Chapter 8

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"I still can't believe he is with fucking Danielle. I knew I should have been jealous at her this summer. It's disgusting." Harry murmurs when he is waiting in reception.

"Can you just shut up, Harry? Do I really have to explain this again to you?" Olivia is clearly annoyed.

"Go for it."

"I told you. You said Louis and Dani were best friends, right?" Olivia asks. Harry nods.

"If you ask Niall to play your gay lover to make your ex jealous, would he do it?" Olivia looks at her friend.

"Of course he would. He is my best friend. He has signed up for that shit." Harry snaps.

"So has Danielle. Oh and change your grumpy face. They are coming."

Harry's eyes fall on the two people walking towards him. His heart is beating out of his chest. Louis looks awesome. Don't get Harry wrong, he always does. The guy can wear a garbage back and he would still be the most beautiful creature he has ever seen but now... Just wow.

He is wearing a light blue jeans, rolled up till right above his ankles. He is wearing a white button up with long sleeves. His fringe is put to the side. He looks even more perfect then he usually does. Harry was quite sure that was impossible. Oh and Dani looks really nice as well. Of fucking course.

"Hey guys! I'm sorry we are not too late. Lou here needed his time." Dani giggles while looking at Louis. Someone has a bucket for Harry? He has to vomit. Right now. It's fucking disgusting.

"It's fine. I have already let reception call a taxi. He should be here any minute." And the second those words leave Olivia's mouth a taxi stops right in front of the hotel.

Olivia is sitting in the front and right now the three others are standing in front of the car. "You should go in the middle, Lou. You are the tiniest out of the three of us you know." Dani jokes.

"You being my girlfriend doesn't give you the right to bully me." Louis snaps.

"It does. Now, come on Harry step in the car. We have reservations you know." Dani pushes the boys in the car and steps in herself as the last one.

When Harry's and Louis' arm brush each other they both get goosebumps. Louis desperately wants to move away from Harry but the car is quite small. His left side, where Harry is sitting, is glowing. He hasn't touched him in more than a month and god Louis just wants to jump on his lap and kiss the hell out of him. But he is engaged. It's his own fault he can't do that anymore. He is the one that left so he has to accept that Harry moved on. It's just a bit hard. He literally wants to kill Olivia.

The couples are sitting in the restaurant. Louis is sitting next to Danielle and in front of Harry. He can't help but watch the younger boy. He remembers when it was only the two of them on a date. Now they are sitting here both having their own. It hurts a lot. He wishes he was Harry's plus one.

"The view is beautiful here." Olivia starts the conversation. The table is right in front of the ocean and the sun is slowly going down.

"Not as beautiful as you are, love." Harry gives Olivia a loving look and kisses her cheek. Louis' knuckles are white from trying to control his anger and Danielle notices.

"Babe, could you fix my dress a bit?" She leans into Louis and Louis plays a little bit with the straps of her dress. "Here you go." He pecks Danielle on the lips.

Harry wants to rip her hair out. He never knew he could hate the brunette that much.

"Can I take your order?" A handsome Spanish young man stands in front of the table.

"Yes, please. Can I have the vegetable soup as a starter, the chicken dish as a main and the dame blanche as a desert? The same for my beautiful girl, please." Harry puts his arms around the blonde.

He orders for her? And exactly the same? That's just gross.

"What would you like, Sir?" the waiter turns to Louis.

"As a starter we would like to have the shrimps please. We will share a pan of paella and... Do you think we can share a desert as well, love?" Louis feels pretty clever. Sharing dishes, bam. He is so winning this.

"We can share the chocolate cake?" Dani suggests. Louis nods. "The chocolate cake it is." He gives Harry a smug smile. Who is now the most romantic, huh?

"Oh, Sir! I was thinking... Me and my fiancé would like to share our desert as well. One spoon is enough. I'll feed her." Harry smirks exactly the same way back at Louis. The smaller boys' blood is boiling. Fucking Harry with his fucking Olivia.

The two couples are sitting at the table. They just finished their starters and are now waiting for the main. "Did you know I wrote a song for Olivia? It's called Olivia." Harry says holding the blonde girls' hand.

"You've been creative there, Styles." Sarcasm is dripping from Louis' voice and both Dani and Olivia are laughing with the remarque of the smaller boy. Harry nudges Olivia to shut up but she can't. She really thought that was funny.

"All this laughing made my bladder burst. Danielle, mind joining me to go to the bathroom?" Olivia asks the younger girl.

"Sure." She stands up but Louis takes her hand. "Why are you going if you don't have to go?"

"That's a rule, Louis. It's girl code. We don't go to the toilet by ourselves." Louis rolls his eyes but lets go of his best friend. "Fine, but I'll miss you." He pouts. Harry literally gags when he hears this.

Both boys are alone now. They are looking at the table, avoiding each other's eyes.

"So... What made you come back?" Louis starts the conversation. He really wants to know why Harry came back here. He wished it was for him but it's not the case. He is engaged.

"It's warm here and I liked it here in Summer. I wrote a lot of songs here and I wanted to show Olivia this place. I've got a lot of great memories here." Green and blue meet and both boys feel their hearts beating like crazy.

"Oh, okay. It's great to see you. I'm happy we can hang out as friends and don't let the past ruin our friendship. So... You are pretty successful yeah?" Louis tries his best to sound happy.

"Yeah I guess. In like 12 days I'm starting my European tour. My first concert is here on the island. You should come. It would make me really happy if you were there. I'll fix you, Danielle, Zayn and Payno some tickets." It takes Harry a lot of courage to ask Louis that question.

"Sure. I haven't seen a real concert of you. Only the one from Itunes." Louis remembers that day very well. It was honestly horrible. Niall and Shirley broke up and Harry acted like a real douche.

The boys get interrupted by the two girls who come back. The four of them talk a little until Dani starts to curse.

"Shit, I lost my earring. Damn, I must have lost it in the toilets. Louis, come look with me." Dani stands up and Louis gives her a weird look.

"Babe, you can't expect from me I go inside the girls bathroom. Can't Oli..."

"No. Come on, Louis." Danielle interrupts the boy and drags him to the toilets.

"What the fuck was that, Dani?" Louis snaps.

"Harry and Olivia are not engaged. She is his beard."

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