Silent Treatment

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No one's Pov

You were sitting in the corner for what felt like years to you but was only 2 hours, Ukai walked in and tapped your shoulder to get your attention, "Go eat your dinner, and then the girls will dress you for bed. No talking to the boys either, you will say sorry and that's it." He walked away, leaving you to get up and walk into the cafeteria, all eyes were set on you, some apologetic, some filled with pity seeing your eyes red and slightly watery.

"I'm sorry for messing up the gym, and making a big mess." You mumbled, bowing before sitting at the empty table that had your food. You could feel eyes staring at you, sometimes looking away to be replaced by another set of eyes later. Not feeling very hungry, you stand up and leave your bowl there half full, and walk to the manager's room was not alerting the girls to help you. You changed quickly, with some difficulty, and went to bed. About a half-hour later the girls walk in seeing you curled up in a ball under your blankets, but they could tell you weren't asleep, you were shaking and small sniffles could be heard from the ball of blankets. 

"Hey, sweetpea. Are you okay?" Kiyoko was the first to take action, the others not wanting to start up an argument on accident from saying the wrong thing. But to no avail, you were silent. So they left it at that, getting ready for bed, leaving the lights on since you hated sleeping in the dark if you were cuddling with anyone. 

*TIme skip by my last state test coming up and my exam for french about to take a big chunky bite out of my grade.*

Walking down the hall to the cafeteria, you stayed quiet. Taking your lunch from Yachi and bringing it to the empty table. Later once the boys began to practice, you stayed by Ukai's side, not uttering a word, spacing out a lot throughout the day. Ukai seemed to notice something more than just being upset was up, so with a sigh, he crouched down in front of you trying to get your attention, but you were so far zoned out, that it took a minute to register he was even in front of you. 

"Hey, you can go and play with the boys now, I think you've learned your lesson by now. Just never do that again. If the boys piss you off or do something mean to you, then give them the silent treatment, but breaking and ruining property that we don't own is not acceptable." You nodded, but continued to stay with Ukai, this time sticking a bit closed, holding onto his shirt as you walked around. Once the mini-matches began, you sat on his lap, resting your head on his shoulder. You were watching Karasuno going against Fukurodani.

"This one's for you baby owl!" Bakuto yelled as he ran up for a spike. 

"For the last time, she's a crow!" Tanaka screamed back, but both boys were caught off guard, neither heard a giggle, or cheering coming from you. You looked as stoic as Ushijima. It's almost like you weren't even completely there. Bokuto crashed into the net, and he looked a bit... scared?... sad?... confused? Tanaka stood there staring at you, feeling like his heart broke into a million pieces, but also a wave of newfound anger for the boys that surrounded her. 

The rest of practice went on, the boys completely out of it, some even needing to take a break because they just couldn't focus. "Good work boys, but you need to focus if you want to be able to win nationals, or achieve some of your aspiring dreams of continuing volleyball past high school," Nekomata said looking at people in specific, but after that they left the group of teenagers sitting there, staring into space, not sure what to do with themselves, normally they would be fighting for time to spend with you, but you left with the coaches, still holding onto Coach Ukai. 

"Hey, squirt. What do you want to do?" Ukai asked looking down at you. 

"Can we play tea party?" This was the first time they heard you talk all day, but it didn't sound like you were upset. 

"Sure, Cupcake." Meanwhile in the gym things weren't so... happy.

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