Chapter 4

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"Hey, Harry. Are you alright?" Olivia has a worried look on his face when Harry comes back from the bathroom.

"I have seen Louis." His voice doesn't show any emotion. Olivia's eyes go wide.

"And what happened? Was he happy to see you?" She tries to sound optimistic but she can see from the look on Harry's face that it wasn't a happy reunion.

"No. He hates me. He doesn't want to see me. He doesn't want to talk to me. He even flinched when I touched him. I can't believe it. He actually hates me, Liv. I made the wrong decision. I shouldn't have came back here. This will be the end of me. Oh god... You should have seen his face. His eyes... His eyes that always showed me love and care they... They showed me nothing. There was literally nothing in them." A tear rolls slowly down on Harry's cheek.

He knows that Louis wouldn't have jumped in his arms and kissed him straight away but deep down in his heart he hoped that would have been the case. Because Harry is sure that if it was Louis standing in front of his door he would attack the smaller boy with kisses, love and attention.

"Haz, this is exactly for what I warned you. You can't expect him to be all lovey dovey with you the first time you see each other again. You need to give the poor guy some time. He hasn't seen you or spoken to you in a month and here you are in front of his nose. The only thing he knows from you are the things that are on tv and online. The poor guy has probably seen a million pictures of us kissing and listened to interviews where you tell the world you love me. Cut him some slack. Imagine if it was the other way around. Just imagine that one day you put on the tv and you see the guy that you love kissing another girl, telling the whole world how much he loves her while you had to stay hidden."

Harry immediately puts his hands on his ears. He can't hear the words Olivia is saying and he can't imagine Louis being with someone else. He shakes his head violently while whispering Olivia has to stop talking. These words are literally knives in his heart. He has seen Louis with someone else before and even though it was fake, it didn't hurt less that time. It drove Harry crazy, mental. It made him physically sick.

"Haz... Look. We are not going to have this conversation in a lobby full of people. Here is your key card. Go to your room, take a shower, order some room service and relax. Try to talk to Louis tomorrow, okay? Today you need time on your own." Olivia hands the key card to Harry.

"This is the wrong one." Harry says when he looks at the card. "This is 457. I asked for 456."

"Well Harry then you go to reception to tell them that. You are a big boy. You can do that." Harry nods and walks towards the desk.

"Excuse me... There must have been a mistake. I asked for room 456. This is 457." Harry says politely to the girl.

"I'm so sorry, Sir. Unfortunately room 456 is already occupied. The room you have now has the same view, size and facilities. I hope this is fine for you." She smiles at Harry, trying to hide the fact she is star struck.

"Honestly, no. It is not okay. I clearly asked for room 456. My management sent an e-mail about this. I want room 456." Harry's voice is stern and Olivia walks to reception when she sees what's happening.

"What's the problem, Haz?" she asks putting her hand on her shoulder.

"She says I can't have the room, Olivia. I need to get the room. It was our room. Mine and Louis'. I want that room. We had our first kiss there and..." Harry is full out crying now and the girl behind the desk is really confused.

"I'm so sorry. Give me a moment. He is really tired from touring." Olivia apologises to the receptionist. She takes Harry's hand and pulls him on the side.

"Harry! You can't cause scenes like this! This is soooo bad for your reputation. You are mentioning Louis and you look like a spoiled brat." Olivia hisses.

"I don't really care. I want that room and I want Louis. People here signed papers that they have to shut up so..."

Olivia shakes her head. "Here, Harry. This is my room. Go there already please. I will make a deal with the girl. You are not able to talk right now. Just go..." Harry listens to the orders given by the older woman and goes straight to her room.

When he walks through reception he remembers everything. He remembers the feelings he used to have for the smaller boy. He was so confused because he made him feel so different. He thought he hated him at first but god was he wrong. Harry can't help but ignore Olivia's orders. He looks at the time on his phone. Louis should be in his room right now.

Without thinking Harry walks towards the staff building. Would he still be in room 17? It's worth a shot. Harry needs to see him. He needs to talk to the boy and tell him how much he has missed him and loves him.

He knocks on the door and after a few second he sees a pair of eyes he has seen before.

"Zayn... Is Lou here?" Harry looks at the darker boy.

"Harry... This isn't a good idea. He is asleep now. I'm going to let him sleep. He had a panic attack." The boy gives Harry a painful look.

"Panic attack? Why? What happened? Oh god is he fine?" Harry starts to panic himself only by the thought that his love was in pain.

"It's because he has seen you, Harry. Why are you even here. You are together with Olivia Wilde. I don't see from all places around the world you are coming here with the amount of money you must have now. Louis is in pain, Harry. He is hurt. He can't see you without crying. Please just... Don't push him. He is not over you. He can't see you with someone else. Don't do this to him, Harry. I know you care about him otherwise you wouldn't be here right now but with you girlfriend but... It's too soon. Give Louis the time that he needs." Before Harry can answer Zayn closes the door.

Fresh tears are rolling down on Harry's cheek. Louis, his Louis is hurt and it's all his own mistake. He has to fix this. He has to win him back.

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