New People?

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Disclaimer: This chapter has the boys for kuroko no basketball. No, you don't need to have seen the anima to understand. I just wanted to do this chapter because... yeah... 

"Hello? Do you know where the coaches or managers are?" Peaking around the corner Bokuto sees a girl with brown hair. 

"Um we're the managers, but we can lead you to the coaches as well if you would like," Yachi said, stepping forward, looking the girl in the eye. 

"That would be lovely." With that, the girls walked out, and Bokuto was about to grab you not realizing that you had slipped away and joined the group. Walking down that hall the coach felt a pull on her pants, making her look down at the small girl behind her. 

"And who might you be?" 

"I'm Y/n! I like volleyball, and my Nii-sans and One-sans!" The girls were startled, not realizing you were walking with them. 

"Nice to meet you Y/n, are you one of these girls' sisters?" Riko asked, getting a shake of the head in response. "Is your brother here?" 

"No, these are my One-sans, but were not really sisters." 

"Is your dad here?" Getting another shake of the head made the coach question why you were here in the first place. 

"She's here with my team, her dad is the principal of our school. He had a meeting and there was no one to babysit her so Asahi, you might meet him soon, brought her with." Kyoko explained before knocking on one of the doors. 

"What is it?" Takeda asked, before seeing an unfamiliar face. "Who are you?" 

"Hello, my name is Riko Aida, I'm here with a couple of other coaches and basketball teams, I'm sure you were notified about us training here for today since we're on a trip and we wanted to make sure the boys stayed in shape, we just wanted to say thank you for loaning the gym to us for the day." She bowed making the teacher flustered.

"N-no problem, there's no need to bow. We're both coaches, I completely understand." 

"Thank you again, Sir, I should get going to help with practice." With one final bow, Riko turned and began jogging down the hall, you following after her. 

"Hey, Miss!" You yelled, running faster to try and catch up. 

"Don't trip sweetheart," Riko said, slowing down so you could catch up. YOu followed her into the gym, looking at the group of guys in awe, a few standing out, all having really colorful hair. "I hope I didn't miss anything," Riko said, making all of the boys' attention turned to her.

"Who's that?" A boy with green hair asked, looking down at you.

"Guys, meet Y/n, she's here with the volleyball boys." Every one of them said hello and began introducing themselves. You realized a boy with light blue hair who hadn't spoken up yet.

"Who are you?" You asked walking up to him, everyone was surprised that you had noticed him, he was holding a small dog that looked a lot like him. 

"Kuroko Tetsuya," He said in a small and quiet voice. With that the games began, as two teams played, the other four sat and watched. Up now was Seirin vs Tōō YOu were so immersed into the game, to the point where you were mumbling about each player under your breath. The boys on the bench and behind it were staring at you, trying to figure out what you were saying, but Riko had a clear shot at the hearing and she was honestly confused.

"The redhead is too much, he's gonna squash the other team. He needs to calm down before he blows up, and the blue one is too slow, he needs to run faster, or else a snail could replace him. Dark blue is too aggressive too, like a bull and a ram fighting is what they're doing. This needs to stop before they plan to blow the entire school up. How are we supposed to play volleyball, without a gym?" 

"Hun, what are you talking about?"

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