Chapter 9

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"You are lying." Is the first thing that comes out of Louis' mouth.

"I am not, Lou. Olivia is a beard. She told me herself when we went to the bathroom. Harry is actually here for you but got scared so he made up the engagement lie." Danielle smiles but that fades when she sees Louis' face.

"You are happy, right Lou? Your man flew all the way to Spain to get you back. Why are you putting that face?"

"I can't believe the fucker lied to me. He knows I hate liars. He fucking lied about being engaged. I can kill him right now." Louis is happy, he really is. God he could hug every single person on the island from happiness but right now he is only showing his anger. Why would Harry want to hurt him like this when it's all a lie?

"Okay calm down, Romeo. This is exactly what you wanted. I understand you are upset. But don't make a scene here in the restaurant, okay?" Danielle looks at her friend.


"Have you found your earring?" Olivia asks when the pair is back. "No, no I didn't find it."

"So, Harry. About that wedding... When is the date?" Louis looks Harry straight in the eyes and Harry spits out the wine he was drinking.

"Oh euhm... In summer..." he tries to lie smoothly.

"Nice. Do you already have a theme?" Louis keeps asking.

Olivia gives Danielle a look and Danielle only nods, confirming that yes, Louis knows the truth. Olivia decides to not say anything and let Harry sweat. He put himself in this position and she thinks that Louis deserves to have his fun for a bit.

"Euhm yeah... It will be a very big wedding with euhm diamonds and... Vegas! Yeah it will be a Vegas theme!" Harry makes up on the spot.

"Vegas? I thought you hated casino's and stuff. You think they are toxic. Why would you pick that as a theme for your wedding?" Louis isn't done questioning the younger lad and he will keep going till he breaks.

"Yeah yeah that's true but that doesn't mean it can't be an awesome wedding theme right? Olivia?" Harry looks hopeful at the girl next to him.

"He is your friend, baby. He is talking to you. It's up to you to answer his questions." Harry is cursing under his breath. Can he just die now?

"Yeah I think I get it, I guess. I can see you play poker, Haz with all the bluffing." Louis can't control himself.

"What do you mean, bluffing?" Harry tries to stay in his role.

"Nothing, really nothing. Please go on and tell me more about that wedding. How did you propose? When?"

Harry is literally sweating. Why is Louis randomly so interested in his wedding? "Well, we were on the beach. The sun was going down. It has been a really hot day and we just spent the day swimming in the sea and stuff. So while the sun was going down, I proposed to her. It was really romantic." Harry is proud of his lie. It does sound really romantic. He has to remember it for when he proposes to Louis one day.

"Hot day, huh?" Louis asks.

Harry nods.

"I left in November. There are no hot days in the UK in the end of November or the beginning of December." Louis rises his eyebrow.

"Oh, it wasn't in the UK. We were in Madrid." Harry lies smoothly. He is getting better at this.

"There is no beach in Madrid." Louis snaps back.

"It wasn't exactly Madrid. It was near."

"Where was it exactly?"

"I don't remember."

"You don't remember the place where you proposed to your girlfriend?"

"Not exactly. Spanish names are confusing."

"What was the date?"

"30th of November."

"That's funny. That's in the middle of your UK tour."

"I had a small break."

"So you it's settled. Your marriage will be next year February?"


"That's funny. A few minutes ago you were going to marry in summer."

"What are you trying to say, Louis?" Harry is getting nervous from all those questions.

"I'm saying that you are a big fat liar and I can't believe you would do that to me after all we have been through. I thought you respected me a little bit more but here you are lying in my face about a wedding that doesn't exist with a girl that's not even your girlfriend but your fucking beard."

Harry's eyes are huge right now and his lips form a tin line.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Louis." Harry tries to keep on going but Louis doesn't take it.

"Stop lying. I know the truth. Olivia told Danielle. At least some people thought that I deserve the truth. I can't believe this, Harry. I can't believe you were intentionally hurting me. You were always my safe spot and now you are just lying in my face, making me hurt so much." Louis wants to cry so badly but he doesn't let his tears escape. Harry doesn't deserve to see one single tear.

"Why are you even upset. You are the one that actually moved on, Tomlinson." Harry says looking at Danielle.

"We are not really together. It's fake." Louis admits.

"So how the fuck are you angry that I lied if you did the same thing?" Harry is getting angrier.

"Hey! Don't blame this on me. You were the first one to lie. My lie just slipped out because you literally shattered my heart in a billion pieces when you told me you were fucking engaged. You don't get to blame me. You don't have that right." Louis is now standing up when he speaks to Harry.

Harry follows his example.

"Well, you didn't even show me that you cared. You looked happy I was with someone else. You couldn't even look at me in the bathroom and when you did you just looked at me without any emotion. I flew to Spain for you, to fight for us, and you just didn't show any emotion." Harry's voice is louder now.

"How do you expect me to know you came back for me? Your face is over the whole fucking internet kissing her!" Louis points at Olivia.

"You should know I love you, Louis Tomlinson. Straight after tour I came here for you."

A sarcastic laugh leaves Louis mouth.

"Straight after tour? Wow, I'm so lucky that you chased me after a month. You know, Harry. You have changed. The old Harry would have never lied in my face like that. The old Harry would have never hurt me intentionally like that. Since you are with this Jeff you have changed. You are not my Hazza anymore. I have no idea who the fuck you are. Danielle, can we please go?" Louis takes his stuff and slowly walks out of the restaurant.

"Louis! No, Lou let's talk!" Harry wants to chase him but Olivia stops him. "Not now, Harry. He needs time. Go to him first thing tomorrow." Harry only nods and a tear escapes his eye. Is it true what Louis said? Has he really changed that much?

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