Chapter 13

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"I forgot how nice you look when you wear my clothes." Harry winks when Louis leaves the bathroom freshy showered. The older boy looks down, hiding his blush. He really likes to wear Harry's clothes too. They are too big but so comfy. And it smells like Harry. Louis loves the way Harry smells.

"Don't I always look nice then?" Louis winks back and bites his lip trying to look flirty. He loves being like this and the reactions he gets from Harry. It's like back then when they weren't dating yet. Only now Harry is more comfier and flirtier himself. Louis loves it.

"You do. I just prefer you with my clothes or none at all." Harry answers cheekily.

"You are such a minx. Now are we going to do song writing or are you going to stare at me the whole night?" Louis says sassily jumping on the bed next to Harry.

"Probably both."

Louis slaps Harry lightly on the arm. "You are the worst, Styles."

"Especially for you."

Louis eyes falls on a black notebook lying next to Harry.

"Can I look at the new lyrics you wrote?" He asks Harry for permission.

"Sure, Lou. No secrets for you anymore." A smile plays on Louis' face when Harry says this. "Thanks, that means a lot." He takes the notebook and looks at the dates written in the corner. This one is from the day Louis left. His eyes are curiously gliding over the paper. There are small circles on the page. Louis bites his lip when he sees that. Must be dried up tears. He feels his own tears swelling up and he can't read it. It will be too painful.

"I... It's personal. I'm not going to read it." Louis hands the notebook back over to Harry. He is trying to avoid eye contact because his are definitely watery.

"Whatever you want. If you don't want to read it right now you can always do it later. You don't even need to ask me." Harry's hand is stroking Louis' arm and he feels the goosebumps under his long fingers.

"I'll just grab my guitar. I have this melody stuck in my head already for a while and I think that a superstar like you might be able to pimp it up and make it actually worth something. " Louis stands up to grab his guitar from the corner of the room.

"You do realise that your song writing is better then mine, yeah? It could have been easily you in my shoes. You are even more talented than I am." Harry looks at the smaller boy. He means every single word he says. If Jeff would have heard Louis before him, he would be sure Louis was famous right now.

"No offense, Haz but I'm kind of glad it's not me. It has always been my dream to do something with music but when I see..." Louis stops talking. He already feels guilty for what he wanted to say.

"When you see what it did to me, yeah? Not being able to make my own choices, changing my personality, hurt the people I love? You can say it Louis." Harry has a hurt look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think before I started that sentence."

"It's fine. I just want you to know that I'm really trying to go back to my old self, Lou." Harry steps closer to the other boy and places a piece of hair behind his ear.

"I know you are. It makes me genuinely happy. I just want you to be yourself. I have always seen you as a person that would never hurt me, like ever. I guess it just scared me when you did. Don't think I don't love you, Hazza."

"It's okay, baby. I promise you I will gain your trust back. We will be fine. Now please show me that melody that's stuck in your head. I might steal it for my next number one hit." Harry breaks the tension and makes Louis smile.

"Did you like it?" Louis asks when he finished playing. "It's amazing, Lou. I... Can you please play it again? I think I have lyrics that would fit. I mean... I haven't finished the songs yet. I still need some parts but I wrote two verses. "

Louis obeys and Harry starts to sing.

Down to Earth
Keep on falling when I know it hurts
Going faster than a million miles an hour
Tryna catch my breath some way, somehow
Down to Earth
It's like I'm frozen but the world still turns
Stuck in motion and the wheels keep spinnin' 'round
Movin' in reverse with no way out

Harry has been feeling like his whole world stopped the day Louis left. He did the tour, he went to signings and events but he felt stuck. He rolled into this weird world of showbiz without his rock. Time is standing still from the moment Louis left.

"That was good, Haz. Do you mind if I add some lyrics? They possibly could go together. I know them by heart." Louis looks nervously at Harry and the curly lad nods. "Feel free, Lou. It could be our first song together. It would make me really excited honestly."

"Just... Don't be angry okay? I have written them after..." Louis doesn't finish the sentence. He doesn't need to. Harry gets it. He gives the boy a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, boo. I know you write about your feelings."

Louis starts to play the guitar again and he sings. Voice sounding like the one of an angel filled with emotions.

And now I'm one step closer to being
Two steps far from you
When everybody wants you
Everybody wants you

Everybody wants Harry. First it was Caroline and Kendall. Then fucking Jeff controls him like a marionette. And now the whole world literally wants Harry. It's difficult because these things keep tearing them apart. It kills Louis.

How many nights does it take to count the stars?
That's the time it would take to fix my heart
Oh, baby, I was there for you
All I ever wanted was the truth, yeah, yeah
How many nights have you wished someone would stay?
Lie awake only hopin' they're okay
I never counted all of mine
If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity

Louis is broken. He put everything in his relation with Harry. He has always supported him in everything he does. He has always put Harry before himself. The only thing he wanted from Harry was that he could be honest, truthful. Louis couldn't stand the lies, the hiding and everything that had something to do with it. He just wanted the truth, be honest. But that was too much to ask... It still hurts. He knows that Harry is doing his best but that doesn't take away all the fear at once. It doesn't just bring back the trust. Louis' trust is not easy to gain.

Harry's eyes are tearing but he makes the sign to Louis to keep playing. His second verse should fit perfectly behind this.

Eyes can't shine
Unless there's somethin' burnin' bright behind
Since you went away, there's nothin' left in mine
I feel myself runnin' out of time

Harry's eyes are automatically shining when he is doing something he is passionate about. But he lost all his passion when his love left him. Louis took his heart, soul, and passion with him. Why would Harry keep going? His music is made for one pair of ears and that's gone. He ran out of time. Louis stayed for two months but left... Harry was too late to show the boy how much he means to him.

The song sounds good. It actually sounds perfect. Louis sings his part again, repeating the words. The second time they sing Louis' part together, making it sound like it's made in heaven.

Louis puts his guitar aside and looks straight in Harry's eyes making blue and green meet. "I'm sorry that I hurt you too by leaving you. I never said that. Your lyrics made me realise that I'm not the only one hurt." Louis whispers.

Harry leans his forehead on Louis' and he takes his hand. "It's fine, Lou. I did this to us and I will fix it. I promise you." Louis' heart is beating out of his chest.

"Don't break it, please. I miss you, Hazza." A tear rolls down Louis' face and Harry wipes it away with his thumb.

"I won't break this promise. Louis William Tomlinson I will do everything to gain your trust again. If you ever give me another chance I promise you that I'll show the whole world that you are mine. I'm not making the same mistake again. I love you, Boo. Infinity..."

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