Chapter 14

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Today it's raining like crazy. Harry and Olivia are just sitting down inside, drinking a nice cocktail. Obviously nobody is around the pool so all the guests are either in their room or hanging around in reception and the lobby bar. Olivia and Harry picked that last option.

"Hey guys, can we join you two?" Louis, Zayn, Dani and Payno are walking towards the pair. "Sure, but don't you guys have to work?" Olivia asks scooting a bit to the side so Louis can sit next to Harry. Louis gives her a thankful smile and takes place between the two of them. The others take place as well.

"We can't really do anything. All our activities are outside. Payno here is playing bingo later but that's it." Zayn says petting Liam's back.

"You know I've been sunbathing so much these days that I never even noticed those Christmas decorations around the hotel. They are really nice." Olivia looks around. There is a huge Christmas tree in reception and everywhere there are big golden stars, fake snow and there is Christmas music playing.

"Yeah when you live somewhere where it never snows or anything you forget sometimes that Christmas it's coming. It's in like 3 days isn't it?" Dani asks.

"Yeah, it is. And that also means a certain someone has almost his birthday." Harry smiles at Louis who rolls his eyes.

"Don't remind me. It's nothing special. Don't you dare organise a party or something for me, Styles. I know you." Louis says in a warning tone.

"I won't. Just... Can I take you out on a date for your birthday?" Harry makes green and blue meet and Louis feels the butterflies in his stomach going wild. He has a big smile on his face and feels himself blushing.

"Yeah... Yeah you can. That sounds perfect actually." Harry bites his lip to avoid smiling like a mad man. He is going to have a date with Louis.

"You two make me nauseous. Go back to fucking already." Payno says.

"Shut up, Payno." Louis snaps.

"And what are you guys doing on Christmas? Do you have to work?" Olivia asks curiously.

All the entertainers shake their heads.

"No they don't make us work on Christmas. It's a really important holiday here in Spain. The hotel spends loads of money on professional entertainment like acrobats, singers, all that kind of stuff." Dani explains.

"I just love Christmas!" Olivia exclaims. The others agree except for Louis. Zayn gives his friend a painful look.

"Just excuse me... I'm going to the toilet." Louis stands up leaving the friends.

"I think I'm going to check on Lou. He doesn't look fine." Harry says after Louis left. Zayn nods at Harry signing that's a good idea and that he should check up on the smaller lad.

Harry enters the toilets and he hears small sniffles coming from one of the bathroom stalls. "Lou, Lou is that you?" Worry dripping from Harry's voice.

"Leave it, Haz." His voice is a soft whisper but yet still understandable.

"Lou... You can't sit here. At least... Come to my room. I'll leave you alone if you want to be alone. I'll be next to you when you need me, just...Open that door boo."

The pet name Harry just used did it and Louis is even crying louder when he opens the stall of the toilet. "Come here, love." Harry pulls Louis' head in his chest in a protective way and together they walk to Harry's room.

"Lou... do you want to talk?" Harry asks while he gives the smaller boy a bottle of water. Louis takes it gratefully and takes a sip.

"I hate Christmas..." he whispers. Harry's eyes go big. How can someone possibly hate Christmas? "Baby, why..."

"For eight years I have been hating Christmas. It used to be my favourite time of the year..." Harry places his hand on Louis' shoulder to let the boy feel he is here and he is listening. Harry doesn't say a word. It's Louis' time to talk.

"It's a family thing and that's something I don't have... It used to be so perfect. My mom and sisters always knew how to combine it perfectly with my birthday.

The 24th I would wake up with my sisters jumping on my bed. My mom used to bring me breakfast and we would eat it together in my bed. She would slip an extra Christmas cookie because she knows I like them.

After that we would all make ourselves ready. There was this really nice ice skating rank back in Doncaster and we would spend like 1-2 hours over there. It was so much fun. After we were done skating we would go home again. Mom made her famous hot chocolate and she'd bring out my birthday cake. She always made it herself, a nice red velvet cake. It's my favourite...

After eating the cake we would go outside and play in the snow. Snowball fights, me and Lottie against mom and the little ones, making a snowman,...

In the night my mom ordered pizza for us. She knew that she can cook the most amazing things ever but she also knew how much I enjoy pizza. I wish I could get one of her meals now, though..."

Louis is sobbing loudly and Harry pulls his arms around him but still not saying anything.

"We'd watch movies until ten o'clock because we wanted to go to bed early. Next day it was Christmas day and we wanted to open our presents. I always got a bigger present, including my birthday. It's just... Christmas was all about family and I have none left. I'm alone. It sounds stupid but I don't even have fucking snow. I have nothing, Haz. My birthday and Christmas are not holidays for me. It's only a painful memory from how happy I used to be."

Harry's heart is breaking more and more when Louis speaks. He can't imagine not having his family with him. He has his Christmas party with his mother and Gemma already planned when he is back home.

Harry decides not to answer. He has no clue what to say. He just holds Louis in his arms and lets him cry. That's all what the smaller guy needs now.

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