Chapter 17

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Last night wasn't sex what the two boys had. It was the definition of making love. Every single touch was full of love, care, passion and protection. It was like both boys desperately wanted to show the other how much he missed, loves and cares about them. It was a magical moment that both boys would describe as a new level in their relationship.

Right now Louis' head is resting on Harry's chest. His hands are resting on Harry's lower back. Harrys arms are protectively wrapped around Louis. He is snuggling into the boys' chestnut feathery hair.

"Good morning, baby." Louis gently kisses Harry on his nose but the other boy turns around. "No, not now, Lou. Let me sleep please. I have barely slept." Harry's voice is low and he sounds really tired.

"I know, babe. We shared the activities from last night you know?" Louis smiles cheekily. He loves thinking about last night. Not only the love making, but just everything. What Harry has done for him, is something special. No one has ever done something like this for Louis, not even his family. He knew it was time to forgive him. He also loves him to death. He can't spend one more second being separate from his curly boy.

Harry takes his phone to check the time and he groans. "Louis, it's seven in the morning. I thought you hated waking up early."

"I do. But today is Christmas and I get to spend it with you..." Louis' blue eyes are piercing through Harry's green ones and Harry can't help but smile.

Louis is excited for Christmas. He is excited to spend it with him, Harry. Harry's heart is warming up from the words his boy just told him. His boy. Louis is his again.

Harry puts his hand on Louis' cheeks and brings him closer to him, connecting their lips. He pulls Louis on top of him while they kiss lazily for a while.

"Am I your boyfriend again? Do you want to take me back after I left you?" Louis looks at Harry and his heart is racing.

"Are you joking, Lou? I came here for you. Of course I want you back. The real question is if you want me back after everything?" Harry gives the older boy a hopeful look.

"How can I not want you back? For sure after everything you have done for me the past few days. I love you." Louis presses his lips against Harry and again they are kissing.

After a while Louis pulls back and he takes Harry's hand in his. "Let's go downstairs, love. We have a busy day."

"How do we have a busy day, Lou?" Harry gives his boyfriend an amusing smile. Louis looks so excited.

"We have to go to the shop to buy a tree and decorate it and the whole house. Then we have to make Christmas cookies and it all has to be before 17:00 because then Olivia, Zayn and Dani are coming over, oh and also another surprise. Now our gifts are just randomly laying on the table."

Harry looks fondly at Louis. It was only a few days ago that the boy spoke the words that he hates Christmas and here he is basically jumping on Harry, telling him they have to decorate the house and bake cookies. Knowing that Harry made Louis love Christmas again makes his heart warm and genuinely happy.

He stands up from the bed and takes Louis by surprise when he picks the guy up and carries him bridal style downstairs. Louis lets out a small shriek soon puts his arms around Harry. Harry is sure. He will do everything to give Louis the best Christmas of his life. He makes it his own personal mission.

"Which tree do you think is better, Lou?" Harry asks when they are in the shop.

"Well, I'm quite British right, Harry. And I say a tree is a tree." Louis says looking between the two trees. Harry gives him a look and they both burst out laughing. "Oh, Lou. I missed you and your stupid remarks."

"Which decorations do you want?" The two boys are now in another shop, picking decorations. Praise the lord they could hire a car for the day.

"Look, Hazza! It's a glitter sprayer!" Louis takes the bottle of glitter and starts spraying golden glitter over Harry. "You're so goooolden!" He says jokingly while spraying his boyfriend. Harry looks around and sees a box filled with fake snow. He quickly puts his hand in the box, grabbing some and throwing it over Louis head. He smiles evilly at the boy. "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snooow!" Harry mimics Louis by singing a song.

"Oh, you are on, Styles!" Louis takes another bottle of glitter, this time red and silver and sprays them empty all over Harry. Harry takes the box of fake snow and throws it over Louis.

"What's going on here!!!" An old, bald man walks towards the pair. He is wearing a nametag. 'Pablo... General manager'.

"Euh, hi Sir!" Louis tries to look innocent but it doesn't work at all.

"The two of you, out of my shop!" The man screams.

"But, Sir. Don't you know who I am? I'm Harry Styles!" Harry gives the man a confident smile.

"Yeah I know who you are and I don't care you rude, teenage heartthrob! Even if you were the pope himself, I don't tolerate this in my shop. Get out!" The mans' face is getting redder and it only makes Louis laugh more.

"I can't believe he kicked us out!" Both boys are laughing like crazy when they are back in the car, on their way to the next shop.

"I bet you can't believe mister 'I'm Harry Styles." Louis mimics Harry's voice, talking extremely low and makes some weird movements with his hands.

"I don' t talk like that, Lou." Harry says rolling his eyes.

"Sure you don't, popstar." Louis can't stop laughing.

"It's your mistake mister glitters spray!" Harry pokes Louis' side while holding the wheel of the car in his other hand. It makes the smaller boy let out a little scream.

"Fine, fine. I'll behave in the next shop, okay?"

Both boys are walking around the shop.

"Hey, Harry! What do you think about this?" Harry turns around and burst out laughing when he sees Louis puts on a reindeer nose and ears, singing Rudolf the red nose reindeer.

"For God's sake, Lou. We can't get kicked out again, okay? I don't think there are more shops open today as it is Christmas day." Louis pouts at Harry and Harry takes the ears and the nose off him, kissing his forehead. "I'm buying you this. It looks way too cute on you to just leave it here." Louis gives Harry a hug, squeezing the taller boy. "Thanks, Hazza."

"So what colour do you want to decorate the tree in?" Louis is holding blue decorating in his left hand, and red in his right.

"Let's do a rainbow tree." Harry suggests. Louis looks up at him. "Rainbow tree? How'd you get that idea, Hazza?"

"Because I'm proud." 

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