Chapter 29

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Harry, Louis, Roxy and Niall are chilling in the lobby bar. It's quite windy outside so they decided to sit inside.

"Can't believe I'm working for you, Tomlinson." Dani jokes when she walks passed the friends. "Simon is so annoyed you quit and that you are staying here as a guest now with Harry. He really freaked out." Zayn chuckles.

"I honestly don't care. I mean I'm grateful for the chances he gave me but he is a dick. I will miss you guys though." Louis leaves his seat and hugs the two entertainers.

"When are you leaving?" Zayn asks. He has a strong façade but it's clear that he is emotional. Louis is his very best friend and he has taken care of the boy for eight years. Louis leaving is a real gap in his life. He found out last time when the boy left for London. He is happy for his best friend though. Louis is the happiest Zayn has ever seen him and Harry is so good to him. He protects the boy and that's something that Louis needs, protection.

"Tomorrow after the concert we have a flight to Barcelona. My next concert is there after tomorrow." Harry explains when he sees Louis' questioning look. They haven't discussed the tour yet.

"It will suck without you, Lou. But we will try to come and visit you in Paris or something, right Zayn?" Dani puts her arms around her darker friend when she notices he is very upset.

"We will." Zayn gives a caring look to his friend.

"You better do." Louis pets his best friends one more time on the back and sits down on Harry's lap when Zayn and Dani have to go back to work. Harry puts his arm around Louis' slim body and pulls him closer to him. Louis loves the contact and he enjoys being able to sit there while in public. Harry kisses Louis' neck from time to time not caring at all that he is surrounded by other hotel guests. Not because they signed a contract that respects Harry's privacy, but because he just wants everyone to know that Louis is his boy. He is not going to hide him anymore. Kissing him on New Years' is the best decision he ever made.

"Harry, can you please answer Jeff!" Olivia walks into the lobby bar and her face is annoyed.

"I'd rather not, actually Liv."

"Harry he has been calling and texting me non stop asking me if you were near. I kept saying I was in my room and I have no idea where you are but I can't keep lying, Haz." She sighs.

"Tell him I will talk to him after the concert. I'm not in the mood now. I'm on holiday. I don't need his bullshit. I know he will talk shit about Lou and I and I'm not taking it. I just want to be with my boyfriend." Louis turns around and kisses Harry softly telling him how much he loves him. Moments like this, Louis' smile, that's exactly why Harry made it public.

"Just... Figure it out Harry because he sounds really pissed. He mentioned something about fixing it but I have no idea. He will kill you tomorrow."

Harry rolls his eyes. "These are worries for tomorrow. Leave us in peace now, Olivia. I love you but don't make me stressed like this." Harry looks at Louis. "Want to go to our room?" Louis nods, stands up and takes Harry's hand in his. They say goodbye to their friends and leave.

Both boys are in Harry's room. They are kissing lazily, hands roaming each other's body.

"Are you excited?" Harry asks Louis. Louis nods and smiles at Harry. "I'm really excited. I can't wait to travel with you. Do you think Jeff will let me though?" Louis starts to stress and Harry notices it.

"Baby, I'm not going without you. He can't tell me anymore to push you away. It's you, Lou. I need you. I told you that if he tells me I can't be with you I'll just stop. I would give up everything for you. Just want us to be happy." Harry kisses Louis and he feels the older boy smile in the kiss.

"We will be happy. As long as we have each other we are fine." Louis puts his arms around Harry and snuggles into the curly boy. They just talk, kiss and tell each other sweet nothings until the hotel phone is ringing.

"Hello." Harry answers the phone annoyed. His lips could be attached to Louis now but here he is answering the fucking phone.

"Mister Styles, you have a guest waiting for you in the lobby. Could you please come down? It's urgent."

Harry quickly agrees and puts some clothes on. "Do you wait here, baby? I'll be back as soon as possible. I have no clue who could visit me." Louis nods and pulls the covers further over himself.

"I'm going to take a nap. Just wake me up when you're back okay?" Harry nods and pecks Louis on the forehead. "See you in a bit, love."

When Harry enters reception he feels his stomach twist. He wants to turn back but it's already too late. He has seen him already.

In one of the comfier chairs is Jeff sitting. He looks Harry straight in the eyes, laptop resting on his lap. Harry slowly walks towards him, not knowing a way to get out of the situation. He wished he would have never answered that phone so he was napping now with Louis in his arms. He wouldn't be asleep himself, but he loves watching Louis. It's the cutest thing ever.

"Harry... Please sit down." Jeff's voice is stern and Harry obeys, sitting in front of his manager.

"What is he doing here?"

Harry doesn't need to ask who Jeff is talking about. He knows he is talking about Louis.

"He works here, or more like worked." Harry explains simply.

"Did you know? Harry, did you use the companies money for your 'writers holiday' just to visit your ex and rekindle with him? What about Olivia?" Jeff is still really cool. He doesn't say one word louder than the other.

"She knows Lou. She is fine with it. Some people are not homophobic you know." Harry sounds snappy. He doesn't know if he meant it like that or not, but it feels good.

"I fixed your mistake." Is the only thing Jeff says, ignoring Harry's comment.

"I can't remember making any mistakes except trusting you."

Again Jeff ignores Harry's comment and turns his laptop around.

"This is an article I have made written about you. It says that the boy kissed you while being drunk on New Year's and that you were to slow to push him away. It also includes an apology towards Olivia saying you never meant for this to happen. You are welcome. " Jeff turns his laptop back.

Harry is boiling inside. He can't believe Jeff did this. Actually he can. But when Louis knows he will go crazy and he will be hurt. Harry is not going to let that happen. He made a promise.

"I will deny it. I'm coming out. I'm a bit done in the closet. It kills me and it kills Louis. He is going on tour with me as well so..."

"That's not up to you to decide. No way he is coming with you. Olivia is joining you. She is your girlfriend."

"She is not. Louis is my boyfriend. Stop trying to ruin us. It's annoying. I'm quite sure it's against the law you know all that homophobia. If Louis is not going with me, there is no tour at all. I won't go."

"Don't start acting like a lawyer, Styles. You are just a pretty boy that can sing and play guitar. Stop acting like you are everything. You would have been nothing without me. I will not let you disrespect me like this. You signed for going on this tour and you will go on this tour without lover boy. For fuck's sake try to act straight like you are supposed to be. If I knew you were gay in the very beginning I wouldn't have even hired you. It's disgusting."

Harry feels tears burning behind his eyes. The fact that there are still people walking around with this mindset sickens him. It hurts but he also feels a lot of anger.

"You can think what you want. My talent is not based on my sexuality and my true fans know that. If I lose fans because I'm together with the love of my life, I don't give a shit to be honest. Look, Jeff. I did everything what you asked me. I wrote some songs for the next album and they are really good. I'm doing my job."

"That's great, Harry. It really is and I'm sure those songs are nice. But I will give you the choice: Or you stay signed with us and you shut the hell up about that fucking boy toy or you leave but then I don't want to see you tomorrow at the concert. What will it be?"

Harry bites his lip and looks at Jeff.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the concert."

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