Chapter 26

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Tonight is New Years eve. It's a special event that will take place on the beach. There will be a huge stage, a few acts, fireworks and an amazing party starting at 12. It's huge because it's the three sister hotels together.

That's why Harry hasn't seen Louis yet today or at least not as much as he sees him usually. He is rehearsing for the dancing show of tonight. The show is together with the entertainment teams of the other two hotels. All the entertainers are rehearsing right now in Louis' hotel because it's the biggest out of the three. Harry really wants to watch the repetitions, but Louis told him not to. It wouldn't be as cool tonight if Harry watched now. It pisses him off a bit. He misses Louis.

"Harry I swear to god if you sigh one more time I will kick you into that freezing pool." Olivia says annoyed watching the curly lad from over her magazine.

"But Lou has to rehearse all day. He even doesn't have lunch break. He only can eat quickly. It pisses me off. I only have 3 more days before the concert and then I'm gone." Harry is frustrated. Honestly it's not only because of Louis' rehearsals. He is just nervous about what's going to happen when Harry's concert is over. Tbat's when he gets an idea. He will talk with Louis about it later.

When Harry doesn't hear the loud music anymore a smile appears on his face. That means Louis isn't rehearsing anymore. Not even a few minutes later after that he sees his boyfriend walking... Next to Stan. Fucking Louis' fuckbuddy Stan. They are both laughing loudly and Stan's hand is over Louis' shoulder as they walk towards the bar. When the boys get their drinks Stan takes his straw and puts it inside Louis' drinks, taking a few sips. Harry is boiling. Louis only pushes him playfully. Harry is pissed. Can Louis just not beat him up for it? No? Is Harry being a bit too dramatic? Maybe. He just doesn't like Louis around the boy.

Harry thinks he will literally explode when Louis jumps on Stan's back. He literally wants to kill someone, preferably Stan. Louis slaps the boy playfully screaming 'GO HORSIE!' Harry's jealousy level is going up by the second. He decides to just turn around and bite his tongue. Otherwise he will get arrested in Spain because of murder.

"Hey, babe!" Louis walks into the room around six in the afternoon. He has been rehearsing all afternoon and is quite tired. "You are coming to the show tonight right?"

Louis wants to show off. He has been rehearsing a lot for this and Harry being there would mean the world to him. He spent a lot of time on this show and he even co-choreographed it. He can't wait to show Harry.

"I mean... You will have Stan next to you on stage. Are you sure you want me there? Don't want to be third wheeling."

Harry has been thinking all day about Louis and Stan and how they look attached to the hip. Louis is joking with him, laughing with hm and it annoys Harry. Louis is not like this with him in public.

Louis looked happy and as much as Harry wants to see his boy happy, it annoyed him that another boy made him smile. It was his job. Harry wasn't able yet to be that close with Louis in public and it annoys him that he can with other people. Harry will change that.

"What does that mean? Haz, of course I want you to be there. You are my boyfriend. Don't be jealous." Louis jumps on the bed right next to Harry and straddles the boy.

"I'm not." Harry says stubbornly.

Louis chuckles. "Sure you are not. So then you wouldn't mind if tonight Stan is my New Years kiss yeah? He has been every year you know." Louis loves to annoy Harry sometimes. An angry Harry means also amazing sex.

Harry feels blood boiling inside of him and turns the roles around. Now he is hovering over Louis. He puts Louis' arms above his head, holding them firmly.

"Don't you dare kiss another boy, Lou. Don't you dare kiss anyone other then me. It would drive me insane. You are mine."

Louis feels a pressure against the hot skin on his neck. He feels Harry sucking, biting and licking. It turns Louis on so much.

When Harry disconnects his lips from Louis' neck he has a satisfied smile on his face. He leans closer to Louis and whispers in his ear. "Just to make sure that stupid Stan knows you are mine." Harry's voice make shivers go down Louis' spine.

"I'm yours."

After a few rounds of amazing sex and a shower both boys are cuddling in Harry's bed. Louis head is resting on Harry's chest and Harry plays with the boys' hair that is still wet.

"You know you are so hot when you get all angry and jealous and possessive." Louis says while his finger is lingering over Harry's chest.

"I don't like you being with him. I know what the two of you used to do and I just go mental when I think about someone else touching you. I'm sorry if I overreacted baby." Harry kisses Louis hair.

"It's fine, really. We all can't be as calm as I am...." Louis says proudly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that I never get jealous, babe. I thought that was clear."

"Says the guy that threw a towel in the face of my ex without knowing her when we weren't even together yet." Harry smirks amused.

"Shut up. She deserved it. I was not planning on losing you." Louis says in defence.

"About losing each other... Lou I have a question." Harry lifts up Louis so he can watch him in the eyes. He wants to see his reaction.

"You scare me." Louis admits.

Harry gives Louis a reassuring smile and kisses his forehead. "No need to eb scared baby. I think you will like it. Or at least I hope you will...."

Louis gives an expecting look at Harry.

"I can't live without you any more seconds Louis. I love you way too much and I can't handle being away from you. Louis William Tomlinson, please join me on my European tour? Go with me. Sleep in my crappy tour bus. Cause troubles up in hotel rooms with me. For god sake even sing with me and write with me. Just... Please come along. I promise you that I will arrange everything. I need you boo. I don't want to leave you behind. I need you with me." Harry gives Louis a hopeful look.

"I don't know, Hazza. I want to be with you too but I remember giving everything for you up before. It won't come back to me all the time like this when..."

Harry interrupts Louis.

"I wont push you away. You say that you trust me. Show me, babe. Go on tour with me." Harry bites his lip, scared for Louis' answer.

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