Chapter 16

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"Good morning, Lou." Harry whispers in the older boys' ear. "Mmmh." He protests. He doesn't have a headache or pain in his stomach. Louis Tomlinsons' secret talent is that he is hang over proof. That doesn't mean he likes mornings though.

"It's your birthday, love." Harry removes Louis' fringe from his face and slowly he opens his eyes. They go immediately wide when he sees what's happening.

"You... Did you make me breakfast?" He whispers when he is watching the tray with food. "Pancakes, your favourite. Want to eat them together?" A big smile appears on Louis' face and he nods. "Yes, let's eat. Thank you so much, Hazza. You didn't have to do this. I'm speechless." Louis is looking for the right words to say but he can't. He is overwhelmed with emotions.

"You don't need to. Let's just eat. Then you should get ready. I'm taking you out on a date, remember?"

Louis bites his lip and nods. "Yeah, I do. I can't wait."

"Where are we going?" Louis asks for the billionth time.

"I'm not telling you, Lou. You will see." Harry playfully rolls his eyes.

"It's not fair. You know I don't like surprises." Louis moans.

"You will like this one, I promise." Louis looks out of the window pouting. He really hates it when he doesn't get what he wants. Sometimes he is a little child.

"Please, Haz. Can you just remove your hands from my eyes? And god it's cold!" Harry removes his hands and once again Louis' mouth is wide open.

He can't believe where he is right now...

"You took me to an ice skating rank..." He whispers looking at the ice.

"If you don't like it we can..."

"It's perfect." Louis interrupts him. Harry smiles at him.

"I have gloves and a jacket for you in the bag. I rented it so it's just us" Harry hands it to Louis and both boys put on their skates, eager to go on the ice.

"I haven't done this in forever! I'm going to fall!" Louis screams when he is on the rank.

"Take my hands, I won't let you fall." Harry looks at the smaller boy and soon he feels to hands in his own. The boys are skating for like an hour until they leave the ice, changing back to their regular shoes.

Both boys don't share a single word during the ride back to the house. There were no words needed. Louis rested his head on Harry's shoulder and that was it. Words would have been too much.

When the boys enter the house, Louis is shocked!

"SURPRISE AGAIN!" In front of him are Zayn, Payno, Dani and Olivia.

"I think you only meant to do this once, right? Another surprise party?" Louis asks smirking.

"It's a special one. Harry organised this one. And it's more intimate. We brought cake." Zayn steps aside so the table is visible.

Louis really has to try to keep his tears to himself. On the table there is a huge red velvet cake and cups all filled with hot chocolate. He turns to Harry and just hugs him.  No one has ever done something like that for him.

The friends are all talking, all laughing and telling stories. Louis moved to Harry's lap. He wants to be close to the boy. He wants to feel his presence. He has missed it so much.

"So, Lou. There is one more thing to do." Dani says after she cleaned up all  the plates and cups together with Olivia. Louis rises his eyebrow. "What?"

"Follow me. Before you think it was my idea, this, today, everything, it was all Harry!" Zayn says. They are walking towards the garage. Louis doesn't get it. The garage? There is literally nothing, not even a car.

This was the final drop. Louis can't take it anymore. Tears are streaming down his face when he enters. The garage is covered in white. There is a big snow machine shooting snow over the whole room.

"Don't cry! Fight!" Louis wants to answer but a snow ball hits him in his face. He looks at Zayn who is smirking at him. "Game on."

They had a huge snowball fight, built a snowman and made snow angels. The others left and now it's only Harry and Louis . As expected Harry ordered pizza and they are watching movies. They just finished home alone and now they are watching Bad Santa. Louis picked that one and made Harry roll his eyes in amusement. Only Louis can pick that movie.

Louis is sitting on Harry's lap, his head resting on his shoulder. Harry plays with his hair and Louis really has been missing that feeling. He wish they could stay like that forever.

"Hazza..." Louis whispers, taking his attention away from the tv.

"Yes, boo?"

"Yesterday... When I was drunk... Thank you for not taking advantage of me. I know that must have been hard for you. I really appreciate it. And today, Harry I don't have words to express how much this means to me." A single tear rolls down on Louis' cheek.

"It's nothing, Lou. I wanted to make this day perfect for you. I wanted to give you the experience that you were missing so much... I mean, I couldn't give you your family but..."

"It's not nothing, Haz. Nobody has ever done something like this for me. You listened to me and you cared enough to give me something special like this. This is the most beautiful day of my life. It was perfect. You are my family now. You are my home. I feel safe with you. Hazza, I... I trust you." Blue meets green and both eyes are watery.

"Are you serious?" Harry's voice is a whisper. Louis smiles through his tears and nods. "Yes. Always loved you, but I trust you now as well. Don't break it, Haz. This is the last time I'm breaking my walls for you."

"I promise you, Lou I won't disappoint you."

Louis nods, believing Harry's promise. Slowly he leans in and for the first time in more then a month, their lips connect.

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