Fair with the Volleyball Family Pt.2

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As everyone got ready and dressed. Y/n was sat with Yachi and the other managers on one of the busses.

"Are you excited Y/n?" Yukie asked as she slipped Y/n an opened juice box and her mp3 player.

"Mhm! Can we go on the big wheel? Ooh! and can we win stuffed animals!" The young girl could barely contain her excitement, as she bounced up and down in her seat, almost spilling the box of F/F juice. 

"I'd be surprised if you don't have at least one stuffed animal from each boy on the team... including the coaches," Kyoko mumbled, as she waited and watched for the boys who ran towards the bus, all trying to snag the seat next to the young girl. 

"If you want this seat, then you're gonna have to fight for it over my dead body," Oikawa grunted as he tried to push through the door, having been jammed between Bokuto, with Hinata trying to crawl over them. 

"I am perfectly capable of making that a reality," Kyotani growled, grabbing Oikawa's arm and pulling him out, and slipping past. Hinata finally climbed over and got his footing on the bus. 

"Ha Ha! The seat is mine!" He yelled, before dashing off through the bus, checking for Y/n's seat.

"Boke Hinata Boke! Get back here!" Kageyama yelled as he tried to climb the group, mimicking Hinata's pathway.

"This is... chaotic," Suga whispered as he walked towards the back of the bus, pulling the emergency door open and hopping in quickly before the alarm could sound. Suga sat down next to Y/n, putting her headphones on her and turning on her music before relaxing and waiting for Hinata to realize his efforts were useless.

"SUGAAAAAAA! I wanted to sit next to her." Hinata whined as he sat across the aisle from the two. 

"So did they, but we need to get going, so can you just hurry up and inform them that her seat is taken already." With a sigh, Hinata rushed to the front and told everyone, and the volleyball players were now quiet and all splitting up into the busses so they could all get to the fair soon. 

"I'm gonna win you a giant stuffed animal Y/n, and then we can name it after me," Hinata shouted, getting y/n's attention. 

"I don't think a giant one would suit you best, maybe a small one. You can even call it shrimpy." Tsukishima teased, smirking he sat back putting on his headphones.

"Maybe I should get a salt shaker and name it after you!" Hinata chimed, but it went unnoticed by Tsukishima. 

The entire bus ride to the fair was a constant chatter of what they wanted to do, and what they wanted to get and ride. 

"All I know is I want a funnel cake, and some peace and quiet," Namestu said, all the girls nodded their heads in agreement.

The bus came to a screeching halt, and the sounds of screaming children, indistinct chatter, and loud music were heard all around. Everyone filed off the bus, and stood out front, waiting for instruction from the coaches.

"It is late, and I don't plan on staying up all night looking for lost children. No one is to go anywhere without at least 3 people with them. There are many of you here, so that shouldn't be a problem. My and the coaches will be near the food stands and picnic tables. If you need anything, and I mean anything. Just come and find one of us. Finally, and this is the most important one yet. You all have phones, make sure at least ONE person's phone is alive. I want you all back here at 10 for a quick check-in, and we're leaving by midnight and no later. Do I make myself clear?" Nekomata said as he looked over the many faces in the crowd. 

"Yes, Sir!" They all chanted before running off to the gate and getting tickets. Once inside they began planning out their night. 

"I think we start with the ride, and then we end with games. I want to make sure Y/n gets to experience at least the funhouse and the Ferris wheel." A pair of arms scooped you up, sitting out on their shoulders so you could see. Looking down you saw a familiar head of olive green hair.  

"Hi, Ushi," Y/n whispered, laying her head on his. 

"His Y/n, where do you wanna go first?" 

"Big Wheel!" All eyes turned to her as she pointed off in the distance to the Ferris wheel. Following Ushijima, the group went to the Ferris wheel and waited patiently in line. They got recognized a couple of times and were asked to take pictures, but that want's their main priority. 

"Groups of Four only! The only exception is children under 5 feet!" The ride operator yelled as the group got to the front. He counted out four, not including y/n since she was a part of the exception. Y/n stared out the windows as they were slowly lifted up off the ground stopping each time as a new group filled up a past group's container. 

"Woah!" she yelled looking out the window as they got higher and high and Ushijima got quieter and quieter. In the container were Ushikima, Akaashi, Oikawa, and Tendou. 

"Aww, is fearless Wakatoshi afraid of heights?" Oikawa teased, leaning back as he felt the intense glare from the hitter.

"N-no, I'm just nervous is all." Y/n looked over at Ushijima, sitting down next to him and holding his hand tightly. 

"It's okay, Ushi. I'll hold your hand." Y/n whispered, smiling as she leaned against him, getting up for a few moments when they were at the tippy top. "I can see Uncle Ukai!" she yelled pointing down at the small ants on the ground. "They look so funny." She giggled before sitting back.

"Make a wish, it's said that if you make a wish at the highest point of a Ferris Wheel, it'll come true," Oikawa said, looking down at her with a smile, 

Y/n gasped as the Ferris wheel began moving. Clamping her eyes closed she wished for one thing, in particular, smiling as she opened her eyes and faced the group. 

She wished for this trip to never end.


So, I am a horrible author... I'm sorry. Look I got this thing called ADHD, as soon as I turned off my reminders app, I completely forgot about this story since there was nothing telling me to update it. I am so sorry. I will try my best to update the rest of the story regularly as it comes to a close. I hope you are all enjoying it, and thank you so much for sticking with me through my first truly worked-on story. I already have like 7 in my drafts waiting to be published and updated, all from random ideas that I thought up. Some in the realm of MHA, some in black butler, and a few in the kuroko no basketball universe. I love you all, and appreciate your support so much, never did I ever think one day I would have a story with so many reads. I love you guys, have a wonderful day. PEACE! 😘✌

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