Chapter 30 [Last Chapter]

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"I'll see you tomorrow at the concert." Louis heart breaks when he hears the words. He did it again. Harry Styles broke his heart again.

When Harry left, Louis noticed his phone. He quickly took a t-shirt and a pair of sweats. He thought Harry might want his phone if this mystery person stays longer than expected.

When Louis arrived in the lobby he was shocked. He saw Harry and Jeff sitting in front of each other. He decided to go closer to the pair, hiding behind the flower pot not far away from them. For one Louis was glad he is a tiny person. Jeff saw him hiding, he is sure. And when Harry answered him, he gave Louis the dirtiest smile he has ever seen. He was enjoying every single second of Louis' pain and misery.

Right now Louis is crying like a baby. Hearing Harry say those words literally ripped his heart in a billion pieces. He actually believed Harry when he said he would be his first choice, that it would be only the two of them against the world from now on. He really thought Harry kissing him on New Year's meant something. He was sure that it meant that he finally wasn't ashamed of him anymore. Why did Harry do this to him? Why acting like this and asking him to go on tour when you drop that person the day after? Louis can't even go back to Simon to beg for his job. He has lost everything and it's all the mistake of Harry Styles. He hates him. He broke Louis again. Louis promised himself if Harry did that one more time to him, he would never talk to him again. Louis' heart is aching when he thinks about that. He is not going to talk to Harry anymore...

He is putting the other stuff in his suitcase. It's not a lot of work as if he would leave anyway tomorrow... With Harry. That's not the case now.

"Louis?" Louis turns around when he hears a voice calling him while walking through the hallway.

"Not now, Niall." Louis' sobs are loud. He feels his heart clenching all the time. It hurts him so much.

"Where are you going? Why are you crying? Where is Harry?" Niall asks a lot of questions.

"None of your business, none of your business and I don't care." He snaps. He knows it's not Niall's mistake but he is Harry's best friend. How can you be friends with such a monster?

"What happened Lou? Hey?" Niall walks towards Louis and Louis can't hold it anymore. He collapses on the floor, leaning his back against the wall and cries like crazy. Niall feels horrible for the guy and he pulls him in his arms. In London Louis became like a kind of brother to him. He can't stand it seeing him like this.

"He broke his promise..." Louis whispers while crying in Niall's shirt. His white shirt is full of tears.

"Broke his promise? Lou... What did he do? I thought the two of you were perfectly fine." Niall strokes Louis' hair. It's not as comforting like when Harry does it, but it helps him.

"Jeff is here. He made him pick between the tour and me. He chose the tour."

Niall shakes his head and stands up. "Come on, Lou. We are going to my room. I'll get you some tea from the bar okay? Here is my key. I won't let you leave like this. Which kind of tea?"

"Green please."

Niall nods and gives his room key to Louis. Louis gives him a watery smile, mumbling a thank you and walks to Niall's room.

It's a bit messy but Louis doesn't care at all. He throws his suitcase in the corner and jumps on the bed.

It's 20 minutes later and Niall still isn't back. Louis wonders is he is getting the tea straight from Japan or something. Just when he is about to just leave, he hears a knock on the door. Niall gave him his room key so he can't enter.

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