A Relaxing Day

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The boys began playing different games, such as king of the court, monkey in the middle, and Bump - Set relay. They were into their second round of King of the Court when Y/n walked over to Kyotani and held her arms up. Crouching down, Kyotani lifted her onto his hip, walked off the court, and sat down against the wall. With a peaceful sigh, Y/n laid her head on his chest and fell asleep, pressing her body up against him, giving him nowhere to escape. So, as any knowledgeable person would do, Kyotani took this as an opportunity to take a nap, and he laid his head back, wrapping his arms around her. softly humming until he fell asleep as well.

The sounds of shoes squeaking, loud chatter, and yelling died down as they realized a player was missing. "Where's Kyotani?" Oikawa announces, looking around the room until his eyes landed on the two of you taking a nap. The group gathered around the two and looked down at the scene before them. 

"Huh, I never thought he could look so peaceful... Who's gonna wake them up?" Iwaizumi said before looking at the group backing away knowing that this was a dangerous situation. 

"Not me." All of the Aoba Johsai players said at the same time.

"It can't be that bad," Kinoshita said, stepping forward and lightly tapping Kyotani's shoulder and whispering. "Hey, Why don't you move to one of the rooms, it'll be quieter and safer for Y/n so a rouge volleyball doesn't hit the both of you."

With a grumble, Kyo glared at the Light brunette. "Fuck off." He barked before getting up and doing as Kinoshita said, only for the sake of Y/n. 

"Right, I have a feeling I got the censored version, and I'm slightly glad that I did." He whispered before backing away from Kyo and walking away, leaving the group to go help set up the next practice game. 

"Mm.." Y/n groans, raising her head and looking around confused. It was the middle of the day and commotion was going on outside of the room that Kyo took her to. Looking to her left Y/n sees Kyotani just looking at her like a lost dog, slightly tilting his head. 

"Ready to get up?" He whispered, rubbing your head softly as he slowly sat up, letting you roll off him and lap on his lap. "You move a lot in your sleep." He whispered before nudging you off his lap and getting up himself. 

"I-I'm sorry." She mumbled, getting up and waiting for him to fully wake up and exit with her. The idea of walking around the halls alone was not appealing to her, so sticking next to one of the boys, or all of them is what she preferred. 

"Are you done hogging her!" Nishinoya yelled as he entered the room, Tanaka, right behind him. 

"I don't know, I think I'll keep her for a little while longer." With that he walked past and scooped Y/n up in his arms, sticking his tongue out at the duo, then growling protectively as he walked off. THe both of you met up with the other players and began talking. 

"Camp's supposed to end next week, on Tuesday. So these are our last days together." Suga said, he sounded a bit upset about the fact, but most were sure it wasn't just about the friends that he may never see again. All of the 3rd years were a bit apprehensive about leaving, volleyball was their life. It was what they played since middle school, and loved throughout high school. But life continues, no matter how much you want to stay in the past. 

"I'm gonna miss this," Daichi whispered, the second and first years began to understand more and more of what's to come. 

"we're gonna miss you," Hinata yelled, Jumping on Daichi and Suga, giving them hugs. Then turning to Asahi, who looked mortified at the small tangerines body, getting ready to pounce on him. Y/n sat there, not really understanding what was going on, but she was able to read the room quite well and knew that whatever was going on was saddening everyone around. 

"Hey, at least we get to leave before Ennoshita becomes captain," Daichi said trying to lighten up the mood. 

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Ennoshita quickly turned to Daichi in an offended way. 

"It means, I don't want to deal with you mother henning me, though you're silent, you get on my last nerve asking 'should they be doing that?' 'Aren't you gonna stop them?' 'Aren't you gonna tell them to quiet down?'" The group laughed at Ennoshita's embarrassment, from the looks of it he didn't even know he was doing that. 

"Wanna go on a walk? I mean, some pudgy little princess needs to go on a walk." Oikawa said, picking Y/n out of Kyotani's arms and tickling her tummy. She squirmed and kicked, reaching out to Suga as her savior. But he did nothing, no one did, they were too busy laughing and smiling at her current state of giggles and tears. 

"L-Let Me Go!" She yelled, trying to pull his hands away from her ribs.

"Princess Y/n, I have taken you hostage and will torture you until your family gives me 10 million Diamonds," Oikawa yelled, laughing maniacally as he picked you up and begin running out of the room, the other teams hot on his tail. That was until ...

"We should go to the same college, so we can continue to play volleyba- Oof!"

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