Chapter 2

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"Lou, you have to go to Simon's office!" Dani says. Louis is chilling in the entertainment box. It's winter and nowhere in the world people are having a holiday right now. Christmas break will start in a few days and that's when it gets busy. Right now the only people in the hotel are grannies who want to be left alone. It's an easy time for entertainers.

When Louis left London he stayed for two weeks in Zayn's house. He wasn't able to see people yet. His heart was broken. It still is. Harry has called the first couple of days but Louis never answered. Then he stopped. Louis knows why he did.

He was doubting if he made the right choice. Harry's pleading messages and voicemails broke his heart. He was wondering if Harry missed him as much as he missed Harry and there was this moment Louis was sure he made the wrong choice. Just as he was about to call Harry via Facebook messenger, he notices an article.

Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde dating?

Louis has read the article a million times until Zayn took away his phone.

"Stop hurting yourself, Louis. If you want to know what happened just call him. He has been calling you non-stop." Zayn takes Louis phone and puts it in his own pocket.

"Give it back, Malik! I'm not done yet with torturing myself." Louis snaps.

"Don't care. Louis you can't just stay here crying in your bed all day. I talked to Simon. He is willing to hire you again. You need to get your shit together Tomlinson because I agreed for you that you are starting tomorrow."

And here he is right now, in the hotel where he met the love of his life. It's still difficult for the smaller boy to walk around. In every single place he has memories with Harry. And Louis really wants to push those away but he can't.

He remembers the beach where they used to talk all night.

He remembers the pool where they had their little game going on.

He remembers the stage where they first sang together and later Louis asked Harry out.

He remembers the archery place where they made out right after Harry picked him over Caroline.

He remembers the football field where they entertained the teenage club together.

He remembers the volleyball court where Louis flirted shamelessly with the curly lad.

He remembers the restaurant where Harry was eavesdropping him and Payno.

He remembers the kidsclub where Harry used to bring him drinks when he was stuck there.

He remembers the bathroom where they first met and Harry peed on him.

He remembers the reception where Harry was complaining about this incident right after it happened.

He remembers the backstage where he had his first panic attack after a long time after the first person showed him he was not good enough for the curly lad.

He remembers room 456 where they first kissed and made love.

He remembers every single place and every single memory and it hurts. Because he is back here, but without the curly lad on his side. Harry is back in London, living the happy life of a popstar together with his girlfriend. It has always been too good to be true.

"Louis, Louis you are zoning out! I told you that you have to go to Simon's office!" Danielle repeats herself. She is worried about her friend. He hasn't been himself since he is back from London.

"Sure. I'm going. What is it about? Do you know?" Louis asks uninterested.

"You have to sign some papers. He'll explain you." This was good enough for Louis. He stands up and walks towards Simon's office. The last time he was here was with Harry when the younger boy had to talk to Simon about working with them. He remembers how nervous Harry was before he entered but how happy he felt when Simon confirmed he could have the job. He remembers the kiss they shared and... Another place with another memory.

"Louis, hey! How are you doing?" Simon asks when the boy enters the office.

"I'm doing okay. Danielle told me I had to sign something?" He says with a questioning tone.

"Yes, that is correct. You can sit down. Here are the papers. You have to sign at the bottom of the page." Simon explains.

"And what exactly am I signing, Simon? I mean... I'm not just putting my signature under a random piece of paper. What is it about." Louis' eyes are gliding over the paper.

"Well, Louis. This is one of those occasions where you can use the thing you learned in primary school: Reading. You should try it sometimes." Louis rolls his eyes but he can't hide a smirk. It was quite funny for Simon.

"You know I hate reading, Cowell. Can't you just explain me quickly?" Louis is literally too lazy to read all these letters. If he liked reading and stuff he would have gone to a university on the island.

"Well basically it's just a paper saying that you are not allowed to take pictures or spread information about any of the guests that are staying in this hotel for the next 2 weeks." Simon briefly explains what's on the paper.

"What? Why? Is this a new law or something?" Louis laughs.

Simon shakes his head. "No, we have a special guest. This contract is made by their manager. We are having a celebrity staying in the hotel for a while. They want to assure his safety and privacy."

A smile appears on Louis' face. "A celebrity you are saying? Is it someone really famous? Do you think I know them?" Louis asks curiously.

"I'm quite sure you know them, Louis."

Louis' smile gets even bigger.

"Ah come on, Simon. Don't do this to me! Who is it? Arianna Grande? Justin Bieber? Britney Spears? OMG IS IT LIONEL MESSI?????? TELL ME THAT IT'S MESSI!"

Simon shakes his head and sighs.

"It's Harry Styles."

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