Packing? LEAVING!?

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It was the next morning, Y/n woke up with a smile, ready to eat breakfast, and steal some of Kuroo's since he always knew what to pick. "Good Morning!" she yelled as she barged into the Karasuno room, effectively waking the sleeping teens up. 

"5 more minutes." Tsukishima groan, hiding his face from the sun that glared in through the window. THough y/n wasn't set on staying for a while, so she quickly ran off, waking every team up, including the coaches. Once everyone got into the cafeteria, the managers were given a break from cooking to begin packing their stuff, and help Y/n pack away her's. 

"Okay, boys," Ukai yelled, getting all of the volleyball player's attention. "You will be cooking yourselves breakfast, and once you're done, wash your dishes, clean up, and begin packing, we leave at noon."

"But, I don't know how to cook." Some of the boys said scratching their heads. 

"Well, figure it out, without burning down the school. That also reminds me, remember to thank the managers for taking care of you guys, you all had hot meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As well as clean clothes to wear, and no messes to pick up after, all thanks to those girls. So I expect you all to show your utmost gratitude." Nekomata replied before the coaches turned and left, leaving the boys to their demise. Nost settling on cereal, and some offering to cook eggs for some form of protein. 

"Why do you cook them for that long?" Suga asked, looking over Noya's shoulder.

"Because that's how I like them." 

"It's gonna ruin the texture though." 

"This is how long I normally cook them." Noya shrugged and continued, letting Suga be to his own eggs. The kitchen went from noisy to silent real quick, as the boys were full and ready to begin packing. Y/n happily ate her eggs and toast in silence, pushing the eggs that Noya cooked off to the side. 

"Why aren't you eating all of your eggs," Daichi asked, sitting down next to her. 

"They're weird, I don't like those ones." She finished her toast, giving Daichii the leftover eggs for him to try. A silent agreement was made between the two of them, to never touch any eggs that Noya cooked again. Y/n helped to clean the dishes with Oikawa, and Tendou. Giggles erupted as Oikawa scooped some bubbles and plopped them in her hair. THis continued until there was a mountain of bubbles on Y/n  and no more dishes left in the sink. Finally, it was time for the boys to pack up, Y/n stood nearby, looking around as every room became a bit more empty. Getting KKenma's attention, she tugged on his pant leg.

"What's up, kitten?" He asked, crouching down, PSP in hand.

"Why is everyone putting their stuff away?" 

"Because training camp is over... we have to leave now." He seemed hesitant on telling her but knew that it was best. Y/n's eyes widened before she yelled

"No!" Running into the rooms, she tried to unpack everyone's stuff, but they just continued putting it back, hugging her, and trying to comfort her. 

"Shhh, it's okay. We'll see each other again, no worries Y/n." Akashi whispered, holding her close. 

"I- I don't want to leave." Y/n's lip began to tremble and soon she was sobbing, turned away from the shuffling noise of everyone packing up, getting ready to leave soon. Asahi walked in, picking her up, and slipping something over her ears. Music began playing, which helped soothe her, but not enough to stop the small sniffles and hiccups of the child. "I'll miss you guys." Were the last words she said before Asahi walked out of the room. Hours had passed, and Y/n was still crying, her body trembling with exhaustion, but tears never stopped flowing from her e/c eyes. Then the time came, for everyone to say goodbye, there were hugs, and the phone number's exchanged small talk and tears, but no one was as upset about the separation as Y/n, Everyone had become her family, and to leave even one of them hurt more than anyone could imagine. 

"Bye, Y/n." All of the boys said, each giving her one last hug before going to their assigned bus. And that was the end of the Volleyball camp, and their Little Cutie, who wouldn't be seen for a while, would never be missed. 

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