Well, You're Getting Old

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The boys had all gathered in the rows of seats, taking up a good portion of them. 

"When is it gonna be her turn," Oikawa whined, leaning back as he watched student after student walk up onto the stage and grab their diploma, smiling and waving at their parents. 

"Calm down already, I swear you're worse than a child sometimes," Bokuto said, trying his hardest to pay attention, waiting for the name of the child they came for. 

"Y/n L/n" The principal announced, as you got up and slowly walked up onto the stage, all of the volleyball boys began to clap, standing up and waving. You stare at them in awe, seeing almost everyone you could remember from your childhood. Part of you wanted to run over and give them all a hug, but this was your moment to shine. Taking the stage you grabbed your diploma and bowed slightly, shaking your principal and vice principal's hand before finding your seat again, your eyes continued to flit up to the stands, looking at the group of men who used to take trains and planes just so they could catch as many of your volleyball matches, and for every sport, you played they tried to never miss a single one. But of course, work waits for no one, and with Kagayama and Hinata on the Japan National team, sometimes they couldn't make it.  As the ceremony ended you all stood taking on the final bow, thanking your teachers and your principal. The group separated, every graduate now finding their families, and you dashed straight to the volleyball teams, smiling as you were engulfed in a gigantic hug. 

"Hey, guys." You said, tears pricking the corners of your eyes, you could tell that at least two heads were missing, but that didn't bother you, because your volleyball family was back. 

"Wait, before we get carried away." Suga handed you his phone with a video of a certain blueberry and orange smiling on the court. 

"Hey, Y/n." 


"We just wanted to say congratulations, and that we are so proud of you. We're so sorry we couldn't make it, we have a very important match coming up soon. We'll make sure to call this evening though and visit as soon as possible. Love you, Soar high." With that, the video ended and you were picked up and placed on someone's shoulders. 

"I think this calls for ice cream and game night," Daichi said from under you, the group called out in agreement all marching off.  That was how the night ended, you all got ice cream, enjoying each other's company and reminiscing on the old days when you were younger. Talking about the first time you met the group and figuring out your plan for College. The night ended in shared tears, funny phone calls, and one last hug goodbye before you were a college student. 

"Well, I think it's time to get headed off," Akashi said, stretching, and letting his back pop. 

"By little cub." Aone and some of the old date tech team ruffled your hair before walking out. 

"I'll miss you Baby Owl!" Bokuto yelled, hugging your close. You stood there limp, suffocating in the tight bear hug. Slowly the house becomes quieter and quieter, and less full.

"See ya someday princess," Oikawa said, patting your head before he left. Then came Kenma.

"By Kitten." He said hugging you. As you separate he held out a present to you. "Kuroo had to wrap it." Taking it, you slowly unwrapped it see the PSP and the same game you and Kenma never seemed to be able to finish in the box. 

"Kenma, you shouldn't have." You whispered, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. 

"Ew, Emotions." He muttered, chuckling as you exchanged one last hug, and soon hugs and head pat were given until finally there were only two. 

"Bye, precious."   Suga held his arms out, and you quickly ran in, giving him a tight hug with a shakey breath. 

"I'm gonna see you all again... right?" 

"Oh, Yeah. You really think that you're getting rid of us that easily?" The two of you shared a laugh, and Daichi placed one hand on your head. 

"The next time I see you, let it not be me pulling you over. 

"It was one time." You whined, smiling that the two before escorting them out, waving at them as they left. 


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