Regrouping and a Walk

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No one's POV:

After being patched up you ran into the gym and searched for the cart of volleyballs. "Hey Mini-Me, whatcha lookin' for?" Tendou hoisted you up and sat you on his shoulders.


"I think they're in the storage closet, what do you want them for?" He began walking off.

"Because I want to play with them, DUH!" You acted like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and flicked the top of his head. 

"Ouch. That hurts, pretty much being called stupid by a 4-year-old." The two of you wanting into the storage closet and he grabbed to volleyballs for you. Whilst walking back to the court, it seemed that the other teams had come back from their day of fun. "Hey, guys! What did you do whilst we were with the Tiny Terror?"  You pouted flisking his head once more from the nickname. 

"Oh, just random stuff, went shopping, and hung out," Suga said, coming over and taking you, much to Tendou's displeasure. "What did you do today?"

"We went to the flower field and made flower crowns and jewelry! THen Tendou taught me to dance and we had a picnic!" The group all smiled at the enthusiastic 4-year-old. 

"Can you show us the dance?" You nodded, once set on the ground you tapped Tendou's shoulder and smiled up at him asking him to join you. 

(Just enjoy this cutie dancing for a bit.) 

The group of boys smiled, some frowning having seen the taunting song and dance before. 

"That was lovely!" Lev yelled picking you up and swinging you around. You giggled and held on tightly, not used to being that far off the ground. 

"Let the child go, Lev," Kenma said trying to snatch away from the over-excited player.

"Kitty!" You yelled looking down at Kenma, who's cheeks turned pink. 

"When did you start calling me that?" Rooster Head tried to creep away but got a quick glare from the blond boy. 

"Look, I'm sorry Kitten, she must have picked it up from me. Don't kill me!" He cowered behind Yaku, peeking out at the boy a few times.

"Whatever." Kenma's attention was back on you as he took you and brought you over to the corner. You just let him drag you off, watching everyone get further away. 

"Why does he look like a mother cat dragging her young back home?" The group watched as The gamer sat down with you in his lap, and took out his Psp letting you play it as he watched over your shoulder. Everyone watched in silence, not sure if they should break the peace and risk getting hissed at, or stay quiet and let the two be. 

"Kuroo, can I have your jacket?" The voice broke the silence as the Captain nodded and handed the jacket over to his boyfriend. Everyone stared in awe as Kenma wrapped the larger jacket around the two of you, trapping you in as he zipped it up so only your heads popped out. Deciding it was a good time to take a nap, the two of you dozed off in the corner, and the group took pictures before leaving you alone.

"It's no fair! She seems to like him more!" Noya whined, and Oikawa agreed.

"I don't know why you're upset Oikawa, you tried to sick Kyotani on her the first time you met her," Tanaka stated, partially confused at the setter's actions. 

"Well, that was before I met her. Now I want to be her favorite, also I want to beat Bakayama at something again." 

"Say that to nationals." The milk lover whispered and walked further ahead. 

"That was uncalled for!" 

"Sorry, Old man." The pretty boi fell to the ground and silently cried. 

"Here's a great question, why are the third years here if their time playing volleyball is pretty much over SHUSH!!! It's called stop asking questions!" Anywho... 

The boys walked around the school talking a bit until they bumped into Kyoko and Yachi. "If it isn't our goddess!" Noya yelled, jumping forward to hug the ravenette, only to end up on the floor. 

"She has blessed us with her presence," Tanaka said, holding his hands together in a praying stance.

"Will you two stop it already? You're freaking the girl out. Sorry about them, you must have to deal with them a lot." Yokohama said sliding his arm over his shoulder. Only to get ignored as the black-haired girl continues to walk, a flustered and embarrassed Yachi following close behind.

"Now, enough harassing the girls, let's continue our walk." Suga pulled the group along.

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