Chapter 6

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"Are you sure you want this sunbed, Harry? It's literally next to the entertainment box and the speaker is only a few metres away from us." Olivia says. Harry nods. "Yes. This is where I always used to lay with Niall and Shirley. This is my spot." Olivia rolls her eyes but obeys Harry and puts her towel next to his.

Many people are whispering and pointing at the pair but Harry ignores it. He knows they can't do anything because they signed a contract. He gives an autograph to a few people and that's all. He is really thankful that people respect him and don't just walk up to him all the time.

Harry's heart starts to beat faster when he sees the blue shirts walking towards the swimming pool. Harry bites his lip when he looks at the smallest of the boys. Louis is so fucking damn gorgeous. He can't believe this perfect person used to be his and that he let this amazing person go. Harry wants to punch himself in the face for letting him go.

The group doesn't dance around the pool. It's December and it's a bit chilly. There are no people in the pool, only around. It's sunny, but not too hot. It's about 2O degrees. That's a lot hotter then back in London where it's snowing right now.

"Olivia, look! That's him! That's my boobear!" Harry points at Louis discretely, showing the other woman the guy he has been talking about for the last month.

"He is good looking, Harry. He is cute." The blond looks at the tin guy, taking everything in. He is exactly like Harry described him.

"He is mine, Olivia." Harry snaps. He doesn't know why he just did that. He is really possessive over Louis and the fact that they are not together now as a couple makes Harry unsure.

"Are you serious, Harry Styles? Were you implying I wanted to steal your boyfriend? Can I remind you who has been listening to you for a whole month? You told me every single second that you spent with this boy. Believe me when I say that I know he is yours. He is walking in our direction by the way." Harry's eyes leave the blonde to see that indeed Louis is walking towards him.

"OMG! How is my hair? Do I look good? Something in between my teeth? Does my breath smell?" Harry starts to panic. He wants to be perfect for his Louis.

"Haz, you are literally making me sick. This guy ate your fucking ass. I think you are fine." Harry can't hide the huge blushes that appear on his cheeks. Olivia is a nice person. She is just really straightforward sometimes. Let's say that she could have been Niall's older sister.

"Hey, Harry... Euhm... Can I maybe... Like is it okay if I sit with you guys for a bit?" Louis is nervous and plays with the hem of his t-shirt. It makes Harry smile. It's really adorable.

"Lou... Of course you can. I would like to introduce you to Olivia. So Lou, this is Olivia. Olivia, this is Louis. " Harry wants to be polite and introduces the girl.

Louis awkwardly shakes her hand and takes place on a chair that's close to the pairs' sunbed.

"Yeah, I know Olivia. I have seen you two a lot on tv and stuff. Can't open my facebook without seeing the two of you kiss! I'm so happy for you that you found someone who can deal with your lifestyle and you can show off. She is really pretty. The two of you look really in love. I wish you all the best, Haz. You deserve it. I'm glad you finally found your happiness. " Louis puts on his fake smile. It's really a talent of his. His heart breaks with every single word he just said. But he wants to be happy for Harry. The guy never really did something wrong and he deserves the best in life. He is an angel. Louis is just upset that he couldn't give him that. God how he wishes it was him on that other sunbed.

Harry wants to cry there and now. He can't believe Louis basically just approves of his new relationship. He can't be serious? Louis should know Harry better than this? Look happy? Look in love? Finally found happiness? Unbelievable. Harry is so pissed right now. It's like Louis doesn't want to see how miserable Harry is without him. Zayn said Louis wasn't over him? He looks quite fine to him, congratulating him and Olivia like it's the most normal thing in the world.

"Oh, sweetheart you got it completely wrong." Olivia gives Louis a smile. "I am not Harry's girlfriend , I am..."

"My fiancé! She is my fiancé! We are engaged. Baby, I told you not to spread that around yet." Harry cuts the blond girl off.

He gives Olivia the look that she has to play along.

"Oh, euhm yeah I'm sorry darling. I just thought that Louis here is a special person to you." Harry ignores Olivia's eyes.

"Oh, congratulations I guess..." Louis puts a smile on his face while he is dying inside. How can he be engaged? They were together for only a month, max. Were they already seeing each other when Louis was still in London? No that's impossible. Harry promised he has never cheated on him. Or was that a lie? Louis' heart is crumbling but he can't show that. Without thinking he says the following words.

"Can I tell my girlfriend about you two or would you rather I keep it a secret?" Louis tries to sound confident in his lie.

"Girlfriend?" Harry's eyes are wide and he wants to punch someone. The jealousy inside him is driving the curly boy crazy.

"Yeah, girlfriend." Louis crosses his arms and smiles at the pair, hiding the pain he is feeling inside.

"You can tell her. I don't really mind." Harry says trying to sound normal and not like he would kill a whole village or something.

"Great. I will tell her. She is a fan." Louis does his best to try and stay into his role but it's hard.

"Is she? Well then I should meet her. Maybe we can go on a double date tonight?" Harry wants to punch himself in the face. Did he really just suggest a double date with him, his beard, the love of his life and his girlfriend?

"Euh... Tonight? I don't know..." Louis starts to panic. How can he get a girlfriend in less than a few hours?

"Oh, that sounds amazing! You have to do it, Louis. Convince her. It's on me." Olivia smiles at the smaller boy.

Louis nods. "Euh... Sure. I'm off in the evening. It's an external show and I'm not really needed. I'll ask her if she wants to come."

"Of course she wants to. She is a fan of mine, isn't she?"

"Yeah, yeah. Look, I have an activity now. We will talk later okay?"

Louis leaves the couple and runs straight to Dani's room. She has her day off today.

"Lou, what's wrong? Shouldn't you be doing some bingo right now?" Her hair is in a messy bun and she is still in her pyjamas.

"I need you to be my fake girlfriend for as long Harry is here. We are going out on a double date with Harry and Olivia tonight." Louis talks fast. He is so nervous and emotional.

"What? Louis no... Don't make me do this. I was planning to go to the other hotel for the show. I love you, Tommo but I'm not doing this." Danielle shakes her head.

"Dani, please." Louis starts to cry. All the emotions are coming out right now. "He is engaged, Dani. He is going to marry her. Please, I can't look like a heartbroken loser who is still not over it while he is going to get married. I beg you, Dani." Louis' sobs are loud and Dani pulls the boy in a hug.

"You are lucky I love you, Tomlinson. What time are you picking me up?"

A small smile appears on Louis' face. "I'll knock on your door at 19:00. Thanks, Dani. You saved my life."

Danielle smiles at the boy. "Now come wash your face in my bathroom and start your actual job. Prepare yourself for the best date of your life." 

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