speaks and his jaw clenches. The jealousy is dripping from his voice.

"But he is not anymore, Haz. You have to work to build his trust. Your issues won't be solved within a day. If it is like this then I am really so happy for you but I doubt it. I really want the two of you back together almost as badly as you want but it will take a lot of time and energy. I know you are willing to do anything to get Louis back but... Have you ever considered what you are going to do when he actually comes back? Have you planned that far? Because he won't be your secret, Haz. He will refuse this." Olivia is showing Harry the facts. Where Harry is more of a dreamier person, she is realistic. It's good sometimes. She makes sure Harry stays in reality and doesn't drift off to his perfect pink loving planet.

"If I have Louis back I will do anything to keep him. I'm not letting him go, ever. He belongs to me. He is my soulmate, Liv. I would give up everything if he asks me to. He is everything to me. I love him to death and if that means I have to pay a huge fine or lose my career so be it. I can't go through losing him ever again. I'm not leaving that fucking island without my Lou. " Harry has never been this committed in his life. He means every single word he said. He has been living one month without Louis and he can't be like this for the rest of his life.

"I pray for you, Harry. A love as strong as yours deserves everything. I'll support you no matter what." Olivia pets the back of the younger boy and Harry gives her a thankful smile.

"Thank you, Olivia. I'm glad you are my beard. I'm glad we are friends. If you don't mind I'm going to sleep now for a bit. I don't need dark circles under my eyes when I see Louis for the first time." Harry leans his head against the window of the airplane.

Olivia chuckles and lays her head on Harry's shoulder. "Have a good nap, Haz. You'll see your boy in two hours..."

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