Chapter 3

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"You have to give me holidays." Louis says immediately. Simon shakes his head. "That's not going to happen, Louis. And I'm saying this for the fifth time already."

"I don't care. Simon, give me holidays!" Louis' voice is filled with panic.

"Louis you are barely working for two weeks again. I can't give you holidays yet. That's not fair towards the others. It's not going to happen. You should be grateful I rehired you in the first time. You randomly left the hotel right after summer. You gave me some great shit by just leaving to London. So no Louis Tomlinson, you are not getting any holidays. End of discussion, you can leave my office." Simon doesn't look the boy in the eyes while he puts the papers Louis' just signed in a folder.

Louis can't believe this. What is Harry doing here? Doesn't he know Louis is here again? He said to Harry he would go back to Spain. This must be some kind of sick joke. Where are the camera's? They must be somewhere. This can't be reality. His ex can't be here any minute. Louis feels like he has to puke and runs straight towards the toilets in reception. They are the nearest to Simons' office.

After Louis is done he opens the stall of the toilet. He wipes some saliva away with the back of his hands and goes to the sink to wash his hands. Just as Louis wants to take the soap he hears a voice he would always recognise. No one has a voice this low yet so raspy.

"I can't believe this is where we are meeting again." Louis drops the soap in the sink and bites his lip. This can't be happening. Why god, WHY?

"It should immediately be the place where we say goodbye again as well." Louis tries to sound emotionless while he dries his hands with a paper towel. He still hasn't laid his eyes on the boy.

"Don't be like that, Lou." Louis feels a big hand on his shoulder and he flinches. Electricity is going through his body but he can't allow it. This is not going to happen.

"I can be like I want to be. It's not up to you to tell me what to do or say." And for the first time Louis turns around and looks in those eyes. Those beautiful emerald green eyes he used to love and honestly still does love. He is doing his best not to drown in them. From the first time he saw those pair of eyes he knew he was gone.

"See you still are sassy. Good to know you are still you." Harry smiles at the smaller boy. He tries to see something in Louis' eyes but he knows the smaller boy does everything to hide what he feels.

"I have always stayed myself. It was you that changed, Harry not me." With these words Louis wants to leave the bathroom. He can't be here with him right now. He is going to freak out and is on the verge of a panic attack. He needs to find Zayn or Danielle.

When he takes the handle of the door he feels a strong hand wrap around the wrist of his other hand. "Lou... Please don't be like this. I don't want to fight with you. I want to talk to you." Harry's eyes are big and pleading and Louis knows if he looks at them one more second he gives in. That can't happen.

"No, no you lost that right. Please let me go. I don't want you to touch me. Guests don't get to touch me."

There is the word again. Guest. Louis' safe word when he wants to distance himself from the curly lad. He is using the exact same strategy as he did the first time he decided to ignore Harry.

Louis pulls his arm away from Harry and runs out of reception straight to his room. He can't handle this, he really can't. He needs to find Zayn right now.

"Hey, Lou. Lou? What's wrong?" The smaller boy falls straight in the arms of his best friend. He is shaking and crying. He is losing control of his breathing and Zayn knows exactly what he has to do. He takes both hands of the younger boy and tries to make eye contact.

"Louis, you have to calm down. Listen to my breathing and follow my rhythm. Come on mate, focus on the breathing. Try not to cry, it will only make things worse." Zayn is shushing his best friend until his breathing is normal again.

"What made you so upset, Lou?" Zayn asks when the boy is sort of fine again. "He is here. I don't want it, Zayn. It's going to hurt so much again. Simon doesn't want to give me holidays. I have to face him for at least two weeks. I can't do that, Zayn. I can't! I don't want to feel this pain again. He is here with her... His girlfriend... OMG I can't. I need to quit. Yes I'm going right now to Simon's office to tell him I quit. I will not survive this." Louis is rattling and Zayn wonders how the boy is still able to breath when he talks on this speed.

"Lou... Calm down. Talk slower, please. What is going to hurt so much? Why do you need holidays? Who do you have to face? And girlfriend? Oh and sure as hell you are not quitting Tomlinson. I got you this job. So I would really appreciate it when you can tell me nice and slow what's going on that makes you freak out like this." Zayn is confused. He has no clue what's going on.

"Harry is here with his stupid girlfriend. I can't see them together for two weeks, Zayn it will kill me." Zayn eyes go wide and he hugs his best friend. He knows Louis is right. This will literally kill him.

"It's okay, Lou. Everything will be fine. I am here for you, Dani is, Payno is. We will not let you get hurt, okay? You are save. We will do anything to help you."

Louis only nods. He is not able to talk because of the lump of his throat. Tears keep streaming down his face. Yet there is a bit of happiness in him. He has seen Harry. Finally he has had a glimp of his dreamboy. 

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