The Wheels On the Bus

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Third-person pov

Y/n's father just dropped her off with Asahi, leaving him with an envelope of money and two bags worth of clothes, and toys. 4-year-old y/n sat in Asahi's arms looking around kinda oblivious as to what was going on, but she was used to her father leaving her with Asahi for a while, then coming back. The two went into the gym and grouped up with the others, everyone was staring at Asahi as if he had two heads.


"Who's kid is this? It best not be yours because you will be sitting out the rest of the season and you should forget even going  to camp-" 

"Suga, relax. She's the principal's daughter, everyone meet y/n l/n" Asahi announced walking to the middle of the room. 

Nishinoysa ran over, looking at the small girl in his boyfriend's arms. "Aww, she's cute. Hi, Y/n, I'm Nishinoya. Can you say Nishinoya?" The little girl looked up into the small boy's eyes, reaching out and grabbing his blonde strands of hair, tugging at it. "Ow ow ow ow ow," Nishinoya repeated leaving down forward trying to pry the surprisingly strong gripping toddler hand out of his hair. 

He kept struggling until he felt a small pair of lips on his forehead and a giggle. His hair was released and Asahi backed up apologizing quickly. "N-no it's fine Asahi." He rubbed the area where the blond strands were, smiling down at the cute child. 

"Okay! Get on the bus before me and Takeda leave you behind. Hello Y/n." Ukai said, before grabbing y/n's bags and putting them in the storage area under the bus. "Hurry up and load your stuff. The camp will be 3 weeks of continuous volleyball. Be respectful and responsible. You are teenagers, not 4-year-olds. No offense Y/n. She didn't really care, clapping her hands and bouncing up and down in Asahi's arms. 

Soon y/n's giggles turned to whines as they were still just standing there, and no one was giving her attention. 

"It looks like someone is getting bored. Let's hurry this up." Ukai said as the boys finished loading up their stuff and Ukai took y/n onto the bus. Soon everyone was situated and ready to go, Asahi gave y/n her stuffed animal hoping that she would go to sleep, but he should have known better from the energetic child. 

"Wheels on the Bus!" everyone looked over at her, their cheeks flushing in embarrassment as they realize they were most likely going to have to sing the song. Looking at the determined girl who was glaring at the silent boys. "Th-the wheels on the bus.. go round and round..." The boys slowly began singing, Kiyoko joining in. 

Soon the entire bus was singing entertaining the small child as she bounced up and down, giggling and clapping excitedly. They watched her small, 'adorable' They all thought with a smile. 

Asaholy- I mean Asahi was enjoying the moment of peaceful singing of the boys on the bus, surprised as Tsukishima was singing as well. It was nice... until Tanaka and Nishinoya got hyped. They started trying to freestyle, making everyone laugh at their failed attempt, but y/n didn't look too happy about it. 

Slipping out of her seat, she waddled over to the pair and pouted, holding out her hand to them. Everyone was confused except for Asahi, he was laughing so hard his man-bun came undone. "Sh-she wants money or candy because you ruined the song." The two looked down at the serious look on the child's face. Suga picking her up and putting her in his lap so she wouldn't fall. Asahi remembered back to the first time she did that to him.


Asahi was left alone with the child, she was giggling running around the coffee table. Seeing the chance of potentially getting hurt Asahi stepped in and picked her up sitting her on his lap. She pouted and turned to him holding her hand out. 

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