Coach for the Day

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"Y/N!?" The boys yelled, looking at you and cooing at how adorable you looked. Your chest raised, cheeks puffed out, and a scowl on your face trying to look intimidating. 

"She will be your coach for the day." Everyone sat and stared at you as you sighed and paced in front of them. 

"S-someone get the volleyballs... and hurry up and raise the nets!" You looked around trying to figure out what to do, the coaches could see things were getting a bit overwhelming, you had so much power but no idea how to use it. The boys were setting up the gym and stood in front of you as they waited for their next instructions. A pair of arms picked you up and placed you on their hip, it was Ukai, he leaned in a whispered something in your ear that made your smile. 

"W-we will be working on... problem areas?... Problem areas! Such as... Receives, and serves... I'm sure you all can spike and set the ball when needed, but now it's time for you to move around the court to new spots... You won't always be a lib-libero? Libero! Or a... wing spiker, so make this time count!" You yelled, relaying everything Ukai said to you, to the boys. 

"Liberos will work on setting skills when we do receives, you have to be able to make a quick decision to get the point, which might mean jumping over the line into unknown territory if the setter isn't able to set and no one is close enough to get the ball back up for the spikers." Ukai finished before putting you down. The boys stared and waited, all having a miny heart attack at your cute little sporty outfit. (Up top)

"We start with receives, Liberos will set it up to spikers, there will be four lines. Two on each side of the court, one side will spike to the other, and then you switch lines if you just received you go to the end of the spiker line if you just spiked you go to the end of the receives line." You blew your whistle, smiling as you were starting to get used to it. 

"Hai!" The group said, splitting into two, and setting up on two courts, you watched intensely as the sets from the liberos weren't too consistent, and Hinata's receives were very sloppy. But everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Laughing at each other's fails, and helping with form. 

"Told you it would work." The coaches watched with a smile as the boys seemed much more into and focused on the practice, sneaking glances at their current coach and smiling at how happy she was. "If there was any reason for them to be motivated, it's because of her. Some of these boys feed off of the energy of others, such as Akaashi does for Bokuto and the rest of the Fukurodani. But Bokuto get's his energy from being watched, he loves the attention. Kenma doesn't have much energy, he stays at a constant pace to last longer in the game. He gets his energy from his team and how hyped they get, he may act like he's annoyed at them, but truly he enjoys their company. Ushijima gets his energy from Tendou and his blocks. He enjoys seeing his friend happy, and how much he sings and dances and even patronizes the other team. But when one part of the circuit breaks, the other side can't turn on the light by itself, so they needed something to help reconnect it."

"And that connection was Y/N" Ukai finished, smiling at the small girl that managed to make multiple teams fall to their knees at her feet. Her energy and charisma were the binding force that helped the teams get their act together and finally begin to enjoy the sport. Even Tsukishima seemed to be enjoying himself more. 

A sudden blow of the whistle got everyones' attention, the balls stopped moving and no more shoes were squeaking across the court. Ukai stared at her wondering what would come out of her next, she was smart, but was she smart enough to be a coach?

"F-fundamentals? Fundamentals as great, but physical strength is needed as well... S-so we're doing conditioning?" She looked at Ukai, getting a thumbs up. "Conditioning. Let's start by splitting into our teams. Karasuno, Aoba Johsai, and Date Tech. will go out to the track and run for a bit, seeing as it isn't raining, whilst they do that, in here will be Nekoma, Shira, and Fukurodani. We will split the gym in half and one side will be 2 on 2s and the other will be physical conditioning." The boys stared at her surprised, just before she was taking instruction from the coach, but now she was bullying them on her own. Pouting Karasuno and the others left, and you sent Ukai with them, you had Nekomatta ref the 2v2s and had the rest of the coaches help with what to do. 

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