Rude Awakening

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(A.N, Sorry you guys, I haven't uploaded in 3 days. I've been tired mainly, and just reading to pass the time. I hope you enjoy this chapter.)

Yesterday passed like a normal day, other than a hostage situation, and a giant war between the teams as to who you were going to sleep with... You're probably wondering about the hostage situation... let's just say Kenma, wasn't too keen on letting you go.

Anywho, today you woke up in a different room than where you slept. At first, you were with Fukurodani, but suddenly you woke up in Shiratorizawa's room. You were snuggled between Tendou and Ushijima, bother of them facing you, their bodies creating a barrier around you. Sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you looked over the sea of sleeping boys, smiling as you tried not to giggle at the weird positions they were in (Keep your mind out of the gutter reader.) Swiftly jumping over Tendou you ran out of the room and headed for the kitchen... Or at least attempted to. every door you opened seemed to lead to a different room that you weren't looking for. Distinct chattering leads you to the gym where the coaches were speaking about the boys having an easy day since they had been working herd even if they were goofing off a bit. 

"I mean, we can do a fun day. Do different challenges related to volleyball, it just seems their competitive spirit isn't there, they are all just playing to get it done with. Also- Hi Y/n" Ukai said, finally noticing you at the door. 

"Hi, Ukai-San!" You run over hugging onto his legs before looking up at the group. "Volleyball?" You asked looking up at the others, making them chuckle and crouch down to be at your level. 

"We wanted to do something fun for the boys... I just got an idea!" Shiratoizawa's assistant coach said, suddenly standing up and getting the other's attention. 

"Well, spill it out already? The boys should be waking up anytime soon and we have to get started on breakfast." Ukai explained, raising an eyebrow in interest at this sudden scheme the young man planned.

"We should______" The coaches nodded in consideration, looking down at the small girl and smiling. (I need this to be blank as to not give up any idea as to what the next chapter will be.)

"_______?" Ukai asked, picking you up and resting you on his hip. 

"So Volleyball?" The coaches laughed as that seemed to be her only interest at the moment, other than the grumble coming from her stomach, also telling them she wanted food. 

"Yes, that means you get to play volleyball." If we're all being honest here, Y/n was a bit too excited at the Idea. She gave an eager nod and had a mischievous smile. 

"I don't know, she looked like she has murderous intentions, the goal was to let them have an easy day, not make it even harder," Nekomatta said with a sigh. They all laughed. 

"I mean, they have been goofing off." With a shrug they all headed for the kitchen, sitting Y/n at a table and handing her a piece of paper and some pencils. The aromas emitting from the kitchen had her mouth drooling as she slowly got up and almost like a zombie, walked to the kitchen in search of something to sate her hunger. 

"Looks like the zombie wants something to eat now." The coaches made her breakfast a bit faster, letting her go back to her table to eat. 

"Mm! So hungry!" Hinata whines, his eyes half-closed as he and Kageyama trudges into the room and sat down at a random table, not yet noticing the small girl. If the food hadn't woken you up, what happened next definitely did. There was a sudden scream, that was soon followed by another scream as both Tendou and Bokuto came racing into the kitchen. 

"I lost Y/n!" They say in unison, looking over at the other confused. Their messed up hair, which was normally spiked up, but now laying down around their face only made you giggle, bringing to attention over to you. 

"Oh, there you are my Baby Owl." Bokuto walked over picking you up and sitting where you sat, putting you on her lap with a smile. 

"She's not an Owl Bokuto, and let the poor girl eat." Daichi groaned as he walked in and rubbed his eyes. Soon the Carefeteria began to fill up, the boy all eating, and Bokuto going between eating and feeding you. Everyone stared at the sight of you giggling and cuddling with Bokuto, most jealous, some just fawning over the sight.

"Okay! Go get ready for practice! We'll clean up, and I want you all sitting in the gym when we get there. Doesn't matter if you're with your team, because you guys, will be one big team." Ukai announced, the boys began filing out of the cafeteria leaving her there to help clean up the mess. People were yelling and running around, probably fighting about who took you, and blah blah blah.  Finally done handing the coaches the last pair of chopsticks, you head to the gym and sit o the stage, waiting for everyone to enter and sit down. The doors burst open as everyone was curious as to what was going to happen today, they sat and waited, whispering about their ideas of what would be happening. Getting up, you swiftly walk out of the room, slipping on some clothes and heading back to the gym, listening to the coaches talk to the team. 

"Okay, so we have someone special who is going to be coming shortly. Their gonna coach all of you for today. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be nice, but don't count on my word." The boys nodded, waiting for the coach when suddenly a whistle blew, causing everyone's eyes to widen in disbelief as to who was the coach. 

"Listen up Maggots!" The coaches laughed at the new coach, they went and sat on the stage, discussing potential practice games before the actual nationals came along.



Don't worry, it won't be long before I post again. I'm trying to do a chapter a day, but sometimes I'm busy, or just feeling a bit unmotivated. Please stick it out and new chapters will be on the way. Plus I'm also pretty curious... What will Y/n and the Boys do when they get free time? Drop a comment to give me ideas, because I'm serious. I don't know.  

I hope you enjoyed Rude Awakening  

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