Nap Time With A Giant

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Y/n pov

I was getting bored, and I didn't like how loud the gym was so I decided to hang out behind the curtain. I didn't know it was going to end up in a giant game of hide n seek. It was nice a quiet behind the curtain, I could still hear the volleyball hit the ground, but it wasn't as loud as before.

It was really dark though, and lots of fun. I made a fort out of some music stands that were just sitting there, and I played with S/N for a bit. Though it was fun while it lasted, soon boredom took over and I wanted to go find the boys again. 

"Y/N!" I heard someone call out making me peek out for behind the curtain, the boys were looking for me most likely. New game unlocked, giant hide n seek."  I sat in my little fort with S/N giggling as I heard different voices calling out for me. 

"Oh no, stay quiet S/N, they're coming," I whisper to them, curling up in the dark corner as a door that accessed the stage opened. 

"Y/N!" It was Akaashi or Iwaizumi. I can barely tell the two apart, "Please come out, we've been looking for you for five minutes. We're all worried." Reluctantly I crawled out into the light, gasping as I feel two arms wrap around me and my soul being squeezed out of me. 

"Thank god you're alright." He whispered before pulling out his phone and calling the others, I'm assuming. We walked back into the gym, my eyes down at my shoes as I heard many pairs of footsteps run into the gym. 

"Baby Owl!" Bokuto ran up to me and hugged I'm guessing Akaashi because the other didn't fight it. 

"Little cub." A stoic voice said, looking down at me before picking me up and walking away. 

"Hey! She's a Crow! Now put her down!" Aone looked over at Tanaka and shook his head before sitting down with me in his lap. I just giggled it off, introducing him to S/N again, letting them get to know each other. 

The coaches ran in last, and immediately came over to me, "Hey munchkin, where were you? I know I didn't tell you that you had to stay on the stage, but you seriously worried us, you should tell someone where you're going." Ukai said as he lifted me.

"I was in the pretty dark room up there." I point to the stage and get a nod in understanding. He set me down on the ground before fixing his headband. 

"Munchkin, why did you leave the stage?" 

"You guys are really boring. Also, the gym is very loud." 

"Do you want to play with one of the boys? I'm sure Aone or someone else would be willing to play with you until lunchtime." Grabbing S/N I walked around the gym, looking for the perfect candidate. I wanted someone I could potentially cuddle with and not feel uncomfortable. So Noya is out, no offense, he's just too wiggly. He can't stay still. Asahi looked like he was having too much fun, and I didn't want to ruin that. Then there was Suga-

"Hey, be careful. You walked into the middle of the court." I look up and smile making grabby hands at the man. He had green hair and reminded me a lot like dad. 

"Oh! Who's this?" A red-haired boy walked over and crouched down in front of me. 

"I'm Y/n, you have pretty eyes." I reach out grabbing his hair, pulling him over, and kissing his forehead. I look up at the tallboy. "Shir-a-to-i-zawa" I mumbled walking up to him.

"Up." He leaned down picking me up and placing me on his shoulders. "Wow! You're so tall." 

"Yeah, I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi, and that's Satori Tendou... Get up." His monotone voice was kinda relaxing for some reason. The redhead boy looked to be in a daze. 

"T-too cute." That was all he could say, well until he very, unfortunately, got hit in the crotch by a volleyball. "F-fuck." He curled up into himself, which made me laugh. 

"Ah, I see you chose Ushijima." The boys looked over at the group of coaches. 

"Ushijima will you look after Y/n until lunchtime?" With a nod he left the gym, almost making me bash my head into the doorframe if I hadn't ducked in time. We went to the Karasuno room and he sat me down on my futon, sitting down next to me.  

"What do you normally do?" He asked looking over at me confused. 

"C-Can we cuddle?" It was about time I would have a  nap at home, so I didn't see a problem sleeping right now, and I think he was still tired from getting up early because he didn't decline. Laying down we got under the covers, and I curled up on his chest, falling asleep in his arms. 

-time skip brought to you by me getting sick- 

Third-person pov: 

Ushijima woke up, groaning and rubbing his eyes. There was an unknown weight on his chest, looking down only to see you curled up and sleeping peacefully. 

He grabbed his phone from his pocket, checking the time. "12:34" Groaning he sat up, letting you fall into his lap, surprisingly still not waking you up. 

"Y/n, wake up. It's lunchtime." He nudged your shoulder only getting a groan in return. A small smile appeared on his face as he slowly got up and scooped you into his arms carrying you out of the room.

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