Snack Run

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The day continued with the boys exhausted from the vigorous training, but happy because they got to spend most of their day with Y/n.

"Alrighty! Everyone, dinner then go to bed or whatever you're planning to do in the gym." The coaches yelled at the group. Y/n sat at the mom's table, happily eating with Suga. 

"hey little Mochi, want to come with Obara and me to the store to get some snacks?" Your eyes widened, getting up quickly, almost spilling the last of your race all over the table. "I'll take that as a yes." Fukiage chuckled holding your hand as they head towards the door. Everyone watched at you bounced around excitedly. 

"So cute"

You three were walking down the sidewalk, your eyes landing on a toy shop nearby. 

"Obara-san, Fukiage-san... I know we came for snacks, but can we please get a toy?" You flashed them your best puppy eyes, adding a pout for emphasis. The two looked between each other, sighing as they look at you again, their hearts clenching as you added a tiny sniffle like you were gonna cry.

"Curse you and your cuteness. Fine, you have five minutes, and you can only get one thing. if you can't find anything, then you don't get anything and we go to the store straight away." With a nod you zoomed off into the store, eyes searching the shelves, seeing a bunch of things that you really wanted.

"3 minutes remaining," Fukiage said, slightly chuckling at your stressed look as you quickly ran off to a different aisle, your eyes widening as you found what you wanted. (Since the author is too lazy to continuously say S/f, she's picking for you. Sorry, not Sorry. I already picked two of them, and both were pretty good selections.) It was a chibi dog plushie, that looked angry. Giggling you pick it up, making it back to the boys just in time.

"Ooh, nice pick. What's his name?" Obara asked crouching down in front of you.

"Kyo-chan! It's angry like him during the games." You giggle handing him to the boy, who smiled and brought it to the cash register. The dude looked down at you and then at the boys, smiling he shook his head and pushed the toy away. 

"Huh? We're trying to pay sir." Fakiage said, nervous that they might not be allowed to even get it. The look on his face made the cashier chuckle.

"Nah it's fine, have a little sister of my own. She's starting to grow out of the stuffed animal faze, she didn't get many growing up, but it's cute seeing how she is still so excited about a stuffed piece of fabric. They grow up too fast, next thing you know, they have a boyfriend, two kids, and a mortgage." The man laughed wholeheartedly, "Stay young kid, being an adult is no fun." The group of three bowed, thanking the man before leaving and finishing their walk to the store. They grabbed a basket, and got everyones' requested snacks, and then turned to see the little girl gone. 

"Shit, where did she go?" Running around the aisle the boys scared for not only your life but theirs if they had to explain that they lost you. They heard your voice three aisles over, talking to someone. 

"How about this, I buy you pocky, chocolate bun, and a packet of gummy bears. Is that enough?" The boys waited, looking at the tall male crouched down to talk to you, you stood there pouting and sigh. 

"Throw in a bag of chips and then you are forgiven." The man just laughed as he obliged, quickly buying everything and handing it to you. "Thank you, mister!" Skipping over to the trio, she looked up at their bewildered faces. 

"Little Mochi, you should never talk to strangers!" Scolded Obara, grabbing your hand and looking in the bag with a sigh. "Sir!" Running up to the man, he handed the bag back. "I'm sorry about her, whatever guilt-tripping she did was simply her being herself." Hearing this made you pout and turn away from the two. The man laughed and shook his head.

"You have a smart kid there. I was honestly surprised at what she said to me. She can have it, I have no need for this stuff anyway, I only came for some milk." 

"Um sir, if you don't mind me asking. What exactly happened? We are supposed to be watching her, and if she offended you in any way, please let us know." Fakiage seemed nervous at the little trouble makers deeds.

"Oh, it was actually quite hilarious, nothing offended me. I bumped into her whilst she was staring intently at the candy. I didn't see her, but she looked up and I and I looked down at her seeing her hand stretched out like I was supposed to give her something. 

Flashback~ Woooloollllooolllooohhhooolllohollll

Y/n was staring intently at the gummy worms, trying to decide which she should get. It was hard to choose between the regular and the sour ones. Then there was the pocky not too far down the aisle that she also wanted, as well as chocolate buns in the next aisle over. Her stomach growled as she turned to begin walking, but a pair of legs kicked at her, looking up there was a very tall man looking down at her. "Hi, sweetheart, sorry about that. I didn't see you there." Pouting you held out your hand expectantly and waited. The man crouched and gave you a high-five. 

"No, compensation." The man looked taken aback by your words.

"How do you even know what that means?" He looked at her confused.

"Papa said it means that someone gives your something whenever they mess up. You kicked me, so now you pay." The man shook his head and sighed, if this were his kids he would have given three dollars and left them alone, but not only was this someone else but also he didn't have cash on him. But he was amused at her behavior. 

"Well, little lawyer. How about I buy you anything you want from the store." 

"I want gummy worms, chips, banana milk, chocolate buns, pocky, and juice." His eyes widened, where would she even fit all of that in her tiny self? That was all he could think as he sighed.

"How about I get you gummy worms and a choco bun?" 

"Gummy worms, 2 choco buns, pocky, chips, and banana milk."

"Who the hell teaches their child to negotiate?" He mumbled, thinking. 

"How about, I buy you pocky, chocolate bun, and a packet of gummy worms. Is that enough?"

"Throw in a bag of chips and then you are forgiven." 

Chuckling he went and quickly bought everything, the little girl staying in the aisle. He returned, handing her the bag with a smile. whispering in her ear, "Stay smart kid." Standing up and walking out of the store...

End flashback Wooololollllllooooohoohohoolllloohooo

"Heh, yeah. She's a handful. I'm so sorry sir." The two bowed, pulling you into a bow with them.

"No, need. She's smart, she needs something to fuel the brain of hers." Walking away after handing her the big, the three began their trek back to the school, Y/n happily eating her chocolate bun in silence, the two boys staring at her as if she had grown two heads. 

"Who teaches their child about negotiation?" Fukiage whispered to Obara, only to get a shrug from him.

"Her father obviously."

They were silent for the most part of their walk back. Y/n held a bag, so did Fukiage and Obara, Obara helped carry Kyo-chan.


I'm finished! I hope you enjoyed Snack Run I'm thinking of making a consistent schedule for my uploads. any suggestions? I think I upload a chapter at 3 pm EST on Mondays,  Wednesdays, and Fridays, making a special extra-long chapter for you guys to read over the weekend on Sturdays. Does that sound good? 

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