Guilt and Sweat

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In the gym, the six teams yelled at each other. 

"It's all Kenma's fault! If he would have never left her alone, she wouldn't have thrown a tantrum!" Tanaka yelled, the boys were glaring and getting closer and closer, on the verge of fighting. 

"I just wanted to play with her! She fell asleep because Shiratorizawa tired her out! So it's their fault she's ignoring us!" Kenma replied, sending an aggressive glare towards the boy.

"It's Karasuno's fault for having the coaches keep the storage room unlocked and open, or else she wouldn't have gotten the supplies to do this, and wouldn't have gotten herself in trouble!" Ushijima's voice slowly raised to a yell, which surprised his team, seen as the tall green-haired teen was always so stoic. 

"It's your fucking coach's fault for putting her in timeout!" Oikawa yelled, pushing Daichi, which was the last straw, soon the boys were yelling and wrestling. Yelling profanities and fighting each other. Meanwhile, the coaches had just got finished with their tea party with the girls and were heading to the gym to see how the boys were doing. Only to find them in a heap on the floor. 

"HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" Irihata yelled, making the group stop, and look over at the coach. 

"It's all Karasuno's fault!"

"It's all Aoba Johsai's fault!"

"It's all Nakoma's fault!" 

"It's all Shiratorizawa's fault!"

"It's all Date tech's fault!" 

"It's all Fukurodani's fault!" 

They all yelled, in a cluster. 

"NO, IT'S NOT!" Then the fighting continued. The coaches forced the groups apart, but the glaring never stopped. 

"Someone tell me what is going on in here!" Nekomata yelled. 

"It's all Nekoma's fault that Y/n is mad at us!" Tanaka yelled across the court, flipping the team off.

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is!" The two teams went back and forth until they were shut up once again, this time by the managers, holding a tired Y/n in their arms. 

"So this is all because she's mad at you guys? Are you serious, you're all acting like 5-year-olds!" The groups looked down in shame, they were just upset. They didn't expect things to escalate this much. 

"Now, seen as you guys have enough energy to fight, that means you have enough energy to dive." The groups looked up surprised, they didn't expect anything other than a scolding. "I want 50 dives each, and then you will be running 3 laps around the school. I'll be watching, if I see one messed up dive, you're all restarting, and if one of you slows down, you're going to redo the dives and the running until you get it correct. Trust me, we have all day." With that the boys lined up and began diving, regretting the fight and everything said before within the first few minutes. Y/n stayed sat on one of the manager's hip, and watched as the boys went through their punishment, she felt guilty seen as she was ignoring them on purpose as a way to get back at them. But nonetheless, there was nothing she could do about it, so when the managers took her to the kitchen to begin preparing dinner, she sat there with her head down. 

30 minutes later the boys walked in sweaty and panting, dragging their feet. They looked half dead. Getting food and lots of water, they all sat down at their respective tables. Y/n got up and despite wanting to almost puke from the smell of the boys, went and get each a hug, cringing at how sweaty they were. Kiyoko was laughing as she saw Y/n give her a knowing look, and the managers left to begin a bath for the young girl. "I'm sorry for ignoring you all." She whispered, before getting a giant sweat group hug from the boys. "GET OFF! YOU SMELL!" She squealed, trying to wiggle away from the laughing boys. Running to the managers' bathroom where the other girls were, they all gave her a sympathetic look, a pair of her pajamas were laid out next to the tub. "Burn these, with the hottest flames you can find," she said as she stripped the sweat-covered shirt and pants.

"Okay, Princess Y/n." You got into the bath and started rambling about how boys are disgusting and how she's not going to touch them until they take a shower. In the end they all went to bed happy, Y/n snuggled in the middle of a cuddle cluster, seen as all the teams wanted to be with her tonight, rather than just one. 

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