Chapter 11

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The next few days Harry and Louis are doing fine. They are friendly with each other and start having more conversations. They are not like they used to be but they are getting there.

"Hey, Olivia! Hey, Haz! Do you want to play volleyball?" A big smile appears on Harry's face. This is the first time Louis has asked him to join for an activity since he is here.

"Yeah, I would like to play. Are you joining, Liv?" The blond girl shakes her head.

"No thank you. I'm not a sporty person. Go have fun." Harry rolls his eyes. She sounds like a mother that just left her kid at a camp. Harry stands up and follows Louis to the court.

"Damn, looks like only you want to play. The hotel is boring when the school holidays aren't going on. Only old people are here you know and they are lazy fucks. I'm sorry, Harry." Harry feels sad. He really had hoped he could spend more time with Louis.

"It's okay, I get it. I'll just walk back then..." Harry wants to turn around but Louis stops him.

"Do you maybe want to go for a walk on the beach? You know... Just us?" Louis sounds nervous but he hasn't got any reason to be. Harry couldn't be more happy that the boy just asked him that. The last few days it was only Harry proposing to hang out and now finally Louis asks him.

"That sounds perfect."

Both boys walk next to each other. The cold water of the ocean is playing between their toes. Harry remembers that water was a lot hotter a few months ago.

"So, you haven't told me about your tour yet? How was it?" Louis asks during the walk.

"It was amazing. I never thought I would achieve this. I'm excited for my European tour." Harry says a small smile playing on his lips.

"I bet you are. I'm so happy for you. You really made it to the top, eh."

"I guess I did. It's just... The top gets lonely as well you know... Yeah I have a lot of success but it sucks not being able to share it." Harry feels sadness wash over his body.

"I'm sorry you feel like this." Louis looks up at the boy next to him. Their arms brush from time to time and it gives both boys butterflies.

"It's not your fault, Lou. It's mine, I know it. There is just one thing on my mind..." Harry says.

"What is it? You know you can tell me anything, yeah?" Louis gives the boy a worried look.

"Come closer..."

Louis obeys and walks closer to the curly lad. "What's wrong, Haz?"

A smile creeps on Harry's face and he picks up the smaller boy, throwing him over his shoulder.

"Harry, no! HARRY!" Before Louis can scream more Harry drops the boy in the cold water of the ocean.

"You are such a dick!" Louis says when he comes back up. "Sorry, Lou." Harry gives him an innocent look but that doesn't do it for Louis. He jumps unexpected on the curly lad's back making him fall in the water as well.

"Fuck this is cold!" Harry shivers when he is completely under. "Karma is a bitch, isn't it." Louis smirks. Harry rolls his eyes playfully and splashes some water towards Louis. The boys act like children for like a half hour before they walk back to the hotel.

"I really want to ask 'How was volleyball' but I have so many more questions? What happened to you guys?" Olivia says looking up from her phone seeing Harry and Louis soaking wet.

"Ask your fake boyfriend. He started this shit." Louis accuses the younger boy. "Like you weren't into it." Harry pokes Louis side making him giggle. It's a beautiful noise, really.

"I had fun. I really did." Louis smiles at the taller boy. "Me too. I really enjoyed spending time together. Want to do some song writing together tonight like we used to? I mean, only if you are up for it?" Harry proposes feeling brave.

"Yeah, yeah that's okay. I'll bring my guitar. What's your room number?" Louis bites his lip trying to fight the nerves.


It makes Louis chuckle. "So you did manage to change the room? Perks of being a popstar I guess." Louis jokes.

"How did you..."

"Staff talks to each other, curly." Harry blushes when he hears the nickname.

"And let me just tell you that I got him that room, okay? If it was up to Harry he was still screaming and crying in reception." Olivia jokes. Harry gives her a death glare but the only thing he gets back is an amused smirk from the blond.

"So... I need to dry off and take a shower. See you at the show? It's that game again you know the one you did with Kendall..." Harry nods remembering the game.

"Yeah, that was fun."

"Do you want to be my partner? Or would you rather that I ask Dani to pick you to double our chances to win that boat trip?"

Harry shakes his head. "I don't really care about the boat trip. Let's partner up. I want to do this with you. I never got the chance in summer. I don't really care about winning, just want to spend time with my favourite person." Louis blushes and nods. "Okay then, see you later, Hazza. Bye, Olivia!" Louis walks away from the pair and Harry drops himself on his sunbed, sighing with a big smile on his face.

"I see things between the two of you are getting better." Olivia smiles at the curly lad. "Yes, yes they are. I can't believe it! We had so much fun earlier and we are going to do some song writing. I couldn't be happier! We used to do that all the time you know. Louis is a better song writer then I am actually. He wrote me..."

"Where do broken hearts go and Strong. You have mentioned that before, Harry. And before you start talking about it, I know you sang Rewrite the stars together and that's also how Louis made it up to you back in London. You are repeating your stories, Haz." Olivia jokes.

"Don't worry. From today on I'll have many new ones to tell. I feel it, Liv. Soon we will be together again. I'm already his but... I hope that I can make him mine again as well. I love that idiot." 

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