New Sport?

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BRUH! My updating is almost as inconsistent as my grades! I'm so sorry, I've been busy with English assignments, school just started, and this bitch already gave me three essays pretty much. Anyways, allow me to continue.

I looked up at Miss Riko-san, before looking out at the court. "The light blue-haired one is a lot like Kenma-nee. He's slow, but good at what he does. The Dark Blue hair boy is like Tobio-chan, he's a bit of a lone wolf, but when he needs to he gets help from his teammates. Finally, the Red one reminds me of Hinata, Hinata can jump really high and loves teamwork, but also wants to be appreciated for every good thing he does." All six boys who were mentioned turned to you.

"Who's Hinata?" Kagami asked, looking amongst the group of boys trying to find some tall strong looking dude, only to be met with a short Tangerine.

"That would be me Kagami!" Hinata yelled, running forward.

"You compared me, to this shrimp?"

"Technically he's not the far off of your vertical. He can jump a vertical of 48 inches or 123cm. Going off your recent shot, you jump about 54 inches or  137cm." Kenma mumbles, his eyes glued to his PSP. 

"AH! When did you get there?" 

"he was there the entire time." 

"AH! Kuroko! Stop doing that!" Kagami stared at the two silent boys, seeing how their silence caused the presence to be pretty much concealed.

"You screech like a little boy." I giggled, watching the scene unfold. 

"Well, who is Tobio?" Daichi walked to the front, what was once the volleyball boys watching an eventful game of basketball, became a giant meet and greet.

"I am, I don't see where she finds us similar." Both of their stoic, yet fierce gazes burned into the other. 

"I'm guessing you're Kenma." All attention was turned to the two quiet boys.

"Yeah, bye." Kenma turned to me and picked me up, taking me to our favorite corner of the gym, and we sat there playing on his PSP.

"I can see that one." Kagami, commented, looking over at the two, before turning his attention back to the others. "Well, let's continued, no more time for chit chat. Also, let's be careful of those two in the corner." With that the game continued, teams, switching out for different games. After that, they ran drills, and by the end of their time, they were exhausted. 

"Y/n! Let's play volleyball!" Hinata yelled, jumping up and down in front of the pair, who seemed so engrossed in the game, that even the basketball that almost hit them didn't manage to break their attention. 

"Y/n, was it?" Midorima asked, standing over the three of them. Getting a small nod in response, he hummed and continued. "Wanna try out basketball?" The other teams were surprised especially Takao I got up and walked into the middle of the court with Midorima.

"Okay, when you hold a basketball, you want to have your dominant hand under the ball, leaving a small gap between your palm and the ball. Your second hand is used as a support on the side of the ball. You don't really use it to shoot, but it helps to guide the ball to where you want it to go. Finally, you start at a 90-degree angle, your knees slightly bent. Jump up and release the ball, following through with your shot." I just sat there with the ball in both my hands, staring at the tall boy confused.

"She's a child, stop making things so complicated, or else she's never going to get it. Also, why do you have her in the middle of the court? She's not like you Midorima, she can't make half-court shots like their nothing. Heck, I don't even think she can make a Lay-up yet." The Blonde named KKise walked over to us, taking the ball and shooting it. I watched as the ball fell into the net, before popping right back out the top, making the blonde slump in shame. "That was supposed to be my cool moment." He whispered before going and grabbing the ball, passing it to me. 

"So like this?" I tried to shoot, but the ball barely made it to the three-point line and was definitely not high enough for it to go into the hoop.

"Yeah... Just a bit higher... and further... And maybe you should get a bit taller." Kagami said about to hand me a new basketball before I was swept away by I'm assuming one of the volleyball boys.

"Come on Cub, let's play with the volleyball. You're way better at that." I look up to see Aone, smiling down at me.

"Hey! We were teaching her!" Kagami argued

"Well, now she's gonna do what she's good at," Aone Argue back until they were met by a tall wall that was too busy eating. 

"Huh? Oh, Hi Chibi-chan." Murasikibara picked you up and sat you on his head, sharing his shrimp chips with you. 

"You remind me of Barney," I whispered before laying my head on his.

"Why's that?"

"Your Purple hair." 

"Anything else?" 

"Nope, other than the fact that you're tall." 

"Normally he only shares his snacks with Tetsuya..." Daichi whispered to Midorima

"And Akashi, when he orders him to," Kisa added. 

"Put the girl down." Akashi was stood in front of us, staring us down. 

"So mean Akashi-san." He mumbled. letting me down. 

"So you're Y/n?" Akashi asked, staring me down. He reminded me of an eagle, because of his eyes.


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