Loud Noises

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"Tsukishima!?" The group said shocked. 

"What? Just because I don't like you guys doesn't mean I don't like kids." He sounded bored as he sat next to Asahi and pulled Y/n into his lap, bouncing her up and down earning a giggle from the smaller. 

Looking up as the door slammed open and in walked-


Anyways, and in walked Aoba Johsai, y/n didn't seem to care at all though. She stayed sat in Tsuki's lap.

"Hi, Tobio-Chan! Ready to lose BAKA-"

"Oi! Shut up Shittykawa." Iwaizumi chopped his head as he walked in behind him, immediately his eyes fell on the small girl. Walking over with their setter close behind, he crouches down in front of Tsuki, earning a scowl from him. 

"Who's this little nugget?" Iwa looked around at the team as he ruffled your hair. 

"Y/n L/n, now take him away from her before he contaminates her," Kageyama says walking up, scowling at the setter. 

"Aww, that's no way to treat an upperclassman Tobio." Almost sensing that drama was going to happen, Y/n stood up, putting her hands on her hips and pouting. 

"F-fuck off!" Everyone's eyes widened as a hand was held over her mouth, "Who taught you that word? That's a really bad word to say." Asahi scolded sitting her back in his lap and trying to turn her focus back to the coloring book in front of her. "Daddy said it to the one guy who kept coming to our door." (I felt weird writing that, but I'm not going to change it because I'm too lazy to hit backspace.) 

The brown hair boy huffed looking down at y/n, "That was very rude, you better apologize before I sick Kyotani on you." Y/n just waves him off earning a stifled giggle from the group including Iwaizumi. Suddenly the pretty boy stomped off to the group of kids wearing white jackets with hints of blue in certain places. He starts talking and pointing before dragging a stubborn boy over.

"That's her." Oikawa pouts pointing at y/n, but to no avail, all it took was a smile and Kyotani was sitting in front of her smiling and coloring with her. "Useless mutt." 

"Okay, that's enough of you Oikawa, same for you Kyotani, hurry up and get back to the team. The other buses should be arriving soon." Iwaizumi dragged the blonde boy across the floor as Oikawa followed willingly, almost as if he didn't want to be there in the first place. Even though he was the one who walked over- never mind. 

-Time skip coming from my French teacher.-

All of the teams had arrived and the head coach gave out the room numbers and told them the rules. Soon everyone dispersed to get changed and organize their stuff. 

"Y/n, you can either play in here or you can play in the gym with us, what do you want to do?" Asahi asked crouching down in front of the little girl, his hand reaching out and patting your head. 

"You, can I bring S/N (stuffed animal name)?" With a curt nod, Asahi got up and followed the boys out of the room to go to the bathrooms and get changed. You got out a medium-sized polar bear boba plushie, (Up top) and walked out of the room following the path they used to get to the room, to get back to the gym. The gym was empty except for the coaches so you decided to find Coach Ukai. 

"Hey, nugget." The blonde laughed as he picked you up and placed you on his hip, "Who's this?" He asked poking S/N's nose. 

"S/N! One of the boys who came in earlier reminded me of him." The other coaches gathered around, and the boys began to fill up the gym, whispering amongst themselves. 

"Do you think they'll be easier on us because she's here?" 

"Hopefully, I still feel the pain from the last camp." 

"Him!" She suddenly shrieked pointing at the quiet giant, which cause a loud chuckle to come from his coach.

"Aone! Come here for a second." The boy jogged over, standing next to his coach, a bit nervous but not showing it. "This is Y/n, Y/n this is Aone. What was it you said about him?" Aone thought he was being insulted, but the twinkle in the girl's eyes made him another one of the guys who were wrapped around her small pinky. 

"Y-you remind me o-of, S/N" You hold out your stuffed animal and smile nervously. 

"Thank you for the compliment, little cub." He pats your head before looking to his coach for approval to leave, getting a very shocked nod. With that, the coaches began to practice, placing you up on the stage, Ukai went to his team and they started stretching then went over basic skills training. The other teams doing the same, eyes flashing up to the adorable girl on stage, playing with her bear, and giggling as she throws him up in the air. 

Her attention was so focused on S/N, she got startled throwing S/N too far as a loud bang sounded through the gym. Which was followed by a "HEY HEY HEY! DID YOU SEE THAT AKAASSHII!" Bokuto was being his noisy self, spiking the ball as hard as he can to get as much attention as possible. 

"y-yes I saw Bokuto, but please calm down." THen your mission began, seeing S/N a bit of a way away from you, you climbed off the stage and went after him, making sure not to get hit by and rogue balls. Once in the middle of the courts with S/N in your arms, you look around, going over to Aoba Johsai's team and pulling on Iwazumi's pant leg. 

"Huh- Oh, hey Y/n. What is it you need?" He crouched down. 

"Akaashi-ni. can you help me back up on the stage?" There was a sudden chuckle from behind him and the Oikawa clapped his hand over his mouth. 

"Don't you dare Oikawa, and sure Y/n, though I'm not akaashi. I'm Iwa, that's Akaashi." He pointed back over where Bokuto was. Too lazy to walk over there, when you had Akaashi 2.0 right here, you just shake your head and make grabby hands, getting picked up by the older.

"She's stealing my boyfriend." Oikawa pouted.

"She's going to steal everyone's boyfriends, girlfriends, and so on, so just deal with it." Matsukawa sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "Now, sit down so we can stretch already, you're the captain." Akaashi copy and paste, put you down on the stage, and left you there as he rushed back to his team. 

The gym was loud and filled with different voices yelling different names, commands, and celebrations. It was starting to get annoying, so you crawled behind the curtains and relaxed in the comfortable darkness. Ukai looked up to the spot he left you to check on you. 

"Where's Y/n?" 


Finally done with Chapter 2, and I'm already started on the next. I hope you enjoyed it. 

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