Sickies pt.2

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Finally, once you were done cleaning off, you got dressed and met Asahi in the room. You moved to sit in his lap, letting him dry and style your hair into (favorite style). "Okay, you have to wear a mask, and no hugs or close contact. We can't afford to get others sick." Asahi said slipping a small black mask on you and scooped you into his arms. "Plus there are only 3 days left in camp, I want to make sure everyone can enjoy the last few days together. And since you're sick, why not make cards for everyone? I won't be playing volleyball with them anymore, since I'm graduating." 

"Okay *sneeze* Asahi." You sighed, rubbing your nose slightly through the mask. He walked into the gym and sat you on the stage, allowing you to watch over the practice, but also keeping you distanced from everyone else. Asahi walked away, leaving you alone.

"Hey, short stuff." Tanaka sat down next to you, keeping a bit of space. 

"Hi, baldie." 

"How ya feelin' ?" 

"Bad, but I get to make cards!" Asahi walked back with a bucket of markers, and a stack of papers in hand. "Thank yooooouuuuuu." You began coloring and writing people's names to the best of your abilities. 

"That's not how you spell Daichi... or Suga... or Iwaizumi." Tanaka criticized your spelling for a bit before finally getting dragged away by the rest of the Karasuno team, leaving you alone. It was rather silent where you sat, even though the background noise of the volleyballs smacking against the ground, and people chattering about sports filled the room, you felt distant from everyone. 

Slipping off the stage, you slowly make your way to Bokuto, knowing he won't listen to the rules, and will definitely hide you if Asahi tried to make you sit back on the stage. Pulling on his shorts, he looked down at you and crouched down to meet your height. "What is it Baby Owl?" 

"I'm bored, but Asahi won't let me play." You ended it off with a sneeze and a small cough. Bokuto scoops you up, and sets you in his lap, talking to you about Akashi and sports. But as the conversation got boring, and the medicine from earlier started to get to you, slowly your head fell back against this chest, signaling the end of your conversation. 

"I'll be back, I'm gonna put her to bed," Bokuto whispered, slowly getting up, scooping you up so you slept on his shoulder. Once in the Karasuno room, Bokuto laid you down, and took off your mask, allowing you to get comfortable as you slept. "night baby owl." He whispered before shutting the door behind him, finding Asahi standing right behind him. 

"I specifically told her not to be around anyone so as to keep everyone healthy." 

"Calm down, Walmart Jesus. She kept her mask on until I put her to sleep, and I have a perfectly good immune system. Also, she wasn't near anyone else, only me." Bokuto walked by, shaking his head as he turned back around to face Asahi. "Plus, she's gonna be leaving us soon, and I want to spend as much time with her as I can." 

The practice continued like normal, everyone couldn't wait to see you at dinner, wanting to spend every last moment with you. 

Little Cutie- (Haikyuu x CHILD! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now