Chapter 21

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After a few minutes Louis wakes up in Harry's bed. "Hazza?" Louis mumbles. "Louis! You scared me. How are you, baby ? How many fingers am I putting up? What's your name? What year are we? Are you hurt? Should we go to the hospital? I'm calling a doctor!" Harry is panicking and it makes Louis giggle.

"I'm fine. Relax, baby. Come here next to me. I want to cuddle you." Louis pets on the place next to him on the bed. Harry smiles at him and obeys. He puts his arms around the smaller boy but really careful. He doesn't want to hurt him.

"Hazza, I'm not made of glass. Can you hug me properly please?" Louis moans when he feels Harry is being too careful.

Again Harry listens to Louis and pulls the boy closer to him, taking his head and putting it on his chest and kissing his hair. "Zayn called Simon to tell him that you fainted. You can rest tomorrow." Harry says to his boyfriend.

"But I'm fine..."

"Yeah, but you should rest." Harry caresses the boys' hair and regularly kisses him.

"Fine, I don't mind. I'm not objecting on being stuck with my hot boyfriend all day in a hotel room that has room service. What should we order? Strawberries? Chocolate sauce? Whipped cream?" Louis asks while kissing Harry's neck.

"You literally are horny all the time." Harry chuckles.

"Mmmh, I missed you. Can't get enough from you. But now I'm actually tired so I just want to hug my amazingly, beautiful boyfriend." Louis stops the kissing and cuddles into Harry, burying his head in his neck.

"You were really good tonight, Louis. You were amazing actually. You've got so much talent. I'm proud of you."

"Really? I wasn't sure... I was really nervous but you blowing me kisses from time to time helped the stress go away though. I enjoyed it. Sorry for fainting by the way. Only I can be so dorky to actually faint during my performance."

"You're not dorky. I don't think you can control your fainting, baby. I really enjoyed singing with you. It's the most fun I ever had on stage. Next time we are singing this song the whole world will know you are mine and I'll be able to give you all these love stares. It was killing me not to be able to look at you the whole time."

Louis' heart is beating uncontrollably. Hearing Harry talk about them being open in public does something to him. He would never talk about doing things in public while they were in London.

"I love you. I love you so much. I can't tell you how important it is for me to be able to just kiss you wherever I want and whenever I want. Just... Tell the world when you are ready okay, Haz? I don't want you to rush you into this. It's your career and we can hide until you are ready to..."

Harry stops Louis from talking by pressing his lips on Louis' tin pair. "I am ready, baby. I am so ready. There is nothing that I want more then for everybody to know that I'm loved by Louis Tomlinson and I love him a million times more. I swear we will be out soon. I promise you, baby. You and me against the world, soulmates."

"I'm lucky to be yours, Harry Styles. Now let's go to sleep. Tomorrow we are busy doing nothing and I want to be energetic for it. I will need it." Louis winks at Harry which makes the younger boy bite his lip. "Sometimes I hate you, Tomlinson."

The next day the two boys don't leave Harry's room. They ordered room service, had a few rounds of... fun? And now they are watching Harry's favourite Spanish soap.

"I can't believe Marco and Sabrina broke up in those months I didn't watch the show!" Harry moans while watching the screen.

"Babe, the sub titles and audio are in Spanish. Do you even understand what's going on?" Louis asks amused. Harry shakes his head.

"No, but their body language says everything! You can feel the emotion. Marco is heartbroken over Sabrina! Look at him watching her! Just... Seeing Sabrina with someone else literally kills him." Harry points at the screen.

"Don't need to tell me. I know how it feels." Louis says under his breath, immediately regretting the words when he sees Harry's face.

"Sorry, baby I shouldn't have said that. It's not your fault. Come here." Louis pulls the curly lad closer to him and kisses him passionately.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Lou. I made wrong decisions, I know I did. But I never had the intention to break your heart. I should have told you immediately when I arrived that Liv is my beard and nothing more and instead I lied even more. Hell, I should have texted you the second I got the message that she would be my beard. I'm so sorry I let you go through this. I swear there was nobody else. It's only you, Louis. Always you."

Louis pulls Harry closer to him. He feels his tears falling on his bare chest.

"It's okay, baby. We are fine. We will stay fine. I love you. I shouldn't have made that remark it was really mean. I didn't mean to hurt you either, babe. What do you think about going on our date tomorrow? It's my day off.." Louis tilts Harry's head with his finger so he can watch his boyfriend in the eyes.

"Yeah, that would be awesome. I'm really looking forward to it. Remember last time?" Harry asks dreamy.

"How can I forget it? It was our first real date." Louis kisses Harry's curls .

"It was... It's the day I fell completely in love with you and kind of accepted the fact that I wanted to be yours." Harry's heart is beating fast when he is thinking about that day.

"I remember you telling me. Only because I gave you food and didn't let you eat some fish, eh? You are easy, Styles." Louis winks playfully.

"What can I say? I really hate fish that is staring at me."

Louis giggles. "Don't worry. Tomorrow I'm taking you out for dinner again. Don't think we will be swim in the ocean, though. It's kind of cold." Harry nods.

"Yeah, I don't care. We can climb that hill again." Harry smirks. Louis rolls his eyes. "If I remember well I told you I would never do that kind of exercise anymore Styles. But you're lucky because last time I wanted to kiss you there but couldn't. This time I will." Harry smiles. "I'm counting on that."

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