Chapter 23

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Not long after their little adventure on the boat, they arrive at the island.

"Sure you don't want me to cook the food, Tommo? You paid for it. It's in the price." Antonio asks one more time.

Louis shakes his head. "No thanks, mate. We rather not have a full stomach to go back you know. We'll go out for dinner when we are back on land."

"Sure, mate. Just don't think you get any money back. I'll honk when it's time to go back. Enjoy your time on the island."

Both boys wave at the man and they walk around on the island.

"So..." Louis starts talking. "Would you like to discover new things or..."

"Don't even try to escape the exercising on the hill, Tomlinson." Harry interrupts smirking. "Come on... You owe me a kiss there." Harry takes Louis' hand pulling the boy towards the hill.

"You would think after fucking you so many times I would be fitter right. I'm dead! This is even worse than last time." Louis is panting when he is almost at the top. He takes a small break, leaning his hands on his knees.

"Louis, you are a drama queen. When you said 'redo the date' I didn't know you would include the complaining as well. But now you did, I will do this." Harry goes behind Louis, putting his hands over his eyes. Louis smiles and feels butterflies as Harry leads him to the very top.

"Now, look at the view. It's even better than last time, boo." Harry removes his hands from the pair of blue eyes and Louis blinks a few times adjusting to the light.

"This is magical... But I prefer this view." He turns to Harry and looks him in the eyes. Harry blushes and avoids eye contact, trying to hide his red cheeks.

Louis smirks and lifts up Harry's head with his finger under Harry's chin.

"I told you I would be back to cute and romantic." Louis winks at the curly boy making his shade of red on his cheeks even darker. Louis grabs his hand, walking to the edge.

They are sitting like last time. Louis' head is leaning on Harry's shoulder. The only difference now is Harry's hand around his waist. Last time there was also a small gap between them, now you couldn't even fit a piece of paper.

Harry starts to sing softly a melody. Louis' eyes are closed, enjoying the angelic voice of his boyfriend.

"I like that melody. Do you already have words for it?" Louis' eyes are still closed, savouring the moment.


Louis slowly lifts his head and opens his eyes to look at the boy next to him. "Sing it for me." His chin is leaning on Harry's shoulder and he quickly pecks it.

"It's a special song. I wrote it for you, actually... The day you left." Harry looks in front of him at the sunset. He doesn't want to meet the ocean blue eyes that are staring at him.

"Is it the song in your notebook? With the tear stains?" Louis whispers. Harry nods.

"I want you to sing it for me, babe. Let me hear what you felt..." Louis takes Harry's hand in his, kissing it softly. He wants to show the boy that he is here, and he is here to stay.

"If I could fly..." Harry's voice is soft and breakable. He takes a small breath and turns around, facing Louis.

"I'd be coming right back home to you."

The second Louis left, Harry was lost. He was sitting in his own house. Laying on his own couch, sleeping in his own bed, surrounded by his own stuff. But he didn't feel like home. His home left in a taxi, taking Harry's heart with him. The second Louis left Harry was homeless. The only thing he wanted was being in Louis' arms, feeling home.

Harry feels emotions stirring up, but he keeps singing without losing eye contact with the boy next to him.

"I think I might give up everything just ask me to."

Right before Louis stepped in that car when Harry begged him to stay, he remembered telling him he would drop everything as long as he stayed. Louis didn't believe him at the time and Harry can't blame him. He didn't act like he would drop everything for Louis. He has been lying to the boy a lot, hiding without Louis knowing he was been hidden. But he meant the words, still means them. If Louis tells him today to quit his career, he would. He is not doing anything anymore to hurt his precious Louis. He can't go through that heartbreak again and he can't waste his last chance he got from the love of his life. The money, the fame, the glitter and the glamour, it's nothing compared to the love he gets from Louis.

"For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart"

He never opened up to Caroline or even his family the way he opened op to Louis. Louis knows everything about him and he doesn't plan for anyone else ever to know Harry like Louis knows him.

"For when you're lonely"

Louis has been lonely for the last 8 years. He lost his family, his home, his childhood friend, his first love,... Louis has lost everything you can imagine. There are days that Louis just can't cope. Those are the days that Louis doesn't leave his bed and just cries. Harry wasn't always there in the past when Louis had one of those days because of studio days, but this time he will be there. He will not leave Louis' side. He will show the boy he is not alone, never will be anymore.

"And forget who you are"

Harry wishes Louis could see himself from his eyes. He knows that the boy doesn't have a lot of confidence. He is so insecure and he has such a low image of himself. It hurts Harry and he wants to remember the boy that he is so precious. He is the reason Harry is happy and knows what true love is. If it wasn't for Louis, Harry would be probably still stuck with Caroline. He cringes thinking about that. He just want Louis to know how perfect he is. Harry will do anything to make it clear to the boy that he is special and not a 'fuck up' or a 'screwed up mess' like he calls himself so often.

"I'm missing half of me, when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only."

Harry is not complete without Louis. Louis is the missing piece in his life. Without Louis, there is no Harry.

"The song is not finished... It's only half written actually. It's only half because like you are the other half. I expressed my feelings in these lyrics and I was hoping that one day we would find our way back to each other so you can tell your story in the other part of the song. And if that wouldn't have been the case, the song would have never been completed because the story is not complete without you. I am not complete without you."

Louis' eyes are tearing. He is still holding Harry's hand.

"It's beautiful, Hazza. It would be an honour to write my part. I have some lyrics written down somewhere in my own notebook that express how I feel. We can do this after dinner if you want?" Harry nods.

"Yes, that would be perfect." The boys are gazing into each other's eyes until they hear the horn. "Let's go, baby." Harry takes Louis' hand and it's only when they are almost at the boat that they realise something. They didn't kiss on the hill... Again.

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