Chapter 24

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"I can't believe we forgot that stupid kiss again!" Louis murmurs frustrated when they are back on the boat. The boys are sitting inside now. The sun is not out anymore and it's pretty chilly on the deck.

"It's a bit funny, not going to lie, Lou." Harry chuckles. He pulls the smaller boy on his lap and kisses his nose. "We'll go back there one day and then we'll kiss okay? It's the first thing we do." Louis nods and places his head in the crook of Harry's neck. "I just wanted this to be perfect and I ruined it by forgetting that kiss." Harry feels his neck getting wet and immediately he lifts up Louis' head, making their eyes meet.

"Babe, don't cry over this. It was perfect, it still is perfect. Every single second I spend with you is perfect. It's because I love you." Harry's words are full of love yet it's hard to convince Louis they are real when he is in his self-conscious mood.

"You just say that to make me feel better. I know how much you like it up there and I screwed up. If I didn't ask you to sing than maybe I wouldn't have forgotten. I'm such a screw up. How can you even love me?"

Harry knows exactly what's going on and he needs to stop it. He hates it when Louis destroys himself.

"Don't say this about yourself. I love you and you are not a screw up. You are the most loving, caring, beautiful, sweetest person I have ever met in my life." Louis wants to say something but Harry puts his finger on his lip.

"Nope, you are not changing my mind. Instead of eating yourself up, eat my lips. They are begging for your attention." Harry gives Louis a playful look and he sees a smile appearing on the smaller boys' face. It makes Harry's heart warm knowing he pulled him out of one of his self-destroying moods. Louis connects their lips and he puts everything into the kiss. He wants to show Harry how much he loves him. Only Harry can make him feel at least a tiny bit good about himself. Harry is everything.

"I'm sorry I freaked out again, I..." Louis wants to apologise again but Harry interrupts.

"When are you going to stop apologising for everything when you don't need to? Just kiss me you fool." Harry pushes Louis' head closer to his, connecting their lips again. He hates it when Louis doubts himself and puts himself down. Louis literally saved Harry in so many ways. He wouldn't have been the guy he is now without his little hedgehog by his side.

"Son!" Zayn's father walks towards the boys hugging them both. "Hey, Harry." He says right after. "How was your date?"

Louis smiles and takes Harry's hand in his. "We had a perfect time together. Thanks for doing this by the way!" louis pets the older mans' back and Harry is confused. Do what?

"It's okay, son. I just want to see you happy. I'm glad I could do something. I felt so helpless the last month. Now go sit over there. I made the table and it has the best view." The older man points at the table outside. It's under a roof and there is a fire right next to it so it isn't to cold.

"Thanks, Yacer. I owe you." Louis hugs the man, kisses his cheek and then takes Harry's hand to lead him towards the table. It's only then that Harry notices something.

"Lou, there is nobody else here."

"I know, Harry. That's the whole point of renting a place." Louis chuckles.

"But... You also rented the boat, now this. Louis it must have cost a fortune! You know that you don't need to spend all that money on me right?" Harry gives Louis a worried look. He knows the boy has been working all his life and hard. He doesn't want him to just throw that money away.

"It's fine, Haz. You know I do everything for you. It's your Christmas present and I'm enjoying it myself as well. Don't worry about it." Louis kisses Harry's hand that he is holding on the table.

"But why, baby? You know I don't need all that fancy stuff as long as I have you, right?"

Louis nods. He knows he could give Harry a giftcard from the supermarket and he would be still happy because it comes from Louis. Yet Louis isn't satisfied not going all-in for his boy. And the renting stuff? That has another reason as well.

"I just didn't want to share you this night. This date is special and it's an amazing throwback to our first date where we kind of discovered our feelings and almost had our first kiss. I wanted to be able to touch you whenever I want without worrying someone takes a picture of us secretly, making you lose your job. I just... I wanted to be free for one day, Hazza. I didn't want to be careful. I just wanted to spend time with you and do whatever I wanted to do. I wanted to kiss you, hug you, staring at you. I wanted everything. I want you and I don't give a single shit about the amount of money I lost because in the end it's more than worth it. We wouldn't have enjoyed this day when we were surrounded by your fans and people taking pictures, paparazzi,... My Christmas gift to you wasn't only this date. It's also a taste of our life when we are actually out and don't have to hide."

Harry's eyes are filled with tears. He can't believe Louis would do all of this just to be able to be free for one day. He probably spent his monthly wage organising all of this.

"I'm so sorry I'm still hiding you, Lou. I swear it's not my intention to keep it that way. Please tell me if I'm hurting you. I didn't ask this last time and I regret it a lot. Am I hurting you, Lou?" Harry's thumb is rubbing Louis' knuckles.

Louis gives him a smile and shakes his head.

"You are not hurting me at all, Hazza. You are making me the happiest person on this planet. Don't rush it, take your time. I'm here and I'm staying. I know you can't just show me off to the world without talking to your management and Olivia and stuff. I really do understand, Harry. You are giving me the love I've never had. I didn't organise this day to rub in your face that we are not out yet. I organised so you could enjoy a normal day as well. I didn't want you to think today, I wanted you to just do it and go with it. Baby I love you so much. You are not hurting me, I promise."

Louis leans over the table and presses his lips against Harry's plumb ones.

"You are precious, Louis Tomlinson. This, what we had today, I promise you, we will be able to do it every single day soon." Harry's green eyes are piercing through Louis' ocean blue ones.

"I trust you."

And those three words mean more to Harry then 'I love you' coming from the shorter boy because he knows they mean so much more to Louis as well. He doesn't say them easily, almost never. Yet Harry is the lucky guy that earned Louis Tomlinsons' trust for the second time and he will never break it again.

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