Chapter 10

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"He still hasn't talked to me." Harry groans when it's 10 pm the day after. Louis just finished the show. He hasn't spoken to the guy all day.

"He is hurt, Haz. Try to understand him." Olivia says to comfort the boy.

"He is ignoring me. When I come near him he literally walks to the other side of the hotel." Harry is hurt. He wants to talk to Louis so badly and apologise for his stupid behaviour. Louis is right. Harry changed and not in a good way.

"He is at the bar right now . Maybe he can talk now?" Olivia suggest. Harry nods, taking his chances with the smaller boy. He needs to at least hear his voice.

"Lou..." Harry is standing behind the boy. Louis freezes. He is scared to turn around.


"Do you want to talk? I think we really need to." Harry bites his lip and Louis turns around, facing the taller boy.

"I don't see why we need to talk." He tries to play it cool but he is dying inside. Even though the boy has changed, it's still Harry we are talking about and he loves him to death.

"You know we have to. We can't stay like this. We're Harry and Louis, Louis and Harry. I miss you Lou and don't lie to me. I know you miss me too. Just... Can we talk. I need to have a proper conversation with you. I don't think I can take it any longer if we stay like this." Harry is desperate for confirmation from the older boy.

Louis' heart stops beating. He feels exactly the same way. He is going to explode if he keeps his feelings any longer for himself.

"I have to clean up the backstage. Meet me at the beach in half an hour." Louis takes his coke from the bar and leaves. Harry can't help but smile. He is going to talk to Louis. Finally he can show the boy how much he loves him.

After 35 minutes Louis leaves the backstage. When he enters the beach he sees a tall silhouette standing in front of the ocean. He is hesitating at first but then walks towards the boy, standing next to him.

"Here we are again, eh." Louis starts the conversation.

"Yeah... Time for the infamous Harry and Louis night talks on the beach. Sit down?"

Louis nods and both boys sit down next to each other. They watch the ocean and the way the moon's reflection is showing in it.

"So... You wanted to talk." Louis is the first one to break the silence.

"I wanted to apologise, Lou. After what you said yesterday... I have been thinking and you were right. I did change. I don't want to be the person I am right now. I want to be that person again that makes you happy. Louis that's literally the only thing I want in life, making you happy. I miss you so much, you can't imagine. You are everything. I love you." Harry tries to show everything he is feeling for the smaller boy.

"That's really sweet, Ha. But... It's not that easy. I don't think we will ever work. Too much has happened. We can't be together. The furthest we can go is friends. I'm not even sure that will work out." Louis can't look at the boy next to him. He knows his words are hurting.

"I'm not over you, Lou. I don't think I will ever be over you. Don't you really care? Are you really over us? Don't you think about all we've been through? Are you just giving up on us like this? Damn it, Lou I flew all the way to Spain to talk this out. I miss you. I've been missing you for the last month. I came here as soon as I could. I'm here to fight for you. Don't you see it? Do you want to just ignore the fact that we are still crazy about each other? Don't tell me otherwise. I can see it in your eyes. You can't lie to me, Louis Tomlinson. I love you and you love me."

"Sometimes loving someone just isn't enough."

"How can you say such a thing?" Harry's eyes are tearing. How dare Louis say this? Love is everything. Louis is everything.

"Because you hurt me Harry! You took my heart, dropped it on the floor, kicked it, and broke it in a billion pieces. It's not just what happened yesterday! It's from before. You were hiding me, lying to my face, were possessive in front of my friends, you were hurting me so much! Maybe you didn't realise it but I know deep down you knew that everyday you were slowly killing me. I have always tried to support you, Haz because I love you so much but all I was to you was your dirty little secret that had to stay hidden for the world. I was good enough to cook, to show support and to have quick fuck but... You didn't even introduce me to your family. I left London because I couldn't handle the pain and the lies but you have the decency to just follow me back here just to let me go through the exactly same things. You make up an engagement for fucks sake! What did you think? I wouldn't find out? That you could just keep lying to my face? That's not how it works, Harry. If you really love me like you say you do, you stop hurting me because it literally kills me." Louis is crying and so is Harry.

"I never meant to hurt you... I swear, Boo. Louis you are everything to me. I promise you I will be the person you need. I will be there to support you just... Please I miss you. I need you. Please be mine again." Harry is begging the boy next to him.

"I love you, Harry. I really do, always did, always will. It's just... I don't trust you anymore."

There were no other words that could have hurt Harry more. He knows how important trust is to Louis. Once Harry was one of the only people Louis really trusted and he has lost that position. He can't believe he has messed that up.

"I'm so sorry I broke your trust. But you have to give me a chance to make it up. I will show you that you can trust me. I will show you that you are everything to me and that the old Harry is still there. Just... Don't shut me out. Let us please at least be friends? I can't lose you, Louis. I love you." Harry looks hopeful at the boy when there is a silence between them.

"Friends is fine..." 

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