Chapter 27

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The party in the beach is huge. There are so many people. All the guests from the three hotels are attending it. Harry feels a bit uncomfortable. He already had many people asking for autographs and pictures as the guests of the other hotel didn't sign any contracts to respect his privacy.

Right now Louis is performing. He is dancing on the front row next to Stan and Liam. Harry can't take his eyes away from the smaller boy. He loves how passionate Louis is about performing. Singing, dancing, acting,... He has it all.

"Look at my baby." Harry says with a loving sigh.

"How can we not look at him. He has a hickey in the size of Africa on his neck. What the fuck did you do to him, Haz." Niall chuckles.

"He burnt his neck."

Olivia rolls her eyes. "You must be kidding me, Harry. That hickey screams legit Harry Styles. Wanted to show everybody he is yours without really telling them he is yours." Her eyebrow is raised and it makes Harry feel uncomfortable because yes that's exactly what Harry wanted to do.

"Just watch his dancing and not his neck." Harry snaps. His friends are only laughing, ignoring the curly boy that's madly in love.

Louis has been performing for one hour and finally the show ended. It's a quarter to twelve and the big boss of the entertainment is taking the microphone, announcing the time.

Harry had expected Louis to walk straight to him after the show but he didn't. It hurts Harry and he is really confused. Is it because of the question about touring? Louis still hasn't answered and it makes Harry a nervous wreck. If Louis doesn't want to, that's fine. He will never blame the boy for not wanting to travel with him. He just has to tell Harry then and not ignore him. Harry hates it when Louis ignores him. He still remembers the first time that the boy started doing that. They weren't even together and he was already going mental. Harry can't help it, he needs Louis' attention. It's like a kind of drug that the curly lad needs a million times a day.

"Louis hasn't said anything after the show, do you know why? Are you guys fighting? He didn't even come near us." Roxy says.

"I don't know... I didn't think we were fighting. I only asked him to go on tour with me. I didn't know it would scare him off like that. If I knew it would, I'd never asked him. I hate it when he acts like this. It's like he doesn't even want to look this way." Harry sighs. His eyes are burning on the chestnut haired boy. Louis is talking to some family that are staying in their hotel. He is joking with the kids and talking to the parents. He is smiling when he tapped the little girls right shoulder, standing on the left himself. He is the cutest.

After ten minutes Louis leaves the family and this is Harry's chance. It's five to twelve. He needs to be with Louis when it's twelve o'clock there is no discussion about that. Even if Louis is angry with him or something about the tour, Harry will fix it in five minutes. His year can't start without his Louis.

When Louis is alone Harry jogs over to him. "Lou..." He screams. The music is loud and the chattering of people make it hard to hear the boy. Louis doesn't hear him and keeps walking.

"Lou, Louis!" Harry screams louder this time. Louis turns around and gives the curly lad a weird and confused look.

"What's wrong, Hazza?" Hazza, that means he is fine and not angry with Harry. But why is he acting like this then? Normally Louis is the clingiest person on the planet. Harry sometimes makes jokes about that, but secretly he just adores it. Every second that Louis spends on him is heaven. He actually doesn't like it when he is not clingy. He wants his koala. That's how Harry calls Louis sometimes, because he clamps on Harry like a koala does. He loves it and it's the sweetest thing ever.

"Are you angry with me?" Harry decides to go straight to the point. There is no time to waste. Harry has to make sure Louis and him are fine before midnight. He has... 4 more minutes.

"What? Haz, no of course not. Why should I be angry?" Louis' words leave his mouth without a doubt yet he is not attempting to put one step closer towards his boyfriend.

"I thought maybe you were angry with me because you haven't said a word to me since we left the room. I was hoping you'd come to me after the show. You were perfect by the way. I loved it and you were definitely the best of all the three teams. Anyway, I thought I might have upset you when I asked about going on tour." Harry looks at Louis through his eyelashes. He is a bit scared of the answer. Louis might just reject him right here, right now at... 2 to twelve on New Years Eve.

"I told you I needed time, love." Louis whispers. "I'm not angry at you at all. And I'm ignoring you because I don't want you to get in trouble for being seen with me. The people from our hotel signed contracts but from the others didn't. I can't be near you and act you are nothing to me, babe. I'd rather just stay away from you. I don't want you to get in trouble." Louis explains. His eyes are showing guilt.

"One minute before midnight!" Simon screams through the microphone.

"I don't want you to stay away from me, Lou. It's New Years Eve. I want to spend it with you, not watching you from aside."

"I just tried to help you, Haz."

"I know, baby. Just come here." Harry pulls the boy closer to him."

"10!" Simon screams in the microphone.

"I love you, Lou."


"I love you too, Haz. I just don't want you to be in trouble."


"You are never trouble."


"Actually I am many times."


"Shut up, Louis. You are literally my favourite human."


"So there are dogs that you like more then me?"


"I want you to kiss me."


"Hazza, there are people everywhere with phones."


"I don't care anymore. I won't start this year hiding you"


"But... Are you sure?"


Harry places one hand on Louis' hip and the other on the back of his neck. He presses his own plumb lips on Louis' tinner ones. He hears people scream, sees flashes from phones and fireworks. But the only firework both boys are focussing on are the ones in their stomach as they kiss in front of a couple hundred people.

"Happy new year, boo." Harry whispers against Louis' lips. He sees a tear escaping from Louis' eyes and he wipes it away with his thumb. "Happy new year, Hazza. I love you to the moon and back. Soulmates."

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