Chapter 12

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"For the ten billionth time you look great, Haz." Olivia rolls her eyes when the boy who is sitting next to her is fixing his curls again.

"I can never look good enough for Lou." He defends himself.

Butterflies go through his stomach when he sees the boy walking on stage. Dani is holding the microphone and Payno, Louis and Kendall are standing next to her.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Tonight is game night." Danielle explains the game and when she counts to three, the entertainers jump off the stage. My heart is beating like crazy. Would Louis still pick me or has he changed his mind? Harry takes another sip of his margarita.

"Haz... Be my partner?" Louis stands in front of him, showing off his beautiful white teeth. "Always." Harry takes his hand and together they walk to the stage. A big smile is covered on Dani's face when she sees the two boys walking together.

"So, as we have someone here who already played the previous games, we thought it would only be fair to change things a bit. The concept is still the same. We just have different games." Dani smiles cheekily.

"You really don't want me to win this thing once, do you?" Louis jokes. Dani shakes her head, giving her best friend a smile and starts to explain the first game.

You think with the chemistry that's hanging between the two boys they would easily win right? Wrong. Currently the two boys are on the last position, not having won one single game.

"I can't believe we are losing this! We are great!" Harry moans. "Honestly, we are quite horrible, Haz." Louis laughs when he sees Harry's disappointed face. "But don't worry, we will win this round. I'm sure." The older boy assures the younger one.

"The last game is the cake challenge. Every single one of you will get a pie. You have to eat the pie without using your hands. The first duo to finish wins."

"Oh, we can do this. We both love food!" Harry smiles giving Louis a fist bump. "Yup, we got this."

"FOR GOD'S SAKE, HARRY! EAT!" Louis screams when he finished his. "Mhjmhmm" Harry tries to say something but his mouth is full of cake.

"Don't talk, Curly! Eat! We have to win this! Come on!" Louis encourages the younger boy. But it doesn't help. Harry is a slow person, and yet again this is proof he really is. So Louis only sees one solution. He places his hand on Harry's head and he pushes his face right into the cake.

He can't hide a smirk when Harry moves his head up, face covered in whipped cream.

"Louis Tomlinson I can't believe you just did that!" Louis is laughing loud while the other contestants are still busy finishing their cake. Before Louis can answer him, he feels something wet landing on his face.

"Did you just throw cake at me, popstar?" Louis gasps.

"You bet I did." Harry is standing up now as well, smirking evilly at Louis.

"Okay, I get it." Louis goes towards the table and takes the rest of the pie, smashing it on top of Harry's head mixing it with his curls.

"You... God Tomlinson!" Harry looks behind him where Payno and his partner are still going on with the competition. Harry takes Payno's pie and throws it in Louis' face.

"Guys, guys! Stop it! That's not the intention on the game!" Dani intervenes. "Oh, it's on Styles!" Both boys are collecting the pie that's still left and throw it at each other, running around on the stage.

"Go off the stage, morons! You are covering everybody." Zayn screams from the DJ booth. Louis jumps from the stage, Harry following him still having pie in his hand.

After ten minutes of running and fighting there is no more pie left. They are at the sunbeds around the pool, both covered in whipped cream and custard.

"You are horrible, you know that." Louis says to the younger lad, smile covering his face.

"I am? You started this, boo!" Louis' heart flusters when he hears the name. He missed it so much.

"Well yeah but that didn't mean you had to continue. I'm covered in cream!" He pouts.

"I can fix that." Harry grins when he walks towards Louis.

"I know that face! Harry what are you..." Louis is been lifted up and the younger boy throws him easily in the pool, making Louis shriek when his body makes contact with the cold water.

"For fuck's sake, Styles! What's up with you and throwing me in freezing water today?" Louis wants to sound pissed but the corner of his mouth is twitching. He is secretly enjoying every single second of this.

"It's just too easy and too fun to do." He answers casually.

"Now, are you going to join me or are you just going to stand there and watch me freeze?"

"It's watch me burn."

"I'm sorry, Rihanna but I don't feel like I'm burning I feel like I'm freezing." Louis answers sassily. Harry loves it. He does as Louis asked and jumps in the pool. What can he say? He always does as Louis asks. Anything to please his boy.

"Fuck this is cold!" Harry says when he is in the pool. "Told you. But you keep torturing me." Louis swims over to Harry and jumps on his back.

"Now walk me around the pool, seahorsie!" Louis arms are around Harry's neck and his legs are clenching his sides. Both boys feel butterflies every time they touch.

"You know I could so get fired for this." Louis says as they go out of the pool. "Throwing cake at costumers, jump in the pool fully clothed at night time. Let's just pray Simon doesn't know..."

"He won't. You'll be fine. Want to go to my room? I have fresh towels. You can borrow some new clothes from me if you want and then we can start the song writing?"

Louis nods but doesn't pay attention at all. Harry is wearing a white shirt and now it's sticking against his chest. All his tattoos are visible and his wet curls are messy. The things that are going on in Louis' head now request a lot of holy water. A damn whole holy ocean.

"Sounds great." Automatically Harry grabs Louis hand and leads him to his room. Louis looks at their connected hands. A smile is playing on his face. Harry never did that back in London and butterflies are going crazy in his stomach. He is slowly getting his Hazza back. He couldn't be happier right now.

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