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The Basketball boys had just left, and Y/n was laying on the floor exhausted from running back and forth between the two groups. She couldn't leave the volleyball boys alone, because she was here with them, but she also wanted to learn how to play basketball with the colorful group. 

"Y/n, time to take a bath," Kyoko said, looking down at the girl, smiling as the exhaustion seemed to lift a bit as Y/n sat up and sighed. She was already cringing from how sweaty her shirt was, so getting up faster, she began walking to the manager's bathroom. Once there, she discarded her clothes and quickly got in, relaxing in the bubbly, warm water. 

As Kyoko went to put away the girl's dirty clothes, Y/n soaked in the bath, cleaning out her hair, and herself. Not without playing around with the bubbles a bit of course. 

It had been an hour since y/n got out of the bath, so Yachi went in to check on her, just to find out she fell asleep. So silently Yachi lifted her out, and towel-dried her, lightly patting her hair so as to not wake her. She slipped the girl into her pajamas and left her to sleep on one of the futons. 

When Y/n finally woke up, she looked around the room, sniffling a bit as she got up, her head felt heavy, and she could breathe through her nose. Her body ached, and she was tired. 

"Hey, Y/n. Are you awake? It's time for the boys to have breakfast, and I know you love sitting with them to eat." Shirofuku asked as she walked in to see you standing here, snot dribbling down Y/n's nose. Scooping her up, she touches the back of her hand to the small girl's forehead, and sighed, putting her back down to sit. "Y/n, you're sick." Getting up and grabbing medkit from the corner of the room she sat down and fished out some daytime medicine, only to hear soft coughs coming from behind her. Quickly picking up a cough drop, she smiled at the small piece of medicine that was shaped like a piece of candy. Turning to Y/n, she held up a black mask, and the medicine, leaving the cough drop out of sight. 

"I don't want it," Y/n whined, falling back to lay sprawled out. 

"How about if you take your medicine, I'm let you have this piece of candy." She said holding out the Cough Drop, smiling sweetly. After a bit of contemplating, Y/n said yes. Swallowing the icky medicine, but was fine as she had the sweet 'candy' to help with the bad taste. Shirofuku changed the small girl into a different pair of pajamas and slipped the mask on her. "All done." 

Y/n walked to the cafeteria, and sat in Asahi's lap, curling up and closing her eyes. 

"Well hello Kitty Cat, what can I help you with? Would you like a bite of my egg sandwich?" He said, looking down at her until he saw the small surgical mask on her and sighed. "Sickies again?" Getting a small nod in response, he fed you broken-off bits of sandwich, making sure you drank Orange Juice instead of milk.

"What's up with Y/n?" Noya asked, his mouth stuffed full of food. 

"She's sick, I'm probably just gonna take care of her today. Seen as no one here has experienced her whilst she's sick before." Asahi sighed, and leaned back a bit, letting her put her weight on him comfortably.

"I'll take her, she sees me as a father figure, so she'll feel more comfortable with me. Also, I have a high immune system, so I can take care of her with either of us wearing a mask, but if things look worse, I'll wear a mask for her sake." Wakatoshi said, holding his arms out, waiting for the girl to be placed in them. 

"I should be fine, plus she gets very picky when she's sick. Thank you for offering though!" Asahi said, smiling as he slowly got up, the girl still in his arms as he walked out of the cafeteria, and to the Karasuno room. Y/n slowly began to stir, before waking up and looking up at the boy. 

"Asahi, I don't feel good." She cried out, sniffling as she tuck her head in the crook of his neck. Asahi, just sighed and walked into the room, and sat down on his futon, laying her on her back softly. 

"Y/n listen up, you're gonna take a little nap, and in 4 hours, you'll have medicine again. During that time we can clear your nose out, and I'll let you sit in the bathroom as it fills with steam to help clear your nose. Then we can listen to music, and maybe I'll let Kenma sit with you and play games if you behave. We'll have lunch after the rest of the boys, and then you're going back for another rest." Asahi took the small mask off the girl's face, putting one of himself. He wrapped her in a blanket, and let Y/n drift off to sleep as he got some stuff ready for when she woke up.

The boys were in the gym, all not fully attentive in practice. By the time that Lunch came, Half of the boys had left to go to the Convenience store, the rest went to the toy shop a bit further into the city.  All running to make sure they got back to practice on time, or to at least have an excuse if they're late. 

As the four hours rolled by, like a Car on rectangular wheels. Finally, it was time to take medicine Again, and Asahi was not the most excited person for this part. He hated seeing Y/n take medicine, he hated seeing them uncomfortable in general. "Y/n, time to wake up." He whispered, picking them up and taking her to the bathroom. 

"Medicine time." The bathroom was filled with steam since Asahi Let the bot water run for a bit Leaving a scorching hot bathtub waiting to cool down a bit before he went ahead and let her take a bath. A long and drawn-out whine escaped from the small girl, who was about ready to fight the next person who told her to take medicine. "You gotta take your Medicine, I know you don't want to, but if you don't you won't be able to see all the things the guys went out to get you. I think Hinata, might have gotten chocolate Buns." Asahi said, shrugging and sighing. Anything to not have a fight between the two of you about medicine would make him the happiest man in the world. 

"Fine, but only if I get to sit in the gym for a little while." Y/n negotiated, staring at Asahi, knowing he couldn't say no. Seen as the medicine was the main priority. 

"Deal, but you still need to take a nap, but I'll settle for only 3 hours, instead of 4." Asahi held up the spoon waiting for Y/n to take it. Reluctantly swallowing the bitter liquid, she sat in the steam-filled room for a few more minutes before going to take a bath. 


This is Part One of Two parts. Sorry for such a long wait for me to begin posting more consistantly again. I promise it won't happen again... At least in this book.

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