Chapter 28

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It's 1 o'clock when Louis and Harry want return to their room. The rest of the night the boys didn't kiss anymore or weren't too close. They did talk and touched each other from time to time. It's hard to resist one another.

"I'm going to Simon. I have to talk to him. You should go to our room already. I'll be there in a bit, okay love?" Louis asks. Harry nods. "Fine, I'll see you there."

After 15 minutes Louis is back. He enters the room and a smile appears when he sees his boyfriend laying in the bed. Louis kicks his shoes off, makes a small run and jumps on the bed, right on top of Harry.

He connects their lips and kisses the curly lad passionately. "This will be our year." He says in between the kiss.

"It will be, Baby."

The boys make out and have great new years' sex. Nothing unexpected actually.

A smile appears on Louis' face when he wakes up the next morning. Harry's curls are everywhere and the boy is clamped on Louis' chest. His mouth is a little bit open and he is literally drooling on Louis. Automatically Louis' hand moves to his boyfriends' curls. He plays with them, curls them around his finger and tugs them slightly until he hears a small moan.

"Good morning, baby." Louis says when those beautiful green eyes are open.

"Morning." Harry lays his hand on the back of Louis' neck and pulls him closer to him so he can connect their lips without moving himself.

"Great start of the new year." Harry says after the kiss, licking his lips. "Perfect." Louis answers. Harry puts himself a bit up and takes his phone from the nightstand.

When he looks at the screen he rolls his eyes. He wants to be shocked but he obviously isn't. He could have expected this.

Louis' head is leaning on Harry's shoulder, his eyes glued on his boyfriends' screen. He sees the amount of Twitter notifications, different messages on his screen and... 24 missed calls from Jeff.

Louis feels panic rush over him and he bites his lip trying to fight the tears. He wanted to be out, he really wanted to but now he is so scared it will be the reason he loses Harry.

Harry feels something wet falling on his shoulder, slowly rolling down over his chest. Immediately he turns over to his boyfriend.

"Baby, what's wrong?"  Harry's hand is resting on Louis' face, caressing it.

"Do you regret kissing me?" Louis voice is soft and scared. It breaks Harry's heart.

"Of course not, baby. I knew exactly what I was doing. I want this. I want to be able to kiss you whenever I want. Jeff can call me a million times if he wants to, I don't give a shit. It's you the most important thing in my life, Louis Tomlinson." Harry kisses his boyfriend softly and it's like a huge weight is dropping from Louis' chest.

"You are sure, right? I don't want to ruin everything for you. I don't want to ruin us. You are everything to me." Louis snuggles into Harry, craving his heat and comfort.

"Boo, you never ruined anything. You are mine, I'm yours. Soulmates, babe. No stupid manager can come in between us. I let him do this once to us and I promise you it won't happen again. You and me against the world, I told you already in summer. I swear to God, Lou. I wish I could share my feelings for you through Bluetooth or something so you could feel how I feel about you. I'm literally exploding from the amount of love. Don't doubt yourself. I know I'm guilty of it because I hid you in the first place but... I was the guilty one and not you. You are fucking perfect. You mean everything to me too, my little koala." Harry smirks knowing that Louis hates the nickname. It's another reason why he is going to use it a lot.

"Only you can be cute and a fucking dick at the same time." Louis murmurs. Harry chuckles and kisses the boy on the head until he hears his ringtone again. Jeff...

"You should pick up." Louis says watching the screen. "I don't want to hear this bullshit. I want to spend time with you, not waste it to answer his fucking calls. These are my last two days with you before I leave if you don't join me." Harry's voice is sad thinking about leaving Louis behind. He is his baby, his world, his little koala, his everything and he just wants to wake up next to him every single day. He wants to kiss him good morning, take him with him to soundchecks and rehearsals, explore the cities and go on cute, romantic dates around the world, he wants him to be backstage during every single concert and maybe even for a few songs on stage. Harry is planning on putting Infinity, If I could fly and their cover from Rewrite the Stars on his album. He really wants to sing them with Louis, it would be perfect. But right now the boy is not even on tour with him. Right now all of this is just a beautiful dream.

"I talked to Simon yesterday." Louis says. He is holding Harry's hand and plays with the rings on them.

"Yeah? What did you talk about?"

Louis gives Harry a sweet smile. "I quit."

Harry raises his eyebrow. "Why would you quit?"

"Because I'm going on tour with you, silly. At least if you still want to have me."

Harry's heart is beating out of his chest and he feels his own smile growing on his face. He hugs the slim boy tightly, trying not to cry. Harry can't control his emotions. He is the happiest he has ever been.

"You made me so happy, baby." He whispers in Louis' ear, crying like a baby. "I can't believe it. We will have our life together. It will be just you and me. I'm not screwing it up this time, Lou. I will not break my trust and I promise I will be the best boyfriend ever. You are going to join me! I'm going to kiss you under the Eiffel tower, feed you Belgian waffles, have a gondola trip in Venice! We can smoke weed in Amsterdam!"

Louis chuckles hearing the last one. "Yeah, we will do all of that. Just you and me... Certainly the last one!"

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