Chapter 25

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After the dinner Louis and Harry went to the beach stargazing like they did last time. They didn't stay too long as it way too cold now over there and there were barely stars. The clouds were hiding them. Yet Louis managed to see a shooting star again like he did last time. He has an eye for them.

"Just tell me what you wished, boo." Harry pouts. They are laying down in Harry's bed. Louis is laying in between Harry's legs.

"No way. I'm not going to jinx it!" Louis' eyes are closed but he has a smile on his face. He can imagine Harry's face now, being all frustrated.

"That's what you said last time!" The younger boy groans. Yet he is playing with his boyfriends' hair.

"I know and it came out so I'm not going to ruin it. I know it works."



"Don't do this to me... Then at least tell me what you wished in summer!" Harry is way too curious.

"No. Maybe it will suck out the good luck and I will lose my wish. That's not going to happen. Why do you want to know so badly? I don't have a lot to wish for by the way because I have you by my side." Louis turns around and kisses Harry's plumb lip.

"Nice safe, babe. So what do you want to do now?" Harry pushes Louis a bit up so the boy is sitting on his legs now.

"I'm going to take my lyric book out of your drawer. I think I know which lyrics I want to use for your song." Louis blushes a bit thinking about Harry singing on the hill. It made Louis' heart beat like crazy. Harry said many times he would give up everything for Louis yet when he sang it earlier that day, it made Louis believe it for a full 100 percent. He could feel the emotion in Harry's voice. Not that Louis wants Harry to give up everything, but it's nice to know that someone would do the same for you as you would do for them. Louis would give his life, heart and soul for Harry. Harry is his whole world.

"Okay, play again baby. Sing your part. I'd like to figure out the bridge." Louis says while reading through his book till he finds the lyrics he had in mind. Harry does as said and stops when the bridge is supposed to come, only playing the guitar.

"Pay attention I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenceless."

Harry nods and giving Louis a beautiful smile. "That's amazing, babe. I like it a lot. It fits. And I promise you I will always pay attention to you. I'm sorry I ignored you back in London. I didn't realise the damage I was causing, babe. But I promise you, I only have eyes for you. Keep your guard down. I'll protect you. I love you." Harry's lips are brushing against Louis', not completely kissing.

"I know you will. I told you before today. I trust you. I trust you now more then I ever did. Now, I honestly don't know which other lyric I can sing for the verse. I'm not really inspired for the moment. Read it through." Louis throws his small notebook towards Harry who catches it. He carefully reads the pages of lose lyrics, not belonging into a song or anything. They are just words that Louis felt belonged together.

"What about this, boo?" Harry points at some words and Louis reads them. "Yeah, Yeah I might try it. Play the guitar, babe. Like this we can check."

Harry obeys, stroking the strings on his guitar.

"I've got scars, even though they can't always be seen. And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing."

Louis smiles when he sings those lyrics. He feels so safe with Harry, it's unbelievable.

"When did you write that, babe? Is it about me?" Harry puts his guitar aside and shuffles towards Louis.

"Of course it's you. You know every single scar in my heart and body. You know every single thing about me. You dragged me out of my horrible life. You saved me, Hazza. I always felt alone and left out and then... I wrote this after my birthday. My birthday and Christmas are the hardest days for me and usually I just go to my room and cry for two days straight. Zayn always knew not to disturb me yet... You made me genuinely happy. You showed so much care. You... Haz you are everything I have. One day I want to take you to Doncaster and visit her grave with you. I want her and my sisters to meet you. God, they would have loved you so much." Louis starts sobbing loud and Harry pulls his arms around him.

"It would be an honour to go with you. When is the last time you visited them?" Harry is stroking Louis' hair to calm him down.

"The day of the funeral."

Harry doesn't say a word, not wanting to make Louis more upset. He just presses the boy against his body and gives him kisses from time to time, showing all the love he has for him.

"Do you want to talk about them? Your family?" Harry asks. He knows that Louis needs to talk sometimes to feel better.

"They were amazing. The twins were really small. They liked ballet and dolls, everything that has glitter and pink oh and unicorns. Let's not forget about unicorns." Louis chuckles a bit when he thinks about the girls.

"They were girly girly unlike Fizz. She was more of a football girl you know. She always hung out with the boys and would come home with ripped clothes. My mom always used to tell me she is even worse then I am."

Harry listens to his boyfriend carefully. He sees how Louis needs to talk about them. He never really did but it's clear that this is what he desperately needs.

"Then we have Charlotte, Lottie. She is alive but she feels as gone as the rest of the family. It hurts so much because I have no clue how she is doing. I miss her so much but I have no idea how I can get in contact with her. I went to Doncaster once during these years and she and Mark moved. There is no way I can contact her. I miss her so much. She is like me. We are exactly the same. She is a few years younger but she always hung out with me and my friends and I just felt natural. I wish I could see her." Louis is crying so loud right now and Harry rocks him, giving him kisses from time to time.

"My mom is the greatest person I know. She is so strong. She raised us on her own. For sure there was Mark for a few years but after the divorce it was honestly only her. The girls went to him on the weekends every two weeks but that's it. She always helped me with my homework, cooked the best meals, gave the best hugs and she was the best listener in the world."

Louis' sobs are extremely loud now and he is shaking. Harry is holding his hands and whispers sweet nothing into his ear.

"She wouldn't have judged me for being gay. She would have supported me no matter what. She would have loved you so much, Hazza. She would have treated you like her second son. I know she would because that's what she did when I was with Hannah. Everybody that was good to me, she would treat even better. Sometimes... Sometimes I think you sent you right into my life. It sounds so stupid but..."

Harry cuts Louis off, pressing his lips shortly on Louis'.

"It's not stupid baby. I would like to believe the same thing. The way we met each other, there must have been an angel involved."

And right then and there Louis knew it. He puts his arms around Harry and kisses him passionately. He is going to marry this guy one day...

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