Chapter 18

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"This tree is absolutely beautiful." Louis says when Harry turned off all the lights in the house. "Not as beautiful as you are." Harry's is hugging Louis from behind. His head is leaning on the smaller boys' shoulders when he whispered those words.

"I forgot how sappy and disgustingly cute you are." Louis turns around and presses his lips on Harry's. "Shut up, you love it." Harry says in the kiss. "Never said I didn't." Louis says sassily right after their lips disconnect and giving Harry a playful slap on his ass. "Tease." Harry murmurs under his breath. Louis winks at him, walking towards the kitchen. It's time to bake the cookies.

"Lou, I don't think you should add that much sugar." Harry looks at his boyfriend who is adding the full back into the dough.

"I like my cookies like my boyfriend... Very sweet." Louis winks at Harry. "And you call me sappy and disgustingly cute?" Harry walks up to Louis and kisses his forehead.

"Yeah, I do. Want to try the dough?" Louis puts his finger in the bowl and puts it on Harry's face.

"Can you not attack me for once? Because you know I will have to attack you back."

"Bad luck. We need the rest of the dough for the cookies." Louis gives Harry a confident smirk. "But I'll help you." Louis starts to lick every single piece of dough of Harry's face. He quickly puts his finger in the bowl again and puts it on Harry's neck, starting to kiss and suck over there.

"Louis..." Harry moans. The smaller guy stops and looks innocently at Harry. "We should take a shower when those cookies are in the oven." Harry bites his lips and starts taking the small figures to shape the cookies.

"Let's hurry up then and get them in."

It's almost five and Harry and Louis just got dressed. Let's say they took quite some time showering.

"Are you excited for the party?" Harry asks while playing with Louis' hair. They are waiting on the couch for their friends to arrive.

"I'm just glad I get to spend it with you." Louis snuggles closer into Harry. "Me too, Lou. Couldn't imagine not spending the holidays with you."

The boys cuddle session gets interrupted by the doorbell. "Let's go open together." Louis stands up and grabs Harry's hand. He pulls him to the front door.

"Hey guys!" Dani, Zayn and Olivia are standing in front of the door." "Hey! Please come in." Harry opens the door more and lets the 3 friends inside. "Oh, Harry. I still have something in my car. Mind picking it up for me? It's in my trunk." Zayn asks. Harry shakes his head and walks towards the car.

When he opens Zayn's trunk, a loud scream escapes Harry's mouth!

"Hey Haz!"

"Roxy! And... Fucking Niall!" Niall and Roxy jump out of the car and hug Harry. "Come! Louis has to know you two are here!" Harry grabs both their hands and run back into the house.

"Relax, Haz. He knows we are. He fixed it, being sure you would like me to be with you for Christmas. Oh and did you forget to mention to your best friend that you are back together, huh Styles! I should have been the first one to fucking know as captain of your ship! " Niall slaps Harry's arm and Harry rubs it painfully. "Aaaah! Niall! No need to slap me! And you are the first one, okay? We haven't told the others yet." Niall nods proudly. "Better."

Louis hugs Roxy and Niall tightly when they enter the house, saying hello's and telling each other how they were missing the other.

"You made Niall fly over." Harry says quietly when the others are all putting their gifts under the tree.

"It was a bit last minute but yeah... I wanted to make it perfect for you and I know how much Niall means to you. He's like Zayn to me." Harry pecks Louis' lips. "Being with you makes everything perfect. I love you, Lou." "Love you too, Hazza."

The boys are sitting on the couch playing videogames while Dani, Olivia and Roxy are cooking Christmas dinner.

"It's good to see you again, blondie!" Zayn's slaps Niall softly. "It's good to see you again as well DJ Malik." Both boys are competing against each other. The friendly words disappear quickly in 'YOU CHEATER' and 'YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT'. Harry and Louis look both amused at their friends and then look at the kitchen. Dani, Olivia and Roxy are happily chatting to each other while chopping vegetables.

"This is so perfect." Harry whispers watching all his and Louis' close friends in one room. "It is... It's like after 8 years I finally have a home again. You are home, Hazza." Louis' eyes go from Harry's beautiful green orbs to his lips and softly he connects his with them.

Both boys look up when they hear a loud shriek. "AAAAH! OMG YOU ARE TOGETHER AGAIN!" Dani drops the spoon she was holding and jumps around.

"Yeah, yeah we are." Harry grabs Louis' hand and it makes him feel so loved.

"Why are you shocked, Dani? Haven't you seen them yesterday? We were there but that's it. Curly and shorty only had eyes for each other." Zayn grins.

"I'm not short!" Louis snaps.

"Yes you are, Lou. But that's okay. It's cute." Harry kisses Louis' temple but the smaller boy rolls his eyes. He hates being called short.

"Well guys, stop fighting. Food is ready." Olivia puts the food on the table and it smells absolutely amazing. The boys run to the table and they start eating like the animals they are.

The food was amazing and Niall being part of the dinner, everything is finished and there is nothing left.

"I've got hot chocolate with cookies!" Harry brings everybody mugs of chocolate milk while Louis gives out the cookies.

"Those cookies are soooo good!" Niall says taking immediately another one. "They are not bad but they are really sweet. How much sugar did you use?" Olivia asks.

"The full pack." Louis nods proudly. Zayn shakes his head fondly. "I knew from the first bite this was Louis' work. They are good, mate. I like them."

"Thanks, Z."

The friends talk a bit until it's time for the presents. Everybody bought something small for everybody. Now it's time for Harry and Louis to open each other's present.

"Okay, Lou. I need you to close your eyes." Harry says to the smaller boy. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't look!" Niall puts his hand over Louis' eyes and Harry quickly takes the surprise out of the guest room where he hid it.

"Okay, open."

A huge smile appears on Louis' face when he sees the present. "You bought me a new guitar! Hazza, that's perfect!" Louis hugs his boyfriend and pecks his lips.

"You were saying that yours was getting old and that the sound was bad so... I hope you like it."

Louis nods and takes the guitar in his hands happily, playing some chords. "It's amazing, babe." He puts the guitar down and then takes a golden envelope. Harry's name is written in a curly writing.

Harry opens and his heart is beating out of his chest. "Two tickets for the boat trip we did in summer. Louis that trip was really expensive, you shouldn't have..." Harry looks at his boyfriend with big eyes.

"I wanted to... I'd like to take you out and redo our first date..."

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