Chapter 5

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When Louis wakes up from his nap it's almost time to get dinner. He quickly takes a shower, picks a set of clothes for the night and brushes his teeth. There is literally nothing worse than the smell of his breath after taking a nap.

Zayn and Louis walk towards the restaurant together in silence. They don't have to stand in front of the restaurant anymore. That's only a thing they do in summer when the hotel is fully booked. Right now they time to eat in peace and Louis loves it. He would die if he had to stand in front of the restaurant right now. Seeing Harry and his girlfriend walk passed him two times a day? No thank you. He is fine.

"I want to eat in the staff restaurant." Louis breaks the silence between them. "Staff restaurant? Louis the food is shit." Zayn complains.

Entertainers are the only ones allowed to eat in the main restaurant with the guests. It's because they have to been a lot. The people in the hotel like them and are happy when they see the entertainment team.

"I'd rather have shitty food then see mister popstar. Please join me, Z." Louis looks up to his best friend with puppy eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that, Tomlinson. It doesn't work. I'm hungry and I need proper food. I don't want 3 days old chicken with overcooked broccoli." Zayn makes a disgusted face when he remembers the last time he ate in the staff restaurant. The food is awful. He isn't even sure it is legal to serve food like that.

"If it's too horrible I promise I will order pizza later for you. My treat. Come on, Zaynie." Zayn sighs and he nods. "But know Tomlinson I will pick every single topic to make you pay."

Louis and Zayn take place at one of the tables in the staff restaurant. Louis has some bread and mashed potatoes on his plate. These are the only things that won't make him sick later. He can't wait till he orders the pizza.

"I tell you, Sheila. I was such a huge fan of him but he is a dick." A blond girl with bright blue eyes that Louis knows from reception tells her friend.

Louis listens to the conversation of two girls who are sitting the table next to him.

"Come on, Lizzie. This is Harry Styles we are talking about. He is an angel sent from heaven." The other girl argues back.

This name makes Louis' heart stop and he can't help but start eavesdropping.

"An angels? He was so rude! He totally flipped because he didn't have the room he wanted. I don't even get it. It wasn't even a suite or something he booked. It was a regular room and he flipped like a mad man. I explained him that the room he has now is exactly the same. It has the same view, facilities,... You know? But no he started screaming like 'I want room 456, room 456'. It wasn't until his girlfriend came that he calmed down a bit. She sent him away to her room. Oh yeah! Did you know that Harry and Olivia sleep in different rooms? Isn't that weird? I mean... They are worlds best known couple and they don't even share a room!" The blond girl is clearly is gossip mode.

Louis' focus is 100% on the conversation of the two girls. Harry and Olivia don't share a room? Harry freaked about because he wanted the room from last time? Where they shared their special moments? Their first kiss, first made love,... Louis doesn't get it. Why would Harry want all of that? Why would he freak out? It's confusing Louis and when the smaller boy watches the face of his friend, he expresses the same confusion. They stop staring at each other when they hear the other girl talk.

"Maybe they don't share a room because Harry wants to wait till marriage to have sex. I don't think he is as mean and rude as you say. All his songs are cute and about love and treating people with kindness." Sheila is clearly a die hard Harry fan.

"Harry Styles is an asshole. He is rude, selfish, cruel and a baby. I don't get why I ever was a fan. I should have seen the signs when he beat that one guy up a month ago." Lizzie says, voice filled with hate.

Something inside Louis snaps when he hears what the blond girl just said.

"You don't know Harry so shut up. He is none of those things. He is an amazing and beautiful human. Oh and believe me when I say he had a billion of reasons to beat that guy last month. He isn't a violent monster." Louis interrupts the conversation of the two girls, making them and Zayn look up confused.

"Who the fuck are you even? Like you know Harry." The blond girl scuffs.

"Well... In a matter of fact I do know him, very well actually. Don't call him those names. He had a reason to be pissed at you. He requested a room, he got a confirmation he would get it and in the end that's not the case. It's not his fucking fault you don't know how to do your fucking job. Don't judge him. You don't know him." If eyes could shoot the young receptionist would have been dead at least ten times.

"How do you even know him? He is famous and you are just a stupid entertainer." The blonde is challenging Louis. She must be knew in the hotel. Everybody knew about Harry and him in summer.

"He went here on holiday earlier this year." Louis breaks eye contact with the girl and looks now at his fingers.

The other receptionist, Sheila, whispers something in the other girls ear. The blond one gasps and looks at Louis.

"Oh god. Euhm.. I'm sorry I guess. I didn't know you and Harry used to..." Guilt washes over the girl and she gives Louis a look saying that she is sorry.

"It doesn't matter if we dated or not. You should never judge a person like you just did, for sure not Harry. You don't know him. He is really sweet. Just because you saw him beating up a guy on tv and lashing out because of the room doesn't mean you know him. He is not that person. Don't ever say one bad word about him. He is an angel." Louis can't help but defend Harry. He loves him and knows him. Harry is not a bad person and it pisses him off people say otherwise.

"You must be Louis then..." The girl says making eye contact with Louis.

"Yeah, yeah I am why?" Louis is confused. How does this girl know his name? They never really met.

"Harry mentioned you." With these words both girls take their plates and clean up after themselves. Louis mouth is wide open and he doesn't know what to feel. Harry mentioned him? What the fuck does that even mean?

"Harry mentioned me..." Louis says still in shock, eyes still glued on the place where the girls just were sitting. "I can't believe he mentioned me... It must be a lie. She must have misheard. He won't mention me. He has a girlfriend." Louis bites his lip mentioning that last part. It still hurts Harry got over him so quick while Louis is still heartbroken.

"I believe it." Zayn says before eating a piece of bread.

"How do you believe it?" Louis rises his eyebrow and looks confused at the darker boy in front of him.

"Because Harry came to our room when you were asleep."

Louis drops his fork when Zayn says the words and he doesn't know what to feel. Why is Harry doing this? He has a girlfriend. He is living his dream. Why is he torturing Louis like this? That's the moment that Louis made the decision. Tomorrow he was talking to Harry Styles.

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