Chapter 20

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"Baby, wake up. You have to go to work."  Harry kisses Louis awake. "I don't want to. I want to stay with you in bed all day." Harry giggles and pulls the boy on his lap. "You'll have to baby. Which activities are you doing today?" Louis thinks deeply. "I think it's darts. Join me? I just want you near." Harry smiles down at Louis. "Yeah, I will. I want to be near you too. Now you have to take a shower mister and then it's time to work. I'll see you down. I'm going for breakfast with Niall and Olivia."

"You are not joining me?" Louis pouts and shows his puppy eyes. "As much as I want, baby. You are already late. Promise I'll make it up to you in the break." Harry slaps Louis' ass when he stands up and Louis gives him a playful smile before he disappears in the bathroom.

Niall, Roxy and Harry are sitting at the darts place. Olivia just wanted to relax by herself. She loves Harry and his friends, but they are a bit tiring. It's not like she is a grandma, but the others are clearly younger than her.

They are literally the only guests playing so they decided that they don't play and just chill together with Louis at the darts place. Of course he is sitting on Harry's lap.

"What's on tonight, Lou?" Roxy asks. Louis' cheek become red and he looks at the floor. "It's euhm... It's a special show. I mean, it's not really special it's just... You will see." He stutters. Harry puts his finger on Louis' chin and turns his head so he is facing him. "Boo, why are you answering like that? Is something wrong?" Harry's green orbs pierce through Louis.

"No, I'm okay. I'm actually more than okay since I have you." Louis kisses the boy hoping it would change the subject and luckily for Louis his plan succeeds. No one is asking about the evening entertainment anymore. The friends are talking a bit until the 'activity' is over and Louis walks to the entertainment box while Roxy goes to her parents and Niall and Harry to Olivia.

"What do you think is going on tonight?" Harry asks when he is sitting with his friends right in front of the stage.

"I don't know Haz, why?" Olivia asks.

"Louis was reacting weird and he didn't come to my room during the break which is weird. He said he had to prepare something. It sounded kind of catchy." Harry remarks.

"Harry, it's Louis we are talking about. If he has a secret for you, that means that it will probably have to do something with you. Don't worry please. The guy would jump in front of a bus for you." Niall remarks. Roxy nods, showing she is agreeing with the Irish lad.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen!" Dani walks on the stage in a beautiful black dress. She is holding the microphone. The curtains behind her are still closed.

"Tonight we have for you a live performance! Ladies and gentlemen, please a big round of applause for our own Tommo!!!!!"

The crowd is clapping and Harry's eyes go wide when the curtain goes to the sides. There is Louis sitting on a barstool. He is holding the guitar that Harry gave him for Christmas and there is a microphone right in front of him.

"Hey everybody. I am Tommo. I'm going to perform for you tonight. Some songs are ones that I cover, the other ones I have written myself. I hope you will enjoy it. The first song of tonight is one that I wrote for a really special person. I'm not going to tell their name, but they know how much they mean to me, every day more and more. This one's for them. We will make it, baby. Soulmates."

Harry looks with watery eyes at the guy on the stage. His Louis is performing and he is so proud. He couldn't be more proud of his little small bean.

Louis gives a quick but nervous look at Harry and Harry smiles at him while he gives a small nod. Telling him that he is right there, supporting him. Louis visibly relaxes and starts to play the guitar.

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