Ghost Stories

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No one's pov:

Y/n saw sitting curled up and staring at Iwaizumi, her heart racing as her name was used. 

"It started on a dark and  peaceful night." He tried to make his voice as eery and creepy as possible. The other boys that decided to stay awake, huddled around a lantern-type light. 

"L-line tonight?" Y/n said curling up into someone's side, her eyes trained on Iwa-chan.

"Mhm, Y/n was lying asleep, when suddenly a noise startled her awake." someone had rolled over, causing noise from their blanket rubbing against the futon. "All around her were creepy shadows, all whispering. 'She's the one!' 'We must get her'" Iwazumi whispered, Y/n just whimpered and cuddled further into whoever was next to her. 

"Iwa, I think that's enough," Oikawa said, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"I'll stop once she tells me to. She got up quickly and ran down the halls trying to find the others, but they all seemed to have disappeared. Tears rolling down her cheeks, she ducked into a random room, clutching her head as more shadows floated closer chanting the same stuff." Y/n jumped as the wind whistled through a tiny gap in the gym door. 

"That's enough." Oikawa tried to stop it again, but Iwaizumi kept going, keeping a close eye on Y/n and her reactions. 

"She got up and ran into the manager's room, the shadows couldn't seem to follow her in there. Inside was the boys and the managers all talking.

"S-so I'm safe with you guys?" Y/n sniffled, she didn't notice she was crying until her heart stopped hammering in her ears. 

"Yep, we will be your knights in shining armor. That was until we all get up and slowly walked towards you, our steps almost tripping like we didn't know how to walk. I came over and reached out to you, pulling you into my arms." He lifted Y/n up and placed her in his lap and smirked. "And began... tickling you!" He laughed maniacally as his hands clamped on Y/n's side tickling them which caused her to burst out into a fit of giggles. 

"L-Let me go!" Y/n giggled thrashing in his arms, her laughs woke some of the boys up. 

"Go to sleep!" Suga threw a pillow and it hit Iwa-chan in the back of the head. They both giggled and laid there looking up at the ceiling. Oikawa snuggled up closer to Iwa-chan's side, laying his head on his chest, the others all laid down deciding it was time to go to sleep. Y/n crawled away, grabbing her blanket and Kyo-chan laying next to Kyotani, snuggling against him before falling asleep. The teenager was surprised but didn't say anything, only got into a comfortable position and let her sleep the night away. 

"Why does he get chibi-chan? I barely got to spend time with her today." Kuroo grumbled before getting hit by Kenma.

"Go to sleep, and cuddle me. You were the one that wanted me to sleep, I could be playing on my PSP right now. I'm so close to beating one of my levels." Kenma says rubbing his eyes as they adjust to the darkness when Iwaizumi turned off the last light that illuminated the gym. 

"Fine Fine. I'll sleep, Kitten." Kuroo laid down, holding Kenma in his arms, kissing the top of his head a few times before falling asleep with the blond.  Kenma would never admit this even on his gravestone, but he did enjoy sleeping with Kuroo... not that way. Get your minds out of the gutter. But his boyfriend was his favorite pillow out of all of the ones he's laid on. 

Next day

The managers and coaches woke up, walking into the gym, and seeing the mess of children laying there, some looked peaceful, some looked... uncomfortable? One of those being Noya and Asahi, Noya had migrated to laying across Asahi's stomach. Grabbing his phone from the middle Coach Ukai checked for any missed calls or texts, then took a picture of the group smiling at the picture of his team and the others enjoying themselves. They all walked out and went for the kitchen, getting breakfast prepared knowing the boys would be hungry, and Y/n would just end up eating a portion from everyone's plate as well as her own. The kitchen was busy, and everyone was talking quietly.

In the gym, the boys began waking up to the smell of food, and like zombies, they groaned and sluggishly walked out, Ushijima was fine, he was holding a sleeping Y/n in his arms as she draped carelessly over his arms, tired from waking up a few times throughout the night, scared a bit from Iwaizumi's story. Small snores and groans got the coaches and managers' attention as they looked to the door seeing the half-awake group, and Ushijima. They all sat down, some going back to sleep, enjoying the smells that wafted in, and some went to help in hopes of getting food sooner. Though they weren't trusted with anything that could cut or burn them... So they mainly just washed the safe dishes like chopsticks, the rice spoons, that's it really. 

"Hey, Ushijima, how is Y/n?" Tendou asked as Y/n shifter in her sleep, her eyebrows scrunched together as she pushed away from him, her eyes shooting open revealing bloodshot, sleepy scleras. 

"Hey, foods did. Wanna eat then take another nap?" Tendou asked sitting down next to the two of them, laying his head on Ushijima's shoulder, looking down at the girl. With a nod Y/n sat up, going to find Suga and Asahi in hopes of getting cuddles and stuff from their plates. 

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